Sun Seeds Soil

Damn I’m upset I missed so much :flushed:

The genetics you’ve grown are amazing :raised_hands:

Really nice work in your tents !
I need to go back and read a ton, but that ATF, Cat Scratch Skunk, SSDD blueberry terped etc .etc ?!

What an awesome plethora of fine genetics to be able to work with :facepunch:

Congratulations on the seeds too !


CSS #3 my favored pheno, excited to see how she does inside. Two weeks in


Going to be a fun round…
Back left is Black Cherry Soda bx
Back right is Cat Scratch Skunk #3
Front left is TK
Front middle is (x2) MM31
Right side is Cobra Lips


Looks like you’re set for a great round @catapult ! Mrs Budders sampled some flower from the MM #8 seed you sent and it smacked her in the temporal lobe ! Now I’m smacking myself for not keeping cuts! I got some Wolf Pack x Cobra Lips male pollen onto it at least and holding too many cuts keeps me from popping more beans anyhow.:grin: Best of luck with the next round!


Thanks for stopping in Budder:) Good to know you found a nice #8 pheno.


Man I’m late! Glad to hear those smells are coming through for ya! and it’s not just me :joy:


The blueberry muffin smells were strongest for me mid to late flower. After dry the blueberry has shifted to a really interesting sour buttery smell and flavor. Very pungent and potent, head turning, stinking through the plastic kind of smells. She has become an instant favorite w quite literally everyone I’ve shared her with. Very feel good, up, energetic all day kinda weed.

I also love the texture of her bud; needs very little trim, she’s soft and a little spongy and almost melts to the touch. She tastes great in a joint. Also, I have been definitely getting significant relief from some long overdue dental work.



Hell. Yeah. Bro! :fire:
I’m real happy to hear that! Your description is spot on with my thoughts here. Flower pics are on-point :ok_hand: She looks fantastic! You definitely did a great job with her! And I’m glad to hear you and others are finding the same things I have when it comes to her smoke. Can see why I’ve kept her around and worked with her all this time. Still more to do :yum:


Absolutely keeper status100

Thanks so much for sharing:)


Thank you for taking her in and giving her a chance. Glad I could help :slight_smile:

What’d you end up thinking about the C5SS and TK?

And I definitely have some of your beans lined up for a run here as soon as I can make some room :wink:


Loved the TK, found it very helpful during a rather tumultuous month. Meaning it disappeared quick :sweat_smile:

Got backups first though, have a nice healthy 2 footer just went into flower. (Planning to hit her w some recently saved Hollywood pollens that I think are going to mesh real well together.)

Great bud structure, love her flavors and potency. Mine wasn’t that loud on the nose, def had the excellent earthy spicy kush smell and flavor, but I think I rushed her that round and I bet giving her roots more space this next round will amp up her smells some. Definitely keeping around for a bit.

The C5SS, I didn’t let finish out. I harvested early around the 70 day mark w the TK and she was smelling funky and foul. Aphids took a liking to her and that’s part of why she struggled and came down early. Got a back up to give her another run for sure.


Group shot





Couldn’t help myself… pollen spilled out of my freezer onto another “Sensi” run. Thanks to @AzSeaindooin420 for the Choc. Diesel pollens. I painted some lowers of my CSS#3 and a Cobra Lips from @Budderton

Here’s the CSS#3 at about a month in

Cobra Lips

And since I had the paintbrush out and the freezer door open, also decided to give my Black Cherry Soda bx a little dab or two of the Shiskaberry3 pollens from @SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard Thanks for the shares gents, happy to share in return, if anyone see’s anything that interests you:)


And next in line, just a couple weeks behind…

A couple MM31’s flying a little too close to the lights.

And a TK for good measure


Cat Scratch Skunk#3 :fire:

Edit: 5/16
Took her down day 68

Thrilled w this girl, she has the Mother’s Milk frost, smell, and flavor, on a much stronger frame.


Interesting read

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@catapult I’m out of Likes.

I’ve always thought about and even analyzed the different effects i get. To tailor my weed intake to fit my needs.

It’s cool to read the science behind how we get high. And knowing that cannabis is just one very useful “key” to unlocking the chemicals in our brain.
Thank you for posting the very informative article.


There are some real gems around, sometimes hidden just beneath the surface!

Glad you enjoyed it too BDubb:)

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Ah, I’m all out of likes too! Nice find tho! I totally missed that one.

In the meantime, for my lack of likes, here’s a couple pics of the MM F3 #3 13 days into flower this morning :yum:


Sweeet! Sure looks like she is enjoying your treatment of her! Excited to see how she develops in that Octo.

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Oh yeah, she’s loving life in there! Big ol bush! :muscle:
Flowers are reminding me of my favorite mm f2 #9 from a couple years back :drooling_face:
I still have clones of the f3 #1 and #2 to uppot and flip at some point. This #3 is pretty stinky tho already :wink: