Sun Valley Garden of Grew Some Things

Afternoon session starting
The clean up

Bingo Pajama x Hashplant D

Bingo Pajama x Sunshine 4

Bingo Pajama x Roadkill Blueberry


Whatcha got cooking for lunch?
Nice new hat too!

I have a boatload of those pots :slight_smile:

they are the perfect size

love the hat and dog

very nice and thanks for the look


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We had a rabbit poitjie (stew) with pap (corn meal) and a couple craft lagers

They are great pots mate… last a lifetime…
Thanks for the love man :sunglasses::v::v:


View driving home


Glad to see you’re back on your feet broski :muscle:t2: Plants are smashing life as always too man. That GG4 bx2 is the fattest muhfucka in my grow rn. Very interested to see how your BB gear comes out cos 2nd fattest is the marauder :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@Explorer that GG4BX2 i shared in the pics is the mother plant to you Stardawg f2 x GG4BX2… she sure does yield well … all my SD x GG4BX2 threw out baseball bats.


Cool pics bro. It almost looks like where I grew up in the southeast U.S. Never even heard of that odd fruit. Is that a seed inside each pouch? If I found one and opened it up I wouldn’t know what to do with it, lol. I’d try it, I’m sure. I grew up in the woods.


Yeah bro each little black thing is a seed. If you ever come across one in the store give it a try. Granadilla or Passion Fruit… pretty much the same thing and pretty sure you’d like it.


Out at the grow today doing some general plant management … got a tea brewing which will be ready tomorrow and did another neem molasses and LAB foliar of the Sunshine 4 clones before they get sent up to the veg area.
Things looking great … weird not having any real monsters this year but just wait till you see what next season has planned.
Few snaps of how things have grown since a week ago.

Gorilla Zkittlez x Dosidos

Dosidos f3

Wedding Cake Gelato x Dosidos

Bingo Pajama x Field Trip

Platinum Valley x TK x Choc D

Purple Poison Cookies

Platinum Valley x Dosidos

The Cube x Dosidos

Bingo Pajama x Sunshine4

Blues x Space Monkey

Shiva Dream


Field Trip

Crater Lake

Some of the scenery

I’ll get a few shots of the brewed tea tomorrow


Nice spot that. Everything is looking so green. Before I started growing Cannabis, I had no interest in farms. Now I wish I lived on one. lols


Nice looking grow man. Wow. It looks hot there. It sort of reminds me of the southeast around the Appalachian mountains. It looks like that Shiva Dream has decided to be your designated monster this season. It sure has a jump on the others. Stay cool! peace


Does get pretty hot there bro. Mid 30s in °c … got most of my shade netting over there today so just need to erect some poles and get the area covered … lots to do still


So I’m guessing you farm for a living, but did you just decide fuck it imma grow in Africa, or what happened? Also how much do lbs go for over there and where does the herb go


A seed doesn’t choose where it was sprouted… :wink:

'Pretty sure @Sunvalley is fully Native.

:evergreen_tree: :surfer: :film_frames: :om_symbol: :wine_glass: :us: not by choice


What do you think of the field trip? Been eying that one.

I noticed you like stuff with the Appalachia male from Bodhi. I’ve only grown the SSDD but I’m kinda hooked on that out of anything else I’ve grown.

You’ve got me excited for our 100 degree days!

Have a good one man!


Things are looking beautiful over there ! Can’t wait to see them stacking on some weight like juicy girls! Lol


Field Trip is dank bro … top shelf bud. Smells similar to my Sunshine4 cut just a bit sweeter. Frosty as a winter morning.
I do like the Appy cross but gonna start a few more wookie crosses in a bit.
SSDD is a great strain man i cant wait to run it again.

Cheers mate defs looking fwd to them flowering too. Hope you’re doing ok my brother


Just wow !! @Sunvalley , you have set the bar high indeed for growing outdoors my brother … always get a tad jealous when u post lol
But always eager for your updates


Love the look of this Gorilla Zkittlez x Dosidos

Tea brewed up and getting diluted into the reservoirs … this tea i used kelp, comfrey, rabbit poop, worm castings, mushroom compost, forest earth, fulvic acid and a touch of LAB. Brewed 24 hours

Doing the late afternoon foliar feed and watering the beds. Got this chinese farmer hat a while back… best farm hat for the sun ever :sunglasses:

@SamwellBB is this the Lettuce leaf you talk of ?? Cant remember what it is… either PPC or WCG x Dosidos … just this one looking like this
