- syzygy's journal - the clown show

That’s just heavy compression of the jpeg files. A lot of the new phones have RAW photos options that let you retain a lot more detail.

First post in your thread but I love your photos. The black tents do make such a convenient background that I have never take advantage of. Been into photography half of my life and I’m young.


Oh, I have a bunch of weed pics on my phone, that’s not what I’m worried about. The thing that really bothers me about it is that I have to “link” (or whatever) my phone to our desktops (which are really my girl’s desktops) and, uh… I dunno. That just bothers me. I’m not hiding anything from her, but I don’t want her having access to my phone. She has to show me how to do it (I swear I really did turn 49 this week and not 99 haha) and I feel like she’s gonna put some sort of “monitoring device” in it or something, unbeknownst to me haha.

I’m like George Constanza with his fiancée Susan and the ATM number: “Can’t I just have one thing to myself?!? Is that so selfish?!?

“Actually, that’s the definition of ‘selfish’.” Haha.




I think my old phone had the option of shooting raw (pixel 3a) but I’m now running a later pixel version with Graphene OS and the camera sucks pretty badly. It doesn’t have the option in the native cam, nor in GCAM sandboxed. Even running GCAM the photo quality is pretty pitiful.

Thanks! Glad you’re here to interact.

I don’t know much about MacOS or apple phones but for Android you still need to unlock the phone every-time you plug it in in order to access files or side-load stuff (system settings / apps or whatever) via adb. I’d think if your credentials (passcode or whatever) were compromised then all that could be achieved anyways. But ya, I get the concern when she becomes involved in the process (and it’s her computer).


I just upgraded after waaaaaaay too many years to an almost new phone. Galaxy S7 to a Galaxy S20 and the fuckers use the same exact sensor for the cameras as the S7…but the lenses are dogshit! If you focus close up, only the very center of frame is in focus. Then the fancy telephoto camera is only 8MP. Like what the hell kind of advancement is that after like 7 years.


Here’s some Pixel 3 shots - trichomes are with that magnification “macro” clip on lens. All are the Triple Sunshine A

I had to take the plant out of the tent and rest the phone on my tripod to get these shots. Nowhere near as easy to do as the Olympus but results aren’t horrible. Nice option for ~20$ or less. Olympus has it beat on many fronts, including the flash but it’s also costly.


I don’t, either. But she does… haha.


Quick shots of the Spirit HP 2 - I think I may pull this in a few days. Olympus battery is dead and charging so I can’t get good trichome shots but in person it looks ready and smells ready.

Rootbound and light-stressed Trip Sun males are looking stressed out. Hoping I can get some pollen off of them. They have started forming flower clusters.


Love the bud structure on the TS A. I think it ran out surface area for any more trichs. :grin:

That magenta fade on the Spirit HP is beautiful.


Same! It’s becoming one of my favorite plants that I’ve found in B’s seeds. Actually may be my favorite. So far so good on herms - I think this is the 4th time the cut has been cycled into flower without issue.

Great calyx to leaf ratio - very easy to trim
High quality flowers from the bottom of the plant to the top.
Good frost levels
Nice moderately high odor
High vigor - rooted cuttings flipped end up about 2.5’ tall. Perfect for my tent.
Semi unique flower shape - not the typical perfect pine cone shaped flowers.
Apparently stable and able to handle moderate stress levels.
Handles flowering in a 1 GAL pot reasonably well.
Pretty easy to keep happy so far - translates to easy to take cuttings.

I’m not claiming it’s extreme in any category - I like the smell and it is fairly strong but it’s definitely not the strongest smelling plant I’ve encountered. It’s frosty too but I wouldn’t say it’s the frostiest. I really can’t think of an obvious negative to nit-pick about though so It’s definitely up there as a favorite.

I just spent an hour taking cuttings of the new stuff because they were growing into the lights. This time they went in an aerocloner.

So far some observations (obviously we’re talking about plant traits in veg here only)

Lav Jack - ultra branchy & has some thinner leaves when compared to everything else here. Seems like it would be a fairly high maintenance plant to keep as a mom given the extensive branching. The positive flip side of that is there’s plenty of material to work with for taking new cuttings. It reminds me a bit of my space monkey mother which would also branch like this, only this has thinner leaves and doesn’t smell strong in veg.

Pinesoul - thick stems with large internodal spacing. Seems to stress out easily. I’m getting the impression this one will not like being root constricted at all - whether as mother or while flowering. This seems like it would be a tricky one to keep and would have to be completely spectacular to make it worth it. Would probably be a great plant to run outside. I’m nervous about running this one in the flower tent and my hope would be to run it as a fresh cutting with minimal veg to try to keep it happy.

Chem 91 - Normal and mostly healthy growth with some minor leaf issues. Some light chlorosis at the leaf margins. It actually bothers me seeing these leaf issues when I go near the plant. Other than that it seems like a fine plant. This is the plant I am least excited for at the moment, but I am trying to keep an open mind.

Bubba - The smaller pot is very stressed out and making me believe it may also have issues with root constriction. Larger pot looks much better and the leaves look fairly unique on it. Almost has a waxy green look to it with narrow vein spacing on it.

Irene - seems to have finally caught and has grown enough that I could take a couple cuttings. There was some mild twisting of the leaves on one branch, but other than that seemed pretty normal. To my eyes it doesn’t resemble the bubba I have in veg at all.

