Suggestions for a new grow tent. Preferably inexpensive 2×4

Want me to tag you into my thread? It’s long winded but there lots of nice pics and decent info that folks have given me over the past couple years.
At any rate welcome to Overgrow.


Yes do that, man I’m having a good time with this , thanks y’all :cowboy_hat_face:


@BigMike55 looks like we’re the old farts around here

I know I’m better lookin then y’all




He was born before they even called weed.


would be my final answer.


Just received my new tent , exhaust fan and filter just need to get me a new light then I’m not sure what to grow from seed or clone,? And how do I get my pecker grabbers on some seeds,clones? I have seeds from my previous grows but scared about them being infected with fusarium or something I never bought any seeds before shit never been to the dispensary either maybe they will carry some? Hmm I wonder i

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I used the FC 6500 in my 4x4 and upgraded to the FC 8000 and 5x5 tent a couple runs ago. I had the FC 6500 up to around 90% at the height of the grow. You can get away with smaller. The FC 4800 would give you plenty at 30 watts per square foot in a 4x4.

Growing is easy. The hard part is getting the plants to do a little dance. I’m not a base grower. I pump it up. Really hope we can help. You not going to be :100: with every grow.
The best bud you have is the only bud you have.
Make the best of it.
One Love!

Why? If you can’t turn it up to :100: why get the bigger one? Maybe spectrum or?

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The lights should last longer not being cranked to 100% all the time.

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My MH FC 4800 was started at about 40%. As the growth progressed I got it up to about 80%. Then about the last three weeks it went to 100%. Never experienced a bit of burn.


Also depends on if you solid mount the lights to the ceiling or use ratchet ropes to adjust height.

Yeah your right, my problem first was I didn’t know that really don’t need a exhaust fan until they get bigger, shit probably was like a desert in the tent with constant airflow and air was not conditioned before intake so they were just stressed out whole grow but I learned a lot about indoors growing and picking the best seedlings out of the bunch well not really seedlings but early veg stage if they don’t hermie from the stress than I proceed to growing

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That’s why I am currently working on the cash to purchase one, can’t wait to be able to set it and not come back next day to burned plants.

Relax. That exhaust fan can also be used to remove extra humidity. Also that in conjunction with a circulation fan will keep air movement just right. In fact, I never even use the filter until after the plants are flowering and stinking good.

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I actually found the sleeper exhaust fan on Amazon. For less than 80 $ with Temp and humidity control :joy:. Hope everything I need. Arrived damaged but they are sending me a new one so I fixed the one that was already delivered and waiting for the new one


Can’t beat a nice two fer one deal. Haha.

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It’s a 6 inch too

Do you have a intake fan on your setup?

How do you prevent the air flow going back into the other tent, especially if the vent is off? I had a Y going when i first came back and it just blew the air back and forth between tents as it was more air than the pipeline could handle. Just curious if your Y has baffles in it to prevent this.


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