Strawberry Cough came from Black Afghani

I grew a LSD that is/was floating around. I’m thinking it was lifesaver diesel. It definitely wasn’t lemon anything. But I have not popped any seeds from BOG packs.

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Only if you have plenty, I know there’s more in the making, and it’ll be a while before I get to them

I don’t mind shopping oversees. It is a tad more expensive, and I wouldn’t mind any additional info in the dms. Some areas are relaxed, some places open a lot of packages.

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Yeah man! I also have a seed addiction like many others on here. Always down to trade genetics. Don’t know when I’ll get around to growing them. You know how it can be. You have a specific strain in mind until you open the seed box, then …blam! Like kid in a candy store. You forget what you knew going in.:joy:


Let me go look. I’ll let you know.

I just got banned from Facebook (30 day) for suggesting a cheaper source of cbd than the over priced gelcaps being advertised


I have a 10-pack with your name on it. Shoot me an addy and they are yours.

I always thought Zuck would profit from cannabis sales one way or another😂 it totally makes sense why Facebook and IG are always flagging cannabis related posts.


Phizer Ads go through just fine lol


To anyone waiting on seeds, I will not likely be able to get any more out today as I was originally intending. I apologize to those who I told they would go out today. My son got suspended from school. It may not seem like too much of a big deal, but my son practically needs constant supervision. I have control over a lot in my life, but having a child on the autism spectrum is not easy. It’s an everyday fight, and sometimes even feels like I’m beating a dead horse talking to him. I never give up, even though sometimes it just kills me knowing I don’t have the tools or what’s missing to help him. Sorry for the sad story, I know everyone has one. But I intend on working hard over the weekend to get everyone taken care of. The only good thing about today is I’m supposed to get my Heroes of the Farms 88g13hp x Space Dude I ordered for the Duke Diamond benefit. Being no stranger to the law, I know it sucks to start over again. So… Free The Duke!!!


just be their for him my man i fully empathise with your situation my 18 year old son has tourettes school was hell
no-one understood why he would just scream your all cunts then smash his face on the desk
according to the teachers he should just stop it
we had to take him out of school and home educate

be strong



He used to do that self destructive behavior as well. Scratching his face, pulling his own hair, banging his head on the wall. Luckily we’ve made it past that as of now. At the current state, having him in school is a risk. Every year I’m talking to the teacher, guidance counselor, Dean, principal, and security about something. He’s stabbed a kid in the face with a pencil, because the other kid was told to collect class papers. And he wasn’t done. Then he’s had me in the office again because I bought nerf guns for Christmas. And he was going around finger banging going “bang! You’re dead” to the teacher and other students. He’s since then hit someone in the face with a hoola hoop, and had many outburst of cursing. He’s failing 3rd grade, and just got kicked out for spitting in someone’s face. Having said, I’m worried about further escalation, and may withdraw him from school. I worry about the other students at this point.


I 100% relate from daily experience…

Your right, Autism is NOT anything close to easy to understand or deal with.

It’s like making a puzzle, from 5 different puzzle kits and expecting them to all fit correctly.

My son diagnosed with “High functioning” Autism at 8 yrs old, He’s now 21 yrs old. BUT he still requires 247 care/supervision… He’s also epileptic and takes seizures weekly, sometimes daily…

When my son was younger, Anger & outbursts happened daily.

The older he got, the less outbursts. & your right, it was usually over nothing serious. Example: if he wasn’t done with his work paper (no matter what that was) and someone tryed to take it, all hell would break lose.

Anytime you need to chat, PM me. I’ll get back to ya.


100% same with my Son… he did this for years & years. Sometimes the cops would get called from the neighbors because of his behavior.
Kid has some scares on his face from himself still .


I feel for you, my boy is on the spectrum as well. He’s only 4 but an energetic handful, along with his two younger brothers who are 1 and 3. Sometimes things that aren’t top priority have to be pushed back longer than we’d like. Even things that should be urgent (like treating by mites :grimacing:) don’t get done in a timely manner. sometimes it’s like we just sleep in shifts.


On a bright note. I received beanage yesterday. I appreciate it bigly.


@Recyoself313 @Seamonkey84 I’m here anytime ya wanna chat. I do in fact understand & can relate from your prospective…


Straight from the D wow! Thanks for coming through.

It is but hopping more strawberry than cheese lol.
I’m assuming these are F1 m/f.
Iv smoked black Afghan from dispensary before great looking bud, smooth and potent too. Never did white widow.
Do they preflower before a month or i should just clone and 10/14 then to preflower?


No, only white afghanis can be racist.

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Growers preference. Lol. I actually flipped mine to flower after 3-4 nodes, and revegged the keeper. Keep in mind that a grape smell will come before the strawberry. At least that’s what happened to mine in flower. Keep me posted for sure!