Struggling first time grower - please help!

Regarding the symptom at hand, I guess I can conclude that it’s more likely a surplus of something than a deficiency? Any idea specially what it looks like? I guess the treatment is to chill out, but still curious as to what I’m looking at.


When the plant is in normal soil it will control the bacteria and fungal agents by releasing enzymes and carbs to stimulate the ones its wants at the time. With a new soil that has already got the food it needs already broken down, it doesn’t need to much help.

It took almost to the end of my 2nd grow with the same no till soil, before I started to need to amend it.

I would say its an over abundance, but how its affecting the soil and plant will be hard to say. Could be lock outs due to the in balance in the soil of too much of one thing or multiple. A soil test would show whats individually in the soil. Doing a flush and checking the PH of the water, and EC, would give you an idea of how much nutrient is in the soil and what its PH is like.

I have found sometimes its easier to make up a new pot and transplant to save time and guessing if I was on a tight schedule.

Here is a thread link that might have some useful info for you. It’s not specifically geared towards organics but it provides a great overview of cannabis nutrient needs and potential issues. Nutrient Disorder Problem Solver by Jackerspackle

I agree w more LITFA

Lol, the Chinese food analogy is great.

The right balance of nutrients is important, but it is not the only cause of issues…overwatering can lead to slow stagnant growth, which can lead to the plant struggling to use the nutrients that are available. Allowing pH to get too far out of balance can create lock-out conditions where nutrients might be present but not available for the plant to use. Lock-out can also be influenced by temp, light source, and rH. @Shadey makes a good point about how high microbe activity in an already hot soil can exacerbate the situation if nutrient excess is the problem. This is what I suspect your dealing with.

If I had to pick one, from what you’ve said and from these photos, I would say potentially phosphorus excess. To really be sure exactly what’s in excess would require a soil test. Either way, more litfa and pure water once they get thirsty.


@catapult @Shadey Awesome, thanks.

Again, this place and all of you guys have been great. Thank you!


Happy Weekend everybody! I have been planning to make a final post to this thread with a pre harvest pic and to say thank you again. I am attaching that photo, but unfortunately have one last plea for help. Yesterday was the 9 week marker and I have two plants, one Super Skunk, which is said to need 8-10 weeks and one Super Silver Haze, which is 9-11. This morning, I found what I think is a banana on each of two SSH buds. Questions: Are these bananas? How much damage can they do at this point in the game? My thought is there isn’t much time to make seeds, but maybe enough to interfere with final terpene push. Also attaching trich pics from both plants. Should I just harvest one or both plants? Thanks all!




Hope everyone likes pictures!!!


Great pictures.


Plants looking good, nice work. Yes you have nanners there, pluck em off as soon as possible. Water neutralizes pollens, so a light mist to the area can be useful (I don’t like to spray my flowers too much at this stage tho so I’d go real light w it). Seeds would take at least a week from pollination to become noticeable. As far as whether to harvest or not, your in the range and have some amber so you could harvest one or both any day now. Depends on the effects your hoping for mainly. Personally, if it only put out a couple nanners I might pluck and try to keep one going a bit longer. If it continues to insist on putting out pollens, it gets the chop.


Thanks man. After sitting with this for a while, I went ahead and harvested. Appreciate the input!


Well done. That looks like the real thing from where I’m sitting. I learned a lot following this thread. Appreciate OP for being the donkey and all the old hands who were walking around with pins and paper tails, huzzah! Another cherry popped, Mazel Tov!


PS awaiting smoke report

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this is very useful, Thanks

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