Study finds teens who use marijuana at increased risk of psychotic disorders

Okay, no problem here either bro. Just a misunderstanding, water under the bridge.


Glad to hear it :slight_smile:


If there’s anything I’m worried about regarding the subject, it’s that people still assume cannabis brings out psychosis regularly and that MSN is pushing it as news. Holdouts from reefer madness IMO, there’s no particular scientific evidence that it’s the case afaik - but it can very easily set back the progress that’s being made, to the extent that’s even a good thing anyway. Certainly it’s not directly helping the cause of freedom to Overgrow, which I think is something we all care about… hopefully it’s not hindering it either though.


I don’t think it’s on a regular basis. I think some people happen to have a bad reaction to certain substances. It’s not a good reason to ban those substances.

Some people react poorly to pure thc, and to others it’s lifesaving medicine

Just important to know how you react as an individual and make sure people get the help they need if they have a bad reaction

here in Canada the latest news is that our cannabis laws are leading to an increase in “cannabis toxicity events” in the Senior population. Fancy language for “oh shit , I ate too many gummies” LOL
It’s bound to happen though , in any age bracket. Taking too much weed and spinning out.
But the MSM Propaganda machine here in commie run Canuckistan , it’s called Cannabis Toxicity LOL


That news kinda sounded like bs. Where are they getting those high dosage edibles? Doesn’t sound like legal edibles…

it’s more BS from Health Canada I’m sure.

I mean, let’s not blame health Canada for bad journalism

Some dude sees a Stat and decides, yep, legal weed did this

They didn’t follow up on what these people were eating

I knew a guy who had never smoked before and hit a bong once and he had a really bad reaction. He was saying he was seeing himself from the ceilings point of view. Weird shit. He was a crazy fuck before that though… lol


I worked in chemical dependency units years ago. My anecdotal observation is that, like anything else, marijuana becomes problematic when it becomes your primary coping mechanism. If you are hiding in weed instead of dealing with life’s challenges you may have a problem.

Most of us use it to feel better, reduce anxiety, reduce pain, socialize, etc. It’s even ok to use it to cope some, but when you’re avoiding dealing with important life issues by consuming too much of anything it might be time to reconsider.


I would say that the issue is when it becomes an unhealthy primary coping mechanism then, is it not?

It’s definitely my primary coping mechanism


Well I’d have to say it can make you very anxious, paranoid, & experience the delusions and loss of control that come with those two things… control of your own mind. I don’t believe cannabis to be the root cause, but it can certainly intensify these feelings. I can see how extended, regular use without learning from, or taking time to reflect on, these things could draw out those symptoms, making them feel or seem permanent… some could describe this is “it made me go crazy”.

It can also be a great teacher. Coming from a batshit crazy veteran standpoint, it was these alleged “negative” effects that helped me the most. Mushrooms have been a hell of a teacher for this same reason. Experiencing both allow me to (more like force me to) experience situations that are mentally chaotic, difficult to control or understand, only this time without any hostile fire or casualties. They allow practice existing in such chaos, accepting it, and navigating through it or allowing chaos to navigate through me…depends on perspective, but basically letting go of the reigns. In other words, it made me better at being crazy… lol…

Now, teenage me would have never stopped to consider any of these things. I believe I would have simply become anxious, paranoid, then become diagnosed with some mental illness characterized by those symptoms only to go on through life convinced I was crazy - blindly riding the doctor operated prescription carousel, eventually becoming another statistic in articles like these.

Worried? Not really. Whatever thing that gets our overlords the most money or power is going to be the thing that happens and there isn’t a damn thing worrying about it is going to do.


I agree. If you aren’t paying your bills so you can smoke weed or if weed is screwing up your relationships with others then it may be an issue one needs to address.

If consuming helps you live a better life then it’s not detrimental and may be a successful adaptive coping strategy.


Out of likes or I would like both your comments :heart:

I think for myself at times it’s definitely become unhealthy but as others have said, it helped me cope with problems that were unfortunately very serious.

Like @SHSC-1 mentioned it’s hard to function and know yourself as a person when you’re loaded with so much baggage that you haven’t quite dealt with

smoking reefer since 15 and i kept doing it since it actually helped me focus through my adhd, and deal with life having crippling anxiety.

But i’m prob lucky.



I’ve met a surprising amount of people in this community who self medicate like that @Pigeonman for similar issues or stuff like pain, inflammation, arthritis, nonstop list of stuff people treat really. I stopped smoking for a while then got a job at an exhaust shop that was hard on my hands, cannabis was like a miracle that let me not focus on the pain and intense soreness.

Edit: I see you @herojuana.tom be well

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Anecdotal observation- I have seen weed make tremendous positive impacts of ppl with PTSD symptoms.

My wife has gastroparis. She became emaciated and couldn’t eat. Weed calmed her and gave her an appetite. Saved her life as far as I’m concerned.

I also agree with the mushroom comments. They have reduced my depression and offered invaluable personal insights. I do caution those that choose to use them to prepare their minds as mushrooms can lower protective walls in your ego and give you insights you’re unprepared for. That’s one manifestation of a bad trip.


Pretty sure i might have some form of ptsd too. Not anything super bad but pretty sure it’s there.

So I agree with that.