Sun Seeds Soil

Next in line will be a cobra lips f2 pheno coming from @Budderton ’s repro.

Continuing in reverse order; running a MM31, Cat Scratch Skunk #2 and #7, and two Hollywood pheno’s (Wedding Cake x Kush Cleaner)

SSDDf2 at day 34

TK at 62 @HolyAngel

And finally the Big Don (Romulan x GG4 RIL TGTB) via @Dirt_Wizard She’s a bit of an odd bird, not much smell for me, funky foxtails in all directions despite moderate to low temps. Seems like she’ll keep going w the TK for another week plus


I’m digging your choice of things you grow @catapult !!
I have a few of the CL f2 at 3 wks or so into flowering. Seems to be a wide range of phenotypes, probably due to the fact that those seeds are a mix from 5 females pollinated by 4 males. I pulled one that was throwing sacs on the lowers but the rest are running clean so far.
Best of luck with your flower run!!


Thanks budder! In my current phase I’m loving the use of OG sourced genetics w a focus on the kush and its many variations. Trying to get better at spotting traits and markers from inter-related strains. Growing out some of the classics and ibl mixed up w the occasional cookie or candy treat:)


Very cool. Did you get the bicycle themed pure OG Kush open polls along with the SFV OG from me?


I did mate, they are very much appreciated!! They are coming up soon w the sfv x lbl from mota , well soon, right after another MM repro…

All under 300W at the moment, lol


Lookin VERY nice over here bro! How’s that SSDD girl smelling? :yum:


Dude she sure is, that’s part of why I wanted to hand her out was to see if it’s just my growing style and environment? But I think she’s just a freaky pheno that does the foxtailing I was calling “sheaves of wheat” instead of the “wheat stalk” that people usually describe. The foxtails all curl up together as she finishes and they add weight, it doesn’t exactly make nugs so much as bundles of long calyxes that still separate, I’ll have to pull a top bud from the jars and break it down over a series of photos and you’ll see it’s obvious.

All the cuts I gave you are looking great though, you’re the first to flower out the Vortex F1s unless @Guitarzan did already, he was the first to get cuts


She’s real interesting. Smells have just started to get going on her for me, prob in the past week or so. When i get real close, it’s almost like I can’t distinguish her smell from everything else. But when im working around her, im quickly all sticky and her smell on my skin and clothing is very apparent from the others and almost sharp in a way. Up front, only slightly sweet and creamy w a bit of og gas. Can totally see this going in a buttery muffin direction.


Yea for sure. Any idea how long you have taken her for?


Looks like something in the 72 day range, which I think was right, she could probably go by 65 for a more up head but I like the mellower ripeness

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Yes I took the Vortex early on (58 days) they have a nice up vibe to them. It’s still early in drying and have only just tried em a couple times.

The Don seems happy so I’ll let her show me when she’s ready, thinking that 70-72 seems about right.

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That sounds about right from the seed run, when they got past sixty they dropped in smell and started looking ragged as hell really fast, didn’t see more bulking but I was taking them to 70+ to try and make sure every seed I could ripened.

Yea I liked that about her too, she’s been really trouble-free for me so far, I had that messed up one this last run that was seeded and fighting mites, still smells decent and is pretty frosty. The two happy clones I’ve got in flower now are doing better though still probably stunted from the amount of rough IPM they’ve received, this next run is hopefully my first chance to see her grow as a clone entirely not stressed in flower. The current two look good but didn’t start foxtailing like that, though I changed lights too and didn’t run UV in there so they’re much less pushed hard than the original seed grow, I gave that one hell trying to make her produce and it worked, yield was quite good. The two in flower now are in different containers (Pro-Cal #2 and #5) and she definitely gets much better structure in the bigger container, but the smaller one is producing a higher amount of buds per gallon of soil to my eye, I’m trying to understand her.

You must be growing her unstressed just well fed because your plant looks pretty much like the seed mom


I finally realized what it is that the Big Don cut reminds me of, it has very similar structure to the Shire cut of SSSDH, the foxtails cluster more into bud-alikes at least IME so far but that beefy foxtail look is :100:


Yeah man that definitely has a similar look to the buds


SSDD f2 Mmmm, the blueberry muffin smells have recently gotten strong. It’s really lovely, a little sweet upfront, but the blueberry has really taken front and center, a little sour w a definite buttery baked goods finish. Around 44 days


Cat Scratch Skunk getting done soon:


Hey buddy, since you’re growing both JTR and Vortex I thought you might find this page of this thread interesting. This is the guy who took over the Cherry Candy Fuel line from its creator Moonunit, that’s the Cherry Destroyer that I’m reproducing right now, I was looking for more info and found him growing these two so funny man. CD and the others in that round are still seedlings but I’ll let ya know when I have some cuts of those trays for sure:


Nice man; I love your extensive collection of strain info’s! Thanks for sharing.

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SSDD f2 day 60

Reconnected w a local friend recently who hooked me up w a few Stardawg cuts and a rooted Snowdog. I’m stoked for this one, she brings me back to my early days of seeking out the kind bud:)


Dud pollens last attempt at seeds has me feeling like I should pollinate a whole tent. Or at least half of one…

My doner for this round are a couple Hollywood males from 707 genetics. They are Wedding Cake x Kush Cleaner
The tall one has definite TK look to him, there is a matching female version too that has a strong TK smell and appearance.

Hollywood males, back to the window after getting a couple days in the tent w the girls

Tent: x3 Hollywood pheno’s, Ma Milk #31, and Cat Scratch Skunk #2 and #7 all pollinated W Hollywood. And finishing up in the center is SSDDf2 and an ATF

TK leaning Hollywood female

Cat Scratch Skunk #7

A Mother’s Milk #31 that appears to be loaded w seed.