Strawberry Cough came from Black Afghani

What terps would those be?


Can’t listen to anyone talk about this topic. My eyes do backflips.


That plant is gonna get tested for sure. Critter Trap 49 smells like peanut brittle early on. Right now she’s changing, has a weird smell I can’t describe. Then she has a moment where she smells like fish. In the cure, more like a strange old ladies perfume. Critter trap 64 smelled like sweat from a dancing lady, and strawberry. I called her “hot girl summer”. :joy: I lost that one. Balkh didn’t survive the many many attempts to copy. Several different mediums, several different ratios of mixes. Critter Trap 49 I’m pretty sure is high in CBG. Same elation I get when I’ve had other CBG varieties. Not much of a high, but I attribute this plant to helping me with those moments in the middle of a conversation, that I forget right in the middle of talking. I still have those moments, but they are few and far between now.


id want to try some of these seeds, if your down for that still?


I grew it in 2010 gotbit from original owner William of cespe creek delivery service ran it for them for 2 runs, if you ate it, it actually had a semi strawberry flavor. My pomerainian eat enough to look petrified out of a trim bowl twice in a yr cost 500 a pop to pump his stomach at sant barbara 1 time 24 hr vet an a different vet
2and x They said it was tge highest thc found in a pet an ask how the dog got weed.
Somehow Kyle’s selling the seeds on his seed site

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I also used that male to hit the Santa Cruz blue dream, but seeds were finicky. I never saw a female flower. Sent some testers to someone, and the IG account was deleted. Someone stole that one😂 but I yes I do have more seeds. Will distribute to those who want to give them a try. But again full disclosure, watch for intersex. Seems to be tied in with the pissy lime phenos I’ve found in those two lines.

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Family photo😂 mom and dad of Ez widow

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That was weird😂 not sure why it double posted like that



Just wanted to say I appreciate anyone who took time to reply to the post. I find that I can be perceptive to all aspects and views given, and thought it was a pretty good discussion. So agree or disagree, thank you! All that aside, I did not expect so many people interested in the seeds. So I’m going to be as transparent as possible. The seeds have extreme vigor, but there are mutants in the line. Sometimes they show themselves in early seedling stage. Other times they branch like any other plant, until the top cola turns into a fan leaf.:face_with_raised_eyebrow: The dad Afghani Black Skunk was originally going to be culled in favor of his “twin” brother. I wrapped my finger around the stem to snap him, and he just made the loop.:flushed: That decided my keeper. He has passed down both Strawberry and lime. The only lime one that made it to completion was a lime GG4 grown in Saipan. Same father. I’ve smelled the weird lime in other lines, but always seem to end up having intersex issues. The mother was a candied licorice or a rhubarb like smell, to a musty berry something depending on how long you took her. She will throw 3 blades, that’s common. Both had great signs of pest resistance. Especially that widow. She was still producing nice sized dense terpy nugs at some of my worst insect problems. She had a euphoric effect, and was good for pain. That’s why I grow. I’m in pain every minute of my life. If a strain doesn’t work for pain, it’s not medicine, and isn’t kept around. Anyways, you’ll likely see the offset fan leaf growth that I mentioned earlier as well. Expect a bit of stretch when induced from the father. CT49 stretches 3x the size after being flipped. I forgot to write down the stretch on the widow. Expect tall plants unless you get a mutant​:joy:


Day44 white widow mother. Sharing 400w hps with other plants.


Finished flowers of the widow.:grin:


300w 11 band led. Same widow.


Dude, I would definately love to try your seeds for SC. I just started my Fall/winter grow. But would run them in my Winter/Spring grow and present it in a grow log here on OG. I have not tried anything strawberry yet. But my next grow will probly br Sour Strawberry. I would love to include your strawberry cough in the lineup.


I wouldn’t call it strawberry cough. Strawberry cough has its place in the world. Someone else referred to my line as “a missing link”. I think that’s prolly what I would stand behind more than a replica . Like if it was black Afghani that was an ancestor in the Erdbeer. I just ordered vials, please be patient. Thank you for taking an interest.


I’ll be watching.
I think the Sour Strawberry is either BOG or Bodhi seeds. These will def be in my next lineup. Had them for about a year. Just never got around to popping them.


I’ve been looking for a strong strawberry to add to my assortment. I’d be interested if you’re offering and have some to spare. I might have a few seeds in a nice Blueberry that I hit with PPP pollen. Though the first two I popped out while it’s hang drying we’re still white.


hello i would be very interesed pain killing and sleep are top of my list i am in the uk though i dont if your ok with that

growth in growing :seedling: :herb: :evergreen_tree:


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Have you checked out any of BOGs gear?He was supposed to have the most Strawberry like cultivar out there.Surely it would be better that the “cough” Kushman was trying to peddle off as his own but got called out on it and had to make up another story to cover his ass.


I unfortunately have not really had the chance to get many BOG gear before he passed. I got one pack of sour boggle through a group buy, but I don’t have high hopes, as there’s a good chance the seeds were swapped out. I was told I would get some sour strawberry f2 they were made by a member, but I haven’t seen them yet.


I might have some sour strawberry F2 in my seed box. If I do, and you want some, I will be willing to part with some.