Suggestions for a new grow tent. Preferably inexpensive 2×4

For a 2x4, I like my AC infinity better than my gorilla for the sheer ease of set up. Doesn’t seem to be nearly as many pinhole light leaks in the AC infinity as the gorilla around zippers. But the zipper does get caught much more frequently on the AC infinity. Plus there’s fewer Velcro points on zipper flaps to wear out.

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Have you heard of lubricant for the zipper? I’m just learning this

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I use AC infinity and Mammoth tents. Both fucking solid. Mars hydro’s new tents are also good for the money.



The zipper is functionally fine, there’s just a flap like in a coat zipper that sometimes gets zipped into the zipper if you don’t hold the tent door exactly right as you zip it.

But yes, I’ve heard of zipper lubricant.


Same here the flap on the inside of mine does it, other than that they are nice veg tents

Was just checking on mars hydro looks really nice and newer one has height extension for it

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Exactly! @MarsHydro also often has an OG discount code if you look around on their threads!

(note: it’s Chinese New Year so respectfully they may not be as accessible over the next few weeks due to celebrations.)


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Yeah thanks for that info, anything else I can pick your brain for hmm… What about exhaust fan, is it something that is needed during the veg stage?

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2000D is the thickest canvas on the market. The tent.

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Exhast fans are NOT OPTIONAL.

It’s actually essential to ensure propper air flow.


Ok thanks, so where are you pulling the intake air from? Outside air? Or exhaust it outside and then what… Pull air from the surrounding area? What if the air is not within the range of ideal for the plant? I guess it’s just confusing that I would have to condition the air inside the tent rather than before it gets pulled in the tent… Idk am I going in circles or over thinking :thinking:

Just remembered one con in regards to my 3x3 heavier Gorilla tent…and my only complaint.

There’s only one passive intake… and it’s in the back. I prefer side passive. I wouldn’t mind them in the doors either.


So what is better passive or active?

Not really a better type question. Both are needed. Active is typically for exhausting and passive is for supply. (typically, not always)


The room.

This! 100% this! Exhausting the tent into the room will make for “bad air”. Once I vented outdoors a good chunk of my issues dissapeared. Only issue is you need to carbon filter that stank unless (like me) you have neighbours that give nay a single fuck about the scent.

This is a thing too; it’s called a “lung tent”. You have a tent that is there to condition the air with AC/heater/dehumidifier/etc and each tent running pulls the air from this tent into theirs. It’s a great way to go IF YOU HAVE THE SPACE. ACing an entire room is very different than a smaller space like a tent.

I have both passive and active. The active is running from a “heater lung box” as my basement is cold in the winter and the passives are pulled by the neg pressure from the active outs. I’m a sucker for a lot of air-flow so I have in my 4x4:

2 x tower fans (one on each wall aimed down @ 45 degrees),
1 x 8" fan on the roof aimed straight down
1 x 6" AC infinity T6 Main exhaust
1 x 6" duct booster secondary exhaust (using both upper 6" vent ports via a Y junction.)



Wow that’s awesome setup bud, the 8inch aimed down? Is it a type of ceiling fan or something to that effect?

Man I’m having a hard time picturing the setup, using a y pipe and both sides ports on top for exhaust. Nope can’t picture it. I think I’m gonna put the pipe down for now. :woozy_face:

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Out of curiosity, what sorts of issues were you dealing with that cleared up after venting outdoors?

I think the y allows the 2 to go to 1 carbon filter, maybe.

Get tent, turn on equipment and address any issues that are present.


shrugs, I vent in / out in the same room, just intake low, exhaust high. No way to externally vent, so it is what it is. No noticeable issues (to MY untrained eye) so far! perhaps I’ve been fortunate?