Super Bowl who ya got?

Not a fan of them, but give me KC to hoist the Lombardi.


Cowboys fan since the 70s. They have a shot.


Iā€™m not really a fan, but I like to watch a well played close game. Iā€™m guessing itā€™ll be KC vs SF. Weā€™ll see, and in not too long. Game starts in about half an hour.


Eaglesā€¦ gotta go with the home team.


Guess I coulda gone with Green Bay. We own a share of their stock! ROFLMAO

I HATE Aaron Rodgersā€¦ I used to be a Greenway fan, and will be again when heā€™s gone, but I canā€™t stomach him :laughing:


Ugh Iā€™m throwing this out there for the near future but the giants

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I felt the same way about Eli manningā€¦I completely stopped watching football until he retired


Iā€™m rooting for the Eaglesā€¦ even though Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re gonna lose again. Dunno, maybe Iā€™m a masochist or maybe itā€™s just habit.


I know the feeling.

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dont know who is palying in the superbowl havent watched a game since the ā€œkneeldownā€ but as a side note i cant believe brady thought hanging out with a bunch of nsweaty guys trowing a football was a better option than smashing GIZELLE ALL DAY EVERY DAY :upside_down_face: JUST GOES TO SHOW YOU JOCKS AREWNT THAT BRIGHT


Kneel down was a temporary loss of reason. Most idgits even admit that now, kneel bad, stand and take your hat off=good.

With all that in mind, it is a very good day for alot of fans.

  1. BeliCHEAT is out and on the verge of bye bye, :raised_hands:

  2. Shady Brady is out, and on verge of big bye bye. Please go away. You are a stupid foolish person.

  3. There is a New York team causing waves. Wouldnā€™t that be something? Another Giants championship?

  4. Unfortunately, Jets fansā›³ļø

Donā€™t be so hard on your team. You just won a few years ago.

Try being a jet fan for a season;(

Go Cowboys! :sunglasses: :v:

@Floyd, Iā€™m a die hard 49ā€™s fanā€¦maybe we can put a wager on todayā€™s gameā€¦seeds/clones? Iā€™m game if you areā€¦


You think heā€™s retiring soon? I canā€™t see the Kraft boys giving him the boot.


No, him and shady are gonna ride the horse until it expiresšŸ˜‡

Oh the fucking pain! Tampa and New England prime time every Sunday, and they added a week, just fucking torture.


A loyal lions fan hereā€¦feel free to give me shit, I am used to itā€¦ :rofl:

I love Patrick Mahomes but with the new ankle injury he will not be his superhuman self.

Therefore I feel the best choice is the 49ā€™ers.
The rookie has a chance to make history.
That is who I am going with and why.

Go lionsā€¦ :wink:


Niners look good, but the cowgirls might put up a fight


Jaguars took care of mahomes last night. You can thank us when they dont make it past the championship game next week. Jaguars should have won that game too. There was no shot of winning before mahomes got hurt. We shouldnā€™t have even been there to begin with.

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