Triangle Kush - Seems mildly stressed and has some vine-like growth to it. I’m assuming this is going to be a difficult one to keep confined to a small area, but maybe with some gentle horizontal training I could make it work.


Here’s a phone shot of the full plant. It was rooted in a rapid rooter, transplanted to the 1 GAL pot and within a day flipped to flower. It started out under the bottom velcro - probably 3-5" tall.


It’s typical for the Chem 91 to have leaf discoloration like that IME. It seems to transfer to its offspring too. The 91 is an ugly, finicky plant…


91 likes her calcium. Mag too. Grows pretty similar to the tk for me but branches just slightly better. Neither one puts out a lot of roots compared to other plants. TK gets really lanky even in veg if you don’t mess with her. 91 seems to need that less.


Have you smoked the 91? Wondering how you guys think the effects compare to tk.

I feel like I’ve seen lots of bud shots of the 91 where the leaves look a bit bronzed or rusty. Assuming you’ve had it before, what did you make of the flower?


Ive only tested my own 91 buds a couple times but I really liked it… and I grew it terribly the first go. Had a nice long lasting flavor in the vape, and the high was an excellent evening high.


The bronze edges happened both times I flowered her out. A guy in the Chem 91 thread said that it’s a trait of the Skva cut. This along with the random discolorations is what makes me say it’s ugly.

Another weird thing that occurs, happens when it’s rootbound, the edges on lower fan leaves turn a magenta color. Wish I still had a pic to show you. It’s some sort of deficiency for sure but I’ve only seen it in the 91 so far.

I really enjoy the vape/smoke. Great flavor (chemmy (THE chem flavor?, piney) and the high is nice. It makes me just want to relax, definitely an evening smoke like @ramblinrose said. It’s not crippling but pretty damn potent. Ok…so I took two hits rigbt before I wrote this because I wanted to give you the real deal experience…now I feel like I’m glued to the couch. I haven’t had a good TK but I would say 91 is definitely stronger than my TK leaning Black Triangle. Better flavor too.

What’s your final container size gonna be? I feel like she does much better in bigger containers when grown organically.

Edit: I chopped on day 68 last time. Thinking I’ll chop at day 77 this time around to see if it’ll be more potent.

Here’s an 8 month old top:


Great info, thanks both of you! I don’t know why but I expected chem to have an “up” and disorienting or stupefying high. Never had it or really looked too deep into it. Chem has never been a strong interest of mine and that’s why I don’t really have many seeds featuring it. I have a ton of OG seeds because I really would like to have a good OG mom on hand. I think the only seeds I have with the potential for strong chem influence was the Chem 91 x SSDD, and those were freebies. I went through a couple Gorilla Biscuit IXs from seeds of compassion in 2015 or 16, and those had Stardawg in them but no real clue if any chem traits came through.

When I got the amazing clone offer I initially picked Tahoe as the 5th choice and for timing reasons (we were up against below freezing weather and holiday shopping season) we decided to go with Chem instead to be safe.

Listening to both Nspecta and Shabuds interviews leaves me with the impression that the differences between the various OG cuts are extremely subtle, including tk. If that’s the case then it seems like a fortunate outcome for diversity sake. Ultimately I’ll probably only end up keeping one “OG”-type cut. Both of your descriptions actually sound pretty good to me. That’s pretty much what I’m expecting of Bubba. I’m up for my expectations being challenged on everything of course.

I’m almost positive I’m going to do 12x12" pots that are listed as 6.5 GAL. Probably closer to 5GAL in reality. They are in my garage already filled up with soil, just waiting for the flower tent to finish so I can do a deep-clean. Hopefully the cuttings cooperate with me on timing so that I can avoid a high-stress root bound situation.


Like I said in my Hashplant D smoke report, every Chem or Chem hybrid I’ve ever blazed (that I can remember) has always had a “down then up” high, where the first 30 or 45 minutes make me feel like,”Oh, shit, okay, wait a second…” or even brought me to my knees (or the couch haha). Like, it’s such an intense comeup that I have to kind of recalibrate or whatever, but after 45 minutes or so it’s the exact opposite. It’s like a starter’s gun went off or something. Pretty interesting high. To me, anyway.

That’s actually why I haven’t been blazing that Hashplant D too much, just because it’s something I have to sorta “prepare” myself for. I think I prefer the usual “up then down” sorta thing. That initial crippling comeup doesn’t really do it for me, even though the rest of the high is pretty dang good.


Ya that doesn’t sound too appealing to me. Sounds like something I’d have to prep for as well. I went through my seed list and as you can see these are the only genetics that directly have chem in them as far as I can tell. Just to illustrate my point about how I never really had much interest in it in the past. BOLD = paid for - the rest are freebies

Gorilla Biscuit IX (Sensi Star back cross that has Stardawg in it) - Sensi Star is the focal point though.
Star Dawg (Bad Dawg Cut) x Sunshine 4 (Bodhi)
Tres Star Dawg (Bad Dawg Cut) x Run Away Bride
Tres Star Dawg x Run Away Bride #3
Chem D x AfPak (doc D freebie)
Chem 91 SVA x SSDD
(ChemD x PU)xW15

Not saying I won’t like it or anything, just I know pretty much nothing about it other than it’s potent and the basic history of it.


What did you think of the Gorilla Biscuit?