STS question

Not worried about the storage jars letting in light lol


Nice @Ace71975 !

For me I’ve used part a and b over a year after mixing…

the combined sts I noted colour shift after 30 days. Doesn’t mean it wont work but as it’s a pain in the ass to waste I only mix enough to spray at the time of doing a reversal.



Are plants treated with STS safe to put in a compost pile or worm bin?

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I don’t. I’d keep that off your property. I end up tossing mine in the garbage in a bag.

No silver to city compost, and none going into my ground.


Yeah…that’s what I was thinking. Thanks for confirming.


I just reversed and pollinated my first autos (seemingly successfully) and it went great. Lights are on 20/4 and I sprayed STS on the nodes at lights out once every 5 days for 4 times total starting when I was just starting to see pistils and with pollen sacs starting to show up just after the 3rd spray. The overhead room light was on while spraying so I could see and fans were off while spraying and for 15~ minutes after. Spray bottle was kept in a cold dark closet after mixing but it was freshly made so not really any time for degradation. Not sure any of that helps but it worked for me.


I spray everything right when lights go off too but dry after 12 hours


I second what @Pigeonman said, I would throw any plant that has been treated away after you harvest the pollen/seeds, I would not compost it myself.


This is exactly the reason why I take clones, reverse the clones and use them to pollinate the mother/donor.

That way, after I harvest the seeds from the mother, I can still smoke the weed instead of throwing it away. Just seemed crazy to me to throw away all that good refer. JMO

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I sprayed a fastbuds auto 4 times over the first 4 weeks. Have plenty of pollen sacs but no pollen. Will proberly havt to dry the pollen sacks for a few days then crush them to release some pollen. Kinda wish I didn’t put STS on it cause she would easily be a 7 ounces at harvest.


See my post right above yours. I also got tired of tossing ounces of weed because it was STS treated. Now, I get to smoke my seed plants.


Try doing the STS this method…


since they are autos you might want to start one right away and one two to three weeks later

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Little update. Mine are definitely seeded now so the way I did it works.

Any recommendations for a solid sts? Preferably separated solutions.


Look for me up top and you will have an answer, it works for me!

Ingredients are very cheap from online science stores just need 2 containers and a scale. Best of luck


This is where I got mine.

Spray 500 ppm AgNO3 at 4 true leaves and a week or two later. Works fine in full sunlight. I have used year+ old solution (kept in fridge in brown glass) and it worked with no apparent degredation of effect.

AgNO3 is more phototoxic than STS, but also more effective. You only need to hit the meristems at nodes


So you only use the silver nitrate and have better results?

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