Supernatural by EG preservation project

I agree. It wont get better if you keep picking at it. :wink:


Will definitely stop being so worrisome. Just far too excited I suppose, haha. My kit from farmer freeman has shipped. Hopefully the babies will be big enough for me to clip off some samples to send by the time it gets here.


Time for an update, my friends! This preservation run is definitely both fun yet anxiety inducing haha. But so far seven are still thriving while four of them are still stuck in the sproutling stage of day 1.
I fed them some cal mag and a little bit of sea kelp this evening. #4 seems to have burnt leaf tips for some reason but she is chugging along fine. #3 is truly ahead of the race and is just showing off at this point.

Also look what came in the mail today :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Those look great!


They look happy, I wouldn’t stress it too much brother!

The stragglers may pull through just fine and even if they don’t for one reason or another, 7 is plenty for F2’s to be made…



Coming up fast looking very nice. I think those slow growers will catch up. You will be alright


You’re doing a great job with them. Excited to see you’re male:female ratio.

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Hello friends! I’m out of town until sunday afternoon. I managed to have 7 samples sent out to farmer freeman to determine their sex before I left and they will reach the lab by Monday it looks like. Super excited to see what I have. Definitely a useful tool when it comes to preserving strains. This will help me make a more concrete plan on what I will be doing. Reversing or if I’m lucky I’ll have a few males and females in the mix.

Now comes the very slim chance but still not impossible. What would I do if all these supernaturals are males?


curl up and cry like a baby.

i have faith you will get some females my friend …


Just spit my coffee out imagining a shark curled up and crying



I have faith there are females in this mix too, my friend. Definitely trying to have some foresight as well to ensure I have plenty of backup plans. That’s just me being too over prepared and trying to be ready for anything. I’m excited to see my results :+1:


as am i my friend, looking forward to all 5 females and two males your going to get before to long.

ahh yes yes …


A great start!


Hi friends! Sorry for the lack of updates this weekend as I’ve been out of town. Time for the preternatural update of my Supernatural preservation run! And oh boy do I have some good news, my friends.

It seems #6 has decided to finally start moving after all! After giving the four that weren’t thriving and stuck at seedling stage, #6 was the one who pulled through.

The other three sadly did not make it. Despite my efforts in trying to make them root, the cotyledons eventually shriveled and died. Heartbreaking but I am lucky enough all of them popped at all. 8 is more than enough to get this preservation kickstarted. My samples to farmer freeman should arrive at the lab tomorrow as well! Hopefully we will get results on who is a boy and who is a girl within the week or weekend.

Here is the 8 together as of today.
Supernatural #3 is just showing off.


Now you can relax and enjoy the ride. Think about how great it will be when they are all leafed out and growing buds. :heart_eyes:


now we get to sweat the runt and see if its male or female naturally lol


looking good , they sure gone be big plants very soon! :smiley: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

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Thank you, friends! I’m super giddy they are taking off.

Here is another tent photo from this morning.


Just got this email from Farmer Freeman. Samples have landed safely at the lab!

Also I’ve done some more digging and found some photos of Supernatural in its early veg stage. From THCfarmers by user kushluvr circa 2012.

Reposting for my own research purposes of this specific cultivar.


Results came in today, friends!

All females. Wow. So now it seems like it will be plan b. Just reverse one of these girls and let it pollinate the other Supernatural girls. Would I be able to turn the entire plant into a full on male if I choose to reverse one?