Stress herm seeds?

Had a few hermies in my grow. An ancestral skunk and a blueberry. So my gorrilla glue got pollinated and I have a bunch of either GG x AS and/or GG x Blueberry. Now I’m not growing them out next run, that’s gonna be strictly business :expressionless: but I think if it’s crossed with the blueberry it could be killer(I was unimpressed with AS)but the herm factor kinda keeps me wary.


had one of those pop up last run, named it Miss Ter Raye


The AS I grew was mostly hermies. Like begets like, I would chuck the seeds personally.


Some people look down on it but if I’m not mistaken more than a few elite clones were originally made by hermie accidents. I just had a Sanfune hermie on me very early on so I had to chop the plant at around day 30. I was going to just throw it out but tried some and it somehow gets me really high to the point where I’m going into paranoid territory.

Might carry a higher risk not really sure but if it’s just for personal I don’t see why not?


yup GG4 jumps to the front, alot of elites also came from bagseed supposedly.

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What is Ancestral Skunk? Who bred it?

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I have grown plants with herm traits.

They were successful and I cropped and it turned into nice product. One of them was the most purple I have ever seen.

But - during these grows I spent half my life on a search and destroy mission for male parts.

I would not knowingly put myself through that again.

Hard pass.


I have only had one real herm that i know of, but lots have had random nanners, Either way i would grow it out, i dont sell seeds and if i give them away it wont be from those plants, but think about GG4 had it been culled, i save those seeds for myself maybe the future gg4 is amongst them


Ancestral Skunk was a batch of old seeds from SkunkmanSam. They were allegedly from an open field pollination done in the 90’s with older Skunk stock. They were sold by Breeders Retail in packs of 100 because they were a 10% germination rate.

There were lots of intersex traits reported, whether full blown or just a few late nanners. Someone recently did a seed run and gave them to @Sebring to distribute.


Seems strange. I have never heard intersex issues coming from Skunk Man Skunk #1 before, nor have I ever seen it in Sensi or Flying Dutchman Skunk #1 I have grown.

I’ve had autos throw seeds,I’ve always grown the seeds out to see what happens I’ve never had a hermie plant yet touch wood lol

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