- syzygy's journal - the clown show

The bronze edges happened both times I flowered her out. A guy in the Chem 91 thread said that it’s a trait of the Skva cut. This along with the random discolorations is what makes me say it’s ugly.

Another weird thing that occurs, happens when it’s rootbound, the edges on lower fan leaves turn a magenta color. Wish I still had a pic to show you. It’s some sort of deficiency for sure but I’ve only seen it in the 91 so far.

I really enjoy the vape/smoke. Great flavor (chemmy (THE chem flavor?, piney) and the high is nice. It makes me just want to relax, definitely an evening smoke like @ramblinrose said. It’s not crippling but pretty damn potent. Ok…so I took two hits rigbt before I wrote this because I wanted to give you the real deal experience…now I feel like I’m glued to the couch. I haven’t had a good TK but I would say 91 is definitely stronger than my TK leaning Black Triangle. Better flavor too.

What’s your final container size gonna be? I feel like she does much better in bigger containers when grown organically.

Edit: I chopped on day 68 last time. Thinking I’ll chop at day 77 this time around to see if it’ll be more potent.

Here’s an 8 month old top: