Strange seeds , let’s see em them

So first off these seeds are around 15 years old so I’m not sure if they are going to sprout or not. I made these by crossing a lone acupluclo gold male with a unknown bag seed female from some real good green bud that came from Northern California. The bagseed was acquired around 1995 and the Acapulco gold seed was given to me at the same time. I grew those out and crossed them about 15 years ago in Tahoe.
This is what came from the cross and they are the only seeds I’ve ever seen like them. I crossed that same male to a few other things and this did not show up in any of the other crosses so I’m guessing it came from the unknown female. Notice all the extra ridges similar to coriander


It’s probably Embryo defective mutation. Most often this mutation will lead to discolouration, but in very rare cases it can lead to deformation. Very cool!:fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Well not all the seeds from the cross came out like this maybe 40-50% so that would make some sense. I’ve seen strains with one extra fat ridge line on them but never any others that have 4-6 ridges like these. I’m really hoping they grow and something interesting comes from it.


There’s a hole my pocket … :sweat_smile:

2022-4-28 13-51-43-01


Those are really weird! Almost look like coriander (cilantro) seeds!
Very cool though. I hope a couple sprout for you!


Raphe ridge in cannabis :rofl: some have suggested the seeds got pushed together while forming but the buds were no where near that heavily pollinated.


Yeah, possibly. Would be interesting if the females of these seeds also produce the same outcome or if needs to be crossed to another “ridged” male to be able to produce it.

Hehe Raphe always get me to think about Perineal Raphe :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:

Well if I can get them to sprout and there is a boy and girl both should carry the trait if it is somehow genetically driven. If the resulting seeds look like this I may have to call it ridgeback kush :laughing:
These are clearly not cannabis seeds officer just look at them , some type of dill or coriander by the looks of it.


Awesome name!
If it’s a Embryo defective, it might be an mDNA mutation. So that means that every female would carry it from those seeds. But its probably a chromosome or a autonome mutation. Very cool if you got that trait inbred :ok_hand:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


I’ve had a lot of twins, but this is my first triplet. Pictured with a twin, for reference.



What would be really neat is if the trait passed on and only the female seeds have it , that would be like hitting the genetic lottery though so I’m guessing probably some type of undesirable failure in the embryo that will lead to germination problems or undesirable growth traits.


I’ve only had experience with spotted and albino seeds, and they all was fine without any other mutations. The albino seeds was a mDNA mutation so it was easy to get rid of. The spotted seeds never appeared in the lineage again. If they indeed are Embryo defective, rest of the genetics are going to be intact. Of course mutations can happen in clusters, but I wouldn’t expect it.

The more I learn about genetics, the more I start to believe that nature can do anything. So marked female seeds would surprise me tbh :grin: Wait until crispr gets into weed growers hands, the freaks we’ll see :sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:

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Or Rhodesian kush??? :ok_hand:


There are already a few people doing the crisper thing with cannabis, or at least claiming to be.


Maybe it’s possible, but you need to have a good understanding of the full genetic spectrum of cannabis. Otherwise you are just going blind. As I understand it, there have yet not been any major successful project in doing so. Only a small number of cultivars have been used in research.

Pz :v:t2: