- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Did it make your mind race? If so, that’s my type of bud!! My brain’s always going a million miles a second. Other substances used to help me slow it down, but now I’ve found that real potent Sativas have the same effect.

I’ve been on a TK binge for a bit now, having just grown Durban Biscotti x Triangle Kush. Will be searching through some Blockberry (Superboof) x Triangle Kush sometime later in the year. What’s funny is that I haven’t smoked pure T.K, just hybrids.

I’ll be popping some Kush x SSD and Goji OG on Friday evening to finally explore some Bodhi genetics. Super excited about it. I’m also excited about popping some Watermelon Hashplant, but I won’t be able to get to those for a minute.

Cheers pal. You motivate me to up my photographic and growing skills.


After looking at those macro shots at day 75. I just noticed that I there was little amber trichs for week 11. Trip Sun A could see that extra week for amber to set it more for my preference.


None of the SSDD crosses that I’ve had have given me racy thoughts. All have been calming mellow flower and most were very comfortable. I tried 3 k4xssdd F1 females and all 3 were nice and pretty similar to the Trip Sun, only more relaxing and in the night time herb category. That one was more trance-like and not very sativa, but I really liked it too.

I had one pheno in my pack of Goji OG F1s that was racy and scatterbrained. Those sorts of highs aren’t my thing so I didn’t keep it though. Good uplifting Goji phenos seem fairly common in the line and most people seem to like it.

Triple Sunshine A makes me feel like I got a good caffeine dose (not overdose or jittery, just good clarity and improved focused), but is also really calm, mellow and comfortable at the same time.

I’m in the same boat. I’ve only grown a handful of tk hybrids and this one is the one that resonates with me the most. Very interested to see how it compares when the time comes.

I’ve been smoking all 3 (week 9, 10, 11) and there doesn’t seem to be a huge difference but I think I prefer day 65-70 right now, but they’re all good. Even the pre-cure samples I’m loving, maybe even a little bit more. It seems like the earlier pre-cure stuff has more of that mental energy boost to it.


You’ll see when you get there but the enhanced focus and sociability is all from the TK. The mellow relaxing likely from the SSDD. If TK is ever racy, just need to get used to her as she won’t ever be that way ever again once you are but she’s never debilitating. My guess is that part in the TS C is coming from the ssdd combo or some previous parent in the line :thinking: can’t say Ive really seen any debilitating sssd’s :thinking:


Debilitating almost like amnesia. You know that effect where you mess up common tasks, grab a hot pan out of the oven with no gloves, or forget what you were doing? That type of herb (for me). I haven’t experienced that from the few SSDD F1s or crosses I’ve grown either, but trip c did have that effect on me. Would not be safe to drive on that one.


I hope you do. We don’t have enough sunny spots to grow more than a few tomatoes, so we’ve been trying to build a pollinator paradise for the last few years. The only camera I have left is a phone, but it’s still fun taking pics. Yours are great! We have a couple of kinds of salvias for the hummers and bumble bees, but not that one, do you know what it is?

And are those last pics African Blue Basil? The bees here go nuts for that :slight_smile:


Also curious on the Basil haha


If I remember correctly that was Thai basil. It was in a big planting of like 5 or 6 different types of basil. There was a purple leaf basil , a few Genovese types, thai, holy (?), and maybe lemon or something like that. It’s possible they were flowers from the purple basil as well. Bees and hoverflies seemed to always be on them once they went to seed so it was left for them. Didn’t notice a preference for one variety over another, they seemed to go on all of them.

The blue salvia I’m not sure of but I may be able to find out. There were 2 varieties - one was from a local farmer and I think that one was taller and had very large blooms. I liked the shorter one with the white coloration in the flower. Bees were never not on these flowers either. Also whiteflies (and whitefly predators).

The plant above the basil is Dorotheanthus mezoo sporting some albino growth. Usually variegated but the first time I saw that pure white growth. Looked cool. Have no idea what the insect is on it.

The plant above the mezoo is Delosperma / iceplant.

Dahlia above that with tradescantia in the background (purple fuzzy)

Lantana above that



I’m assuming if it was the purple basil it was Prospera or some other downy mildew resistant variety from Johnnys. DM is a real problem up here for basil so the resistant varieties are where it’s at.

Was probably thai though


If the basil went to seed, it wasn’t African Blue Basil. It’s sterile, and only available as plants, or cuttings. I try to overwinter a few cuts… way easier root than SSDD, lol!

Thanks for adding names to the plants, I didn’t recognize a few, Pentas in particular. I’m going to have to look for them.

And yeah, the blue and white salvia is one I haven’t seen. We have Black and Blue, Blue, and a weird red one. The hummers, honey, and carpenter bees love the blue ones:)

I haven’t seen DM here, and glad of that. Heard it’s much worse than PM, which is mostly just a nuisance.

Days are getting longer, lol!


I’ll admit that I do enjoy the debilitating weed, but my favorite is weed that makes me feel good. Enhancing is a great way to think about it - those are my keepers.


Amen! Gorgeous! Keep 'em comin (as long as there’s not too much repetition / duplication).

:white_flower: :rainbow:

P.S. Holy basil is one of my favorite smells in the whole world. That stuff is divine! :wink: :pray:


I don’t know if it formed seeds or not, probably did. It was definitely started from seed and not propagated from cutting though, so ya, probably Thai. Is the African Blue Basil ornamental or culinary? Sounds interesting either way, don’t think I’ve ever seen it.

Sweet Alyssum is another great, easy, and cheap plant (seed) for pollinators that we always have planted. Visually it’s not anything special but can be interplanted or companion planted without issue.

I’ve seen hummingbirds go for the red salvia a bit. Don’t know that I’ve seen a black and blue salvia before. The Delosperma was always covered in honeybees. Years ago we had a yellow cuphea / mexican heather that acted as the strongest bee magnet I’ve encountered to date. You could directly water them and the bees wouldn’t budge. Pick up and move the plants and they stay glued to the flowers. Haven’t seen it since (got it from a local farmer), and none of the Cuphea from seed have been as inticing.

I think I like the Holy & Thai basil a bit more than the standard Genovese type. My memory of holy basil smell isn’t great, but I like the stronger licorice taste of the Thai basil more than the sweeter Genovese stuff.

Yeah for sure, to each their own. I used to really like herb like that but at times can set off anxiety or exacerbate underlying anxiety to the point I’d just rather not consume it anymore. TS A is very agreeable with my system so that’s why I like it so much; I honestly think most people would think it’s lackluster. Absence of negative kind of thing with me if you know what I mean.


For me, I find that as long as I get enough aerobic exercise a day, I have no anxiety. I’m a dumpy middle age guy, but if I get at least 15min of heavy breathing, sweaty exer-sexercise a day, no worries here. That and 20-30mins of simple stretchy yoga, good sleep, no caffeine after 10am, lots of whole vegetables in my diet + no junk food = smooth sailing.

Does exercise/diet help you?

As for the potent weed, I often only smoke a few times a week, so I want it to reliably change my mind. Up or down, doesn’t matter, as long as it’s a big change. I do prefer the ups rather than the downs, though. :+1:

I guess I prefer to experience and do in life, and that translates to my weed preferences. I like intense visuals, flavors, smells, weather, thoughts, feelings, external experiences. Things that give me verve and gusto rather than those which are pacifying…though I do also like quiet time. I’m a weirdo. :slight_smile:



100%, I think it’s great advice. I don’t really have anxiety issues when I’m sober, especially with decent dietary inputs and exercise (work and dogs force this on me no matter what). Certain Cannabis experiences can definitely bring it on though, and especially edibles. It can range from mildly uncomfortable (physically, not psychologically) to full blown panic attack experiences. I’ve played around a lot with all this in the past and for me it seems like lifestyle factors are absolutely significant but only can go so far. It usually stems from how the Cannabis makes me feel physically and a hyper-focus on that.

I’m weird in how I react to Cannabis as well and seem to defy norms in multiple areas. CBD (sold in store, not in plant) is not relaxing and is highly irritable for me. I don’t dream or remember my dreams sober but I do have strong dreams / REM sleep with Cannabis (most people report opposite effects).

I’m not sure if pacifying is the word I’d use but it may be, I’ll have to think a bit more on that one. I definitely feel like the TS is medicinal for me when it comes to focus. I think it probably has really high anti-depressant qualities based on how uplifting it is but I don’t suffer from depression (thankfully) to know for sure.


Correct, I’m just using a cheap manual rail… you adjust the position of the camera by turning the knobs at the front or back (back one is for more precision movement). I don’t have my macro lens on there right now, but you get the point. I need to get Zerene again, I haven’t been doing much stacking, but want to do a few stacks of the Lav Jack. It works best when you have a large aperture, your DOF is narrow though, so you have to stack more images. I’ve found anywhere from 15-30 is ok, but the pros are using anywhere from 100 to 1000 images stacked.

True, it’s probably negligible after compression. I’m gonna have to play around a bit.

Awesome! Spreading the love!

Thats a good goal, I want to do the same… definitely gonna try to take the “real” camera more places. Nice shots… love the Lantanas!

Yeah I gotta plant some this year! I didn’t do any herbs last year… it’s so nice having fresh stuff around for cooking!

Interesting! I know shrooms almost always make me physically uncomfortable as well, but I’ve never had the issue with cannabis. I tend to try to just focus on my breathing and shit like that, to get them through those moments of tension and discomfort and usually that does the trick, but not always.

Have you experimented with self-grown CBD stuff? Yeah, that’s weird on the dreaming, you’re the first person I’ve heard of that remembers their dreams when they consume cannabis… I’m the exact opposite… if I don’t smoke for a few days, I’ll get really intense dreams… they’re almost too intense at times!


Another update on your SSDD f2’s @syzygy

They are looking healthy and happy!

I really haven’t even fed them yet. Just some earthworm castings, a lentil seed sprout tea and some mycorrhizae and beneficial bacteria in the water.

I’ll probably give them a dose of dry organic nutrient soon. One looks like it needs a bit more magnesium (pic #2, the front one) so I’ll do that too.


Yep same here… just recently got a Persian basil and a couple other weird ones like blue spruce and cardinal. Stoked to see how they compare to the Thai varieties.


I’ve been trying to do that in our big planter in the back yard since we bought the house six or seven years ago. It’s going great, but our new pup is highly allergic to bees (it was not fun watching her go into anaphylactic shock and rushing her to the emergency vet when we first adopted her haha), so now I’m not sure what I’m gonna do. Kill all of the flowers and plant barley and comfrey, maybe? Haha. I don’t like the idea of not encouraging pollinator populations, but I also don’t like the idea of spending three grand on an overnight stay at the emergency vet haha.

Didn’t the people you gave it to say that they thought it was awesome? Or was that a different TS? In any event, I’m with you. I’m always shocked when I give people my favorite weed and they’re like,”Eh…” haha. Although I will say that I gave my neighbor some of everything from this last round on Christmas morning and she texted me a week later and was like,”We LOVE that Chocolate Blitz #2! Can we buy some?” I was just like,”Um… I kinda wanna keep all of it.” Haha.

I did end up just giving her a little more, though.

Absolutely. When I’m in workout mode, I can smoke all day and I want to smoke all day (although doing this Uber Eats shit kind of precludes me from doing that; I don’t like driving when I’m high). When I’m in drinking mode, not exercising, not eating right, I can only smoke after I’ve pounded a twelve pack. It’s fucked up.


Dogs are simultaneously smarter and dumber than you’d think about avoiding things that hurt them in the past. My mother in law’s dog bit into a bee once, found out they have stingers, and now hides under the couch anytime a fly gets into the house. He’s not looking to tangle with any flying insects anymore for fear they have stingers.


We’ve only ever owned boxers, so I can’t speak about other dogs, but every boxer we’ve ever owned has been obsessed with bees. I think it’s just a boxer thing. Our old dog Bowie had a very specific “bee bark” that didn’t sound like any of his other barks. He’d stand over them while they were crawling on the ground dying and bark at them haha. And any time I heard it, I knew what he was doing. “Oh, it’s just Bowie barking at a dying bee.”

Roxy, the new dog, didn’t get stung at all, though, she just ate a dying bee. Or rather, she got stung on her tongue when she ate the bee haha. And that’s an issue. Not only did it cost three grand to get her treated, but she collapsed on the floor and I had to carry her to the car, whereupon she shit and puked all over the backseat as I drove 100 mph to get her to the vet.

Also, I love her and don’t want her to die, so… haha. She still totally tries to eat bees, though, didn’t learn any lessons. We have to go outside whenever she’s out there and make sure there isn’t a dying bee on the ground or flying around and whatever all else, gonna start doing the “treatment” here pretty soon, but money’s a little tight right now.


Both, I think. I don’t care much for the way basil tastes, but I like the smell. The ABB is much milder than most, but I still haven’t eaten any, and we’ve been growing it for 4 years lol! I Might have to give some a try on a Cherokee Purple this summer.

Alyssum is nice, we need more, and I’ll be on the lookout for some Delosperma. And definitely yellow cuphea… it’s almost native!

That’s interesting, and unsettling. I’ve never know a dog to care about being stung (and we’ve had plenty). Our last mutt would hang out by a yellow jacket nest, and bite them as they came out of their hole!

I’d forget the comfrey, bee love their flowers! I work in some county AG sponsored community gardens and nab any natives we thin out… not many that don’t attract at least some sort of bee. Astro turf is pretty benign!

At 3 grand a night, I hope there were some gold foiled gift wrapped cat turds on the pillow for your pup. That’s nuts! Glad he’s (she?) okay.