Subsoil Selections’Marijuana Manifesto

Well, I have decided after putting in the work on another forum and graduating, I think it will serve me well to keep an ongoing log. I am going to run this live in a few different locations I frequent.
I hope this can be a place I can log my workings, but also shoot the shit with some like minds.
So, with that said, :

Chapter One - New Beginnings

After digging through my stock, looking for something fresh to play with, I arrived at Royal Kush BX10 from Emerald Mountain Legacy.

I had the pleasure of sampling the Royal back in the late 2000’s on a trip out to Cali. It was something special. Man, I can still taste that flavor.

When I seen that Mandelbrot’s brother was releasing the 10th generation and says to be keeping his brothers legacy alive, I bit. I had to grab a few packs of these just to see if maybe I could revisit that place in time so to speak through these beans.

So here we are, a week out from Christmas, and I am sitting here burning a fat hooter of the MAC1 from this years outdoor, waiting on the snow that never comes to Oklahoma. So it’s looking like a white Christmas is out, and a green one is on the menu.

I dug a bag of these Royal Kush BX10 out of storage, and pulled a little handful out.

I ended up with a palm full of 8 beans, so 8 it is.
I grabbed a shot glass of spring water, mixed in a pinch of aloe powder, and dropped the 8 beans in for a soak.

So we have 8 little time capsules, soaking up some energy to hopefully blast us back in time to that place where I smoked that joint of Royal in a cab in Long Beach with some cab driver, from somewhere in a land far far away, and had the strangest conversation I have ever had to date. I will let them soak for 24 hours and into their medium they go.


A good story and nice pics, that’s what OG thrives on!
Keep em coming.

Best of luck!


I’m looking forward to seeing this one, I’ve always been intrigued by Mandelbrot and his works.


Good luck with this.

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Well, unfortunately the Royal Kush BX10 from Emerald Mountain Legacy may all be duds. Of the 8 that I dropped, none of them sank after a 36 hr soak. I went ahead and put them in soil anyhow, so we shall see.
I have always admired the old saying that a setback is a setup for a comeback, and the comeback is looking fairly likely.
Some of you may know that I inherited a seed collection when my wife’s father passed a couple of years ago. There were a fair amount of seeds in this collection, none of which appeared to be stored properly. What got me excited about them was the way they were all labeled. It was apparent that whoever kept these seeds, grew the plants that reared them.
The one that has captivated me since I got them were stored in an old advil bottle with an expiration date in 1997. The bottle was labeled Xmas 95.
I have tried popping these seeds many times over the last 2 years using many different methods, and have never had any success.
To my surprise, this has all changed.
I took some spring water and soaked a tbsp of kelp meal and some pinto beans overnight.
The next morning, I strained that off and used that water to soak another 15 of these mystery Christmas beans for 24 hrs. I then put them in a wet paper towel and slipped that into an open ziplock and tucked it away in the cabinet above the fridge.
Well low and behold, 24 hours later, 7 of those 15 beans have cracked and are coming to life.
I put them into soil moments ago, and should have babies to look at come Christmas. How bout that!


Any chance your wife’s dad was from Florida? A bottle from 1995 marked XMas with cannabis seeds in it seems like it might have been from there. It was also not an uncommon term back then, or maybe he got a sack from someone on or for Christmas and those were the seeds he picked out of it. IDK but congratulations on your seed sprouting success!


No, not Florida, Missouri. We had the Christmas bud up here as well. We also had people pushing the “xmas bud” every December. I feel the most likely story is that they were bag-seed from a Christmas gift like you said. All the other seeds are labeled with phenotypical expressions and what not. These are the only ones that are not. Which I guess is what intrigued me in the first place. If someone was a grower, making seed, taking the time to save and catalog them with traits and what not, and someone gave them a lb or so for Christmas, and they went out of their way to save a bunch of seeds, how fucking fire must that load have been?
Hard to say, as there is no provenance with these babies. It could be any story someone wants to dream up. Hahahaha.
All I know is I am pretty damn excited to finally get some of these cracked after 2 years of trying.
I have just had this feeling that has caused me to gravitate towards these over all the others, and now I get to see if that feeling actually produces. :grin:

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Both of our families our from fl.
Everyone had Xmas bud no matter where they were I suspect.

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