Study finds teens who use marijuana at increased risk of psychotic disorders

Must be looking for something copyright-able
LOL, “One toke over the line” was already taken… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



I think that, on average, weed is either beneficial or neutral regarding its impact on ppl. Lowers my anxiety, makes me less of a jerk, helps with neurological symptoms related to West Nile virus.

The weed problems tend to come via social condemnation or legal implications.


Hard for mentally ill people to get help too. I’m lucky I get counselling through an organization for the deaf.


A lot of ppl do suffer from PTSD and are unaware of it.


@Bert yep! I’m sure i’m in there because so much of my actions are honed from induced traumas.

Them: Why do you do this this way which is so over-thought?
Me: Because when someone did this for me they didn’t and it failed for me and I refuse to fail for you.


I think kids with early mental health disorders or lack of coping skills find cannabis help’s them escape the chaos that is their own mind. If they feel its helpful for them they dig in and use it for a coping mechanism until they can no longer cope and then it just explodes from being so bottled up.


I agree so much with this sentiment, from my own experiences.


I started smoking at 13 for about a month and then picked it back up at around 16, never stopped again (not willing anyways but for probation). I’m in my 40’s now and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with my mental. Started having slight seizures at nighttime out the blue around 2018-2019 but I highly doubt that has anything to do with my marijuana usage throughout the years.


there were studies on this ages ago. this is not new…but the title suggests the cannabis is the cause. it has long been understood to only trigger schizophrenia in people who would have got it much later in life. I.e, they were going to have issues anyway.

flipside, society had less psychosis before it was made profitable to tell people they had psychosis. does anyone remember when everyone who died of almost anything died of covid that one year…ya…


I felt like I was tripping on LSD, the colors became brighter, things felt slow like time was dragging. I never felt that again from smoking. Maybe it was laced?

The human being has a 25 year development cycle, and during that cycle the psyche can be pretty dynamic. Sometimes there’s an “edge” people can fall off, especially while in development. Pot can be a negative actor in this space.

Personally, pot helps me “practice” anxiety. The bursts of stress are beneficial.

I think our societal issue is trying to fit a very dynamic plant into a very rigid medical system. With Pot I think you really gotta “hold on loosely” where our medical system is very much top down hold on tightly. We’re going to get a lot of reactionary bullshit.


Because most mental illnesses manifest in your teenage years, which happens to be the time that most people with mental illnesses start “Consciously coping” ( By that I mean choosing your actions/able to make your own choices. whether it be driven by conscious choice or subconscious reaction). Either negatively or positively. Sometimes with substances.

Strong correlation, yes. weak causation, yes.


sounds a lot like me my friend…! thanks for sharing


I agree with @MOX on the correlation issue. The research designs used for these studies were correlational in nature. Therefore, any interpration regarding causality is suspect. You need strong effect sizes based on large diverse samples.


This is exactly what tortures me… lol…
It’s like I was sick when they did the “oh well, fuck it” training and I never learned to be ok with doing things half-assed…

“It’s not supposed to be ok to suck on purpose.”


I have trouble swallowing the studies entanglements with causality because the only two people who I know to be schizophrenic both showed signs of a hidden madness by the time we were in 6th grade. One persons uncle had molested him and his sister when they were children and although he later used cannabis (after recovering from years of a heroine addiction), he was extremely paranoid that people were looking at him, even before he started using heroine. My other buddy was paranoid people were watching from behind closed blinds in 6th grade… by the time we got to high school he was paranoid to smoke weed near closed windows because (he would say) spy satellites could see and take pictures through closed the window blinds. Me and others have looked back on those times and noted that the writing was on the wall long before the diagnosis and later more exteme psychoses manifested. If either of the two people I knew had been in any particular study they would skew the results if the initial assumption was that they had been psychosis free prior to their cannabis usage… if anything, I believe they both used cannabis in an attempt to self-medicate to alleviate their pre-existing conditions.


They say it’s as bad for the heart as smoking is
Hope they are wrong lol

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Well, from my anecdotal experience

I can say the smoking aspect has been bad for my health

Nothing terrible but it adds up. Dude I know mentioned that this is why rosin is better for your health… You’re not combusting a bunch of plant matter and gunking up your lungs.

I mean I find the benefits fucking fantastic. So don’t take what I said the wrong way please, anybody. But coughing up black tar because of the amount of smoke I inhale, that’s not a positive effect

I hope to grow enough flower to switch to rosin some time in the future which will help

Obviously not everybody will have this problem, I’m just sharing my personal experience


Absolutely! There’s just no way inhaling hot smoke is good for you, particularly your lungs. I don’t care who you are. I, of course, continue to smoke weed.

Now, where’s my bong…

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In my hands. Sorry, give me a minute.

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