Popping autoflower herm seeds. Bad idea?

I was surprised to find a couple mature seeds in some jarred meph forum stomper. I know it’s frowned upon to grow out herms but these were late herms(I never noticed nanners) on otherwise nice plants. Nothing else was going at the time so no chance of cross pollination. Will they definitely be autos? Similar in structure to the original? Was pleased with these genetics for my first try at autos.


It isn’t frowned upon to grow herm seeds, you just increase the likelihood of the plants from seed also being hermies.
The thing that’s frowned upon is breeding with them, and/or distributing the seeds without warning people.
You do you, homie!


I know like begets like but I figured with autos being a shorter grow it might be less chance for a seedy finish.
I would never pass a herm seed to someone or grow one out typically. I was worried I’d get some shorties that finished at a foot tall.
It’d be cool to know I could expect another couple 4 footers from the beans.

Forum Stomper is know to herm. So I’m not surprised.

I mean, breading with a known herm plant would definitely be a bad idea.

But just growing them out for your own personal smoke/stash. I’d do it. Hell… I have done it several times.

And yes. The offspring will be very similar to the mom. Shape, size, etc. including her tendency to herm…

Just my $0.02


I wouldn’t. Plenty other stuff to pop. It’s a big risk.


If you do pop them, be aware that “late herms” would not have resulted in fully mature seeds, you’d have found white, undeveloped seeds.
So start watching them early if you do decide to grow them. Good luck!


All the most popular sh-t nowadays is a result of such seeds.

I say “do it” if the weed it came from was worth trying to replicate. Even still, why the hell not, they’re FREE.

Do it.


I guess you’re right they must not have been late herm. I’m just surprised that iv only found 2 beans so far in 9 jars.


You may find invisible little pockets of seeds where a male flower didn’t make it out of the bud but opened anyway.

But maybe not. Just a possibility.


There may be more seeds yet. I’m only a few jars in. It’s sticky icky. Will the bagseed all definitely be auto you think?

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If it was an auto, and it self pollinated(or herm’d), yes auto.

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I find that on a big enough scale there’s always one and to use seed from it deliberately would really be playing with fire.

But I really don’t like herms. I won’t work with anything that’s got “herm risk” in there somewhere. GG4 for example.


Or cookies, lol.


My first autos, first soil, first organic grow and first time with a cookie strain. I gotta say its sticky and cured up nice.20231013_124909


There’s a differrence between hermies and nanners late in flower.
If you didn’t get full on balls early in flower then go for it, you’ll still have decent yield.
Dim your light a bit as well, I’ve had nanners from going overboard with light intensity.
It’s probably the main cause of nanners, this new LED tech is more powerful than many realize.


Lot’s of good advice on here and I think the most important was, you do you…
Your not hurting a soul by running these yourself, but as many had advised, not seeds you want to pass along not knowing what occured… hate to screw up someone else’s grow eh? at least you know kinda what to look for as she matures, but dude, don’t see to much wrong with that beast your showing…
If your truly concerned, send me a big fat nug and I’ll inspect it for ya… hahaha