Strawberry Cough came from Black Afghani

Except Kyle acknowledged having the same leaf trait in his Cough, that I have in my Afghani black skunk line.:joy: and the Same terps?

The split leaf trait.


This is the thing, you guys know what you read or hear. I tell myself, these guys don’t want replications. So they lie about lineage, so they cannot be reproduced. That way, no one makes a better one.

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As opposed to what? Most things people know they read or are told. That is why have a good critical thinking mind is so important.
I am curious as to why you think finding strawberry terps in Black Afghani means that is where SC came from ? I just don’t understand how or why you have come to that conclusion.


More than a few different cultivars with strawberry terps out there, what leaf trait specifically are you talking about?
Besides you cant believe everything you read or hear regarding leaf traits or anything for that matter right? as you already have stated


Hey @anonymous4289 , I just sat through this and it’s kind of funny. So Kyle Kushman says he got a tiny clone from some dudes really bad grow. Not much of a story, lol. So what were the parents, where did it come from? I mean other than some unknown dudes paint can grow.


note that in the interview, he’s talking about receiving strawberry cough and keeping the line going. Not the genetics, or the breeding. This is after the strain was bred in amasterdam and made it back to the US as a named hybrid.

Most of the classic dutch lines were bred by combining potent US genetics with local quick finishing european lines. This is very consistent.

Which makes more sense, the classic dutch breeding method and the classic cannabis naming convention of combining the names of the male and female plants from tennessee cough x erdbeer (strawberry)

or your guess?


The split fan leaf trait. It was heavy in her brother EZ Widow 28. Kyle acknowledged having the weird fan leaf trait himself in his SC.

I was just about to put a link to this exact video.


You know they have this saying. Lie are harder to remember, and they get more elaborate. Not knocking the guy, love his work. Just saying , we’re misleaded on purpose is all.

Btw IG is offline😂 maybe it want flagged after all. Good discussion though. Love the various stories.

This is a different line, same father. See the weird leaf trait? I guess it could’ve come from Erdbeer as the listed unknown Afghani.


This is an admirable and generous position to take. I’m sure those who take you up on your offer (and properly treat and quarantine their cut) will be grateful.

As for everything else you’re saying about your discovery - it’s simply hyperbole. You WANT it to be true, so your heart is closely tied to your story, and you’ll defend your story and question everyone else’s. I love the part where you say:

I mean, we read what you’re saying. You’re offering up clones to promote your “breeder cut”…

Don’t get me wrong. If you have a strain with a strong strawberry aroma, people will be interested. But to imply that you’ve discovered the true origin genetics of Kyle Kushman’s Strawberry Cough is…unlikely.

Strawberry Cough holds a unique place in my life. Back in 2003, Bubble Man introduced me to a guy in Brooklyn because I wanted to buy some Bubble Bags and didn’t want to order them through the mail. When I met up with that guy in NYC, he brought me a jar of what turned out to be Kyle’s Strawberry Cough. It was awesome, but I had some pretty awesome weed that I’d been growing myself, including my cherry pheno AK47, which - coincidentally, I brought as a gift for my new friend.

Over time, I learned who Kyle Kushman was, and that the Strawberry Cough I had was from him, and that he and my new friend were pretty close friends. Back then, it still didn’t mean a whole lot to me because I had my own things going on, and I personally felt that my Neville’s Haze, AK47, Jack Herer, White Widow and all the crosses I made with those strains (and others) were better. But, that’s because my heart and soul was poured into my own plants, and practically everyone who tried my stuff said it was the best they’d ever had. Hell, even the guy I met in Brooklyn kept coming back for more of my stuff!

Who could have predicted that Kyle’s Strawberry Cough would endure as it has?! Perhaps Kyle’s very public persona has a little to do with it, but it is a pretty special strain. As for the origins, perhaps DNA testing is the only way to know for sure. Other than that, your efforts to promote it here are nothing more than marketing.

BTW - a few months before Kyle did that interview (posted above), he wrote an article about the Strawberry Cough origins for High Times. The story is mostly the same, but it’s interesting to see the differences. What hasn’t changed, though, is that Kyle did not create the strain.


OP broke IG with his truths oh no😯
Sorry if this is off topic but where would you get the chance to grow a potent strawberry tasting strain from seed or available cheap clone in l.a dispensary?
I like my strawbery sorbet ibl seeds i have grown out few times but it’s more of a tarty caramel taste.


Well I’m planning to make a trip 2000miles or something away in a couple months. If I am trying to do anything at all, it is to verify the strawberry I do have, and put it out there. It’s nothing but words until someone else verified it. It would really suck to lose the plants I made. I’m just preparing for the worst that can happen along the drive. Getting it out there incase I get pulled over, then she moves on. While I sit and await sentencing.


Marketing?:joy: okay. You got me. That’s why I’ve given away at least 200-300 of these seeds, and even paid shipping​:rofl: at this rate, I’d be out of business!!!

Yes, marketing. :joy: :neutral_face:

Kyle used to give away clones of Strawberry Cough and never made money from it. He himself says it made him who he is today.

Also, I’m not sure you really understand marketing if you want to roll on the floor laughing at the suggestion. Ever hear of free samples? That’s marketing. Most of your efforts boil down to marketing. Nothing wrong with it - it happens all the time…


I get that. Except the first line had intersex, so it wasn’t promoted. My selection made it to the end. Other people said they wanted seeds. I gave them seeds. Her brother EZ widow 28 was stress tested like a mofo. I had plans on dropping at 3 seedbanks, but the male did not pass good germination rates, about 65%. So project was scrapped, and seeds are being gifted to who ever wants them. If anything is happening over here, it’s that I have integrity. And I am proud of what I found.


Her brother from another mother. Balkh Afghan x Afghani Black Skunk. Same father.