STS question

I have similar results with straight silver nitrate… but it is a lot less hassel


Oh OK. That is cool will have to give it a try🍻

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How does silver expire?

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After two decades of shitshow now, I’ve personnally identified two main industrial strategies that still used with more or less variations (mostly placebo-fine-tunning imho).

  • the sequencial approach : almost continously spraying the pollen’s donors array

  • aiming a single strong application on a fat healthy plant.

I personnally dislike the simple idea to block in chainsaw the ethylen of pollen donors during a long time, week after week. Keeping also so much time specimens i need only a cloud during max one week.

I’m still using STS, but the angle is the same fundamentally. My 2cents is just to told you that in fact it’s less “sliced STS vs monoblock Ag” that it look ^^


I have a theory about smoking a plant that you have sprayed. I use homemade colloidal silver and only spray the first 4 days when I flip to 12 - 12. Now, at this time there are no flowers. The buds are formed later and “in effect” have never been sprayed. I smoke the flowers but avoid the leaves that have been sprayed. I have never gotten sick or had any problems from doing this. :rainbow:

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