Support Overgrow through Patreon

Yeah yeah give :sunglasses:




Really simple but really true


@LemonadeJoe does it have to be a recurring payment or can I go and drop a few bucks anytime? Some months are tighter then others but I just quit smoking the devils grass “cigarettes” to cut costs and I’m sure I can find something left over to pitch in to help do at least my part to keep this site growing. I know all about server and hosting costs and they are the downfall of many good sites… I’m not sure you need it but I may be able to help out with some server parts or upgrades etc. I have a credit with a company that handles business to business trading and they get stuff like that time to time, ill be in touch in the future if stuff comes up. Stay learning


Hello GumbyBuds, it surely does not (although it is preferred cause it provides us some certainty that we know that we can cover the costs). You can limit your pledge and adjust it flexibly in your Patreon account on month to month basis or just anytime you want.

Thanks for your support!!!


I believe that we have a BTC address for people who want to donate anonymously and you can just do it whenever you want. Just send an amount and let the big man know about it. Thanks.


Sure, you can support Overgrow with bitcoin too!


I get that, peice of mind is priceless… Awesome, let me see what I can scroung up. Thanks guys


As i’ve been overwhelmed with positive responses to my content here, I will be supporting the site as well. Gotta put some money in the bank first, I usually keep it all as cash lol.

Edit: Support Completed. Long live OG.


here is the response i received from patreon. i provided the confirmation number for the initial transaction and asked them to track it down and ensure it goes to the proper creator. january should be without issue. thanks joe and team OG


The lack of static and negativity makes it worth my buck.
I cancelled a subscription to easyriders that just wasn’t interesting anymore and since I cancelled my satellite dish (due to the fact that modern tv just SUCKS) I figured this is a therapeutic investment.
I do miss Doctor Who though.


Give the author the Truth of the Day award.


Thank you guys! @Jellypowered, @legalcanada and @Morgwar … It is binding for me to improve OG in the future!

I really appreciate it!


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Chat room (let’s chat!) :speech_balloon:

You’re doing great dude! If we can keep the militant sponsors and the “elitest” fanboys at bay. Us average Joe’s can grow and share in :v:


patreon sent an e-mail saying they are now charging the patron 2.9% plus $0.35 on top of the 5% plus transaction fees charged to the creator. so i pay $13.25 and you get maybe $8?

i canceled my pledge and i will donate directly with bitcoin or i will send it directly by paypal on the first of the month if that’s ok @LemonadeJoe


I’ve got that e-mail too and I like that new system is more transparent.

I don’t think you are calculating it correctly. We will get exactly 95% of every pledge… For example …we’ll get $9.5 with your $10 pledge. That pledge has some transaction costs, you will be charged $10.64 (2.9% + fixed fee $0.35).

So it is actually more predictable than in past. I’d happily pay 5% for aggregating and easy management of small donations. For example we can issue one invoice to our Tax Office per month instead of many bills for each small donation. We can also synchronize our supporters through programmable interface. It has great features that make my life as admin easier.

Sorry we don’t have paypal, but if you can use bitcoin then absolutely do it! You are welcome.

But Patreon is prefered, cause we can have steady support throughout the year.

Thanks a lot ! :thumbsup:


yes my calculation was off i did 29% instead of 2.9% LOL if you prefer patreon to bitcoin i’ll sign back up

i also understood it to be an additional fee and not restructuring of the old system. i understand now. thanks for clarifying.

i re-registered


I very much prefer Patreon, thank you very much for understanding and support!


Hey @LemonadeJoe,
As a supporter do we have to support a full 12 months before we get the end of year reward?

I’ve got mine on automatic monthlys but I didn’t find out about OG being back until well into 2017 :confused:


Yes, I’d like to send out seed package reward at the end of 12 months period. Thanks for your contribution!

I will send PM to supporters once they are eligible regarding shipping address.