Suggestions for a new grow tent. Preferably inexpensive 2×4

Brand name Mixjoy:

Save the dough. Wouldn’t be surprised to see these made next to those others you mentioned, like same factory. Just saying. $150 less. Good luck.

Edit: I have a 450w Mixjoy qb and this Garlic Goji loves it


HEY ALL! @MarsHydro has a deal going for the always epic TS1000!!

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This Y exausts from this tent directly outdoors. There is no backflow to worry about into other tents…

…BUT! I have back-draft blockers installed at the windows (like a drier vent but BEEFIER), and I also have several back-draft blockers that can go inside of the ducting which I have used to keep tents seperate.

One permutation had many things connected together (via y ducts) all leading to the same exhaust ports. This meant that if the fans were not equally set then I’d sometimes hear the air from one tent “frapping” the blades of the fan in the other tent! I installed the blocker in the line and it worked but ultimately only well enough.

The airflow still wasn’t the way I wanted so next opportunity I just went all in and now have 4 ports venting outdoors for 3 tents.

4x4 = 2 ports (one for the Y paired out, and the other for the main exhaust fan),
2x4 #1 = 1 port,
2x4 #2 = 1 port.


Gotcha yah If I stayed at the old house I would have had to do that or make a bigger vent with a larger pipe. Glad I don’t have to mess with it now. I just dump the air int he grow room and a windows unit takes it out. Don’t care about smell. In a legal state. Thanks for the replay.


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Hey bud, do you know if the overgrow decals are available to aquire.? Iim thinking about starting a grow diary and would like to tag up the grow tent with the overgrow decals . Also thinking about starting a grow that is controlled by input from all of the overgrow members. Still have to figure out how to make it so everyone feels like they are part of the grow thanks.

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I think Mars and Spiderfarmer are ok lights. Brand name low budget equipment. Not HLG, Growers Choice or any of the other ‘quality’ expensive false suns out there. Point is Mixjoy can invest what MH & SPF spend on marketing on improving the product. Spend the saved $ with GLG, JBC or buying other necessary equipment. There are also lotsa inexpensive bar style lights available with top of the line parts. The one you want ain’t different than the one I listed above for $120. Lm 301B diodes and a Meanwell driver. It’s like needing a Winter coat and paying an extra $200 for 1 with a “Members Only” label on the pocket. That label is not functional. Forgive my rant. I go nuts on certain subjects. Don’t get me started on white label seeds like ilgm or herbies.
Ok good luck and Happy Harvests


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Yes that’s my opinion also, I have 2 sets of qb lights and sure that would be fine but the coverage uniformity is what I’m after. The concentrated par in center is too high and causes problems and stress, that’s why I am looking at the MH sp3000 the coverage is perfect and uniform even at like 6 inches from canopy. Thanks for the advice and lmk anything else that would help me! Thanks again all.

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This one is currently lighting a 2x2

Ipowers are nice and pretty cheap.
iPower 48"x24"x60" Mylar Hydroponic Water-Resistant Grow Tent with Observation Window and Removable Floor Tray for Plants Seedling, Propagation, Blossom, 2 x 4 ft

I’ve got one of those HLG 100r in my 3x3 for veg. 2 in a 2x4 should go well. Got a Philizon 165 aquarium light I can drop in if I want to flower in there at some point. Maybe fire off a couple auto freebies from 20Twentymendocino for fun.

It works really well to for flower in a 2x2!

(Jews Gold 1974, in-progress seed-run with STS)

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My 2x2 is currently dark. Going to turn it on it’s side for seedlings, etc but good too know. I made some changes recently and need to get my 4x4 and 3x3 dialed in before I add more to keep track of.

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As far as pinhole leaks all over i wonder if that spray sealer would sve the problem