- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Awesome, thanks for posting the pictures here! Wish I could point out mom leaners or whatever but I’d be making stuff up if I tried. The leaves are thinner on the mom and she gets a lot of stem frost around the 2nd or 3rd week of flower.

Those power outage shots great! Love the color on that plant. The tk shots really caught my eye as well.

Thanks, and ya I try to take the camera with me often anyways because I like to take pictures of the dogs as well - can be a bit tricky though with how far away I have to get with my lens and having them tolerate all that.

Yeah I think that’s sound advice and something I’ve tried. Problem is that it feels like an allergic reaction that affects my breathing / sinuses. Even with edibles. Introspection, rumination or whatever else I can handle. I’d rate it up there as worse in a way (for me) than bad fungi / acid trips. It’s just a physical sensation that feels like you’re not getting enough oxygen and really sucks.

No I haven’t and am open to it. Maybe some day lab-tested cultivars will be available here now that it’s legal. My dreams are definitely much more vivid and memorable on Cannabis than not. I know that’s the complete opposite for most people which blows my mind. They are sometimes almost ‘too intense’ on Cannabis for me. Just goes to show we all have different reactions to this stuff.

Both. It can be hard to extract detailed information and at some point I worry the line of questioning may be influencing the answer. TK will be a good comparison and baseline as it’s something that most everyone agrees is potent. I think there’s also something to what you mentioned a while ago about how I consume and how much - though I have been consuming TS A much more frequently than normal.

Same. Especially with 2 dogs in the car.

My dutch consistently catches bees out of the air and chews them up + spits them out. Makes me nervous as hell when I see it. No clue if she’s allergic but she hasn’t been stung yet as far as I know. In November on a walk I caught her randomly chewing on a bee (probably slowed down from the weather).

Ya interested to see if you find a similar reaction from the bees there. It was tagged as mexican heather but I don’t think it actually was.


Thinking about thinning out some of the TK / C91 inner branches (“suckers”) - seeking opinions before I proceed.

Chem 91

Triangle Kush

Pinesoul with some weird looking leaves - kind of cool. Anyone else see this on their pinesouls?

Stuff I intend to manually pollinate - Trip Sun A / G / SSDD(?) / TK - may move a better looking TK in there as well.

Got the suckers and a few main branches removed from the Lav Jack

May end up removing a few more main branches to consolidate growth, but not today.


This is basically what I’m thinking of on the C91 and the TK




Thank you for circling what you were thinking of removing, because I had no clue from the previous post haha.

The plants look kind of sparse already to me, I dunno if I’d remove anything, but I barely ever do any pruning at all so I’m not sure. I still haven’t figured out where the “suckers” on my plants are, but I’m sure there are tons of them haha. I just always feel like the leaves will die as the flowers mature, the plants will sorta “thin” themselves out over time, no need for me to do too much.

But yeah, go ahead and chop that shit off. Let’s see what happens! Haha.


I personally wouldn’t as I think once you try them, you’re gonna wish you hadn’t trimmed them and instead had kept every single flower off of them you could get your hands on :sweat_smile:


Rooting speed has been a bit on the pathetic side over here - luckily I have a backup of everything so I’m not stressing it. I did notice a Lav Jack was getting a bit stressed out and in need of transplant - so I put it in some frozen soil and directly under a bright light. I’m limited on space and it is what it is - but assuming it rebounds from the stress that this is going to inflict on the cutting I’ll probably just throw it in the flower area to be pollinated. If not then it’s no real loss, I have a mom and I passed a rooted cutting to a few people here. May throw a bag to lock in humidity and cut down on direct lighting a bit.

TK & C91 looking the best structurally out of the 4 to me.



Don’t have a picture of the LJ or Pinesoul but the LJ is doing pretty good. Pinesoul leaves are curling a bit inward and look slightly stressed. Humidity has been really low and temps have dipped in the low 50s or lower. I’d like to get some form of datalogging setup for checking out night time temps in the future.


Both pinesouls I’ve gotten to flower have been mildly stressed in their leaves as well. Not quite sure how to get her fully comfortable. She seems sensitive but also hungry for nutrients to me so maybe it’s the ratios that are off


Ya, I think I’ve read a few people tell me that pinesoul is a bit harder to keep happy (you probably told me this before). It’s OK and not dire or anything at least. When I went in there earlier after the light had already been on for ~2 hours it was 62F in there. I’m guessing it was in the low 50s overnight but that’s just a guess. A datalogging thermometer seems like a good idea for sure.

Here’s the Pinesoul

And Lav Jack


Snow lotus definitely has some blueberry nitrogen funkiness present - high N will make leaves curl like that. Has its plusses and minuses - I noticed it with most goji phenos. The plus is I find they’re pretty happy easygoing plants with normal nutrient levels and not much need for excess top dressing / other feeding.


Great point, thanks for reminding me. I don’t know why I seem to forget that pinesoul is goji og consistently, probably because it’s not directly in the name haha. I forgot also that a few of my Goji F2s had that inward leaf taco action - which I culled because of it. They were much more stout and compact than this Pinesoul though. The Pinesoul is also the first to develop flowers in the tent, and appears moderately stretchy.


I noticed this too with my Goji F1 I no longer have. She wasn’t a big fan of my soil. That trait is helping me in the Goji x DLa 5 I’m running, as I’m seeing some clawing on one or two of them


They look good and green and healthy, if nothing else. I really love how that TK, no matter what, is just gonna grow those trifoliates here and there, seems like everybody who’s posting pics of their TK has that going on, very cool-looking.

My old temp/hygrometer thing had a button that I could just press and it’d show the highest and lowest temps and humidity levels over the last 24 hour period. It wasn’t anything fancy, think it cost me like eight bucks at the hydro store. I dunno if the replacement I bought can do that, though. If it can, I haven’t figured out which button I need to press to check that, anyway haha.

An alarm on it goes off for one minute every night at 6:34 pm, no idea why (I didn’t set it), but I haven’t figured out how to turn that off yet, either haha.


Yeah that’s kind of cool, I really like the semi-lanky structure of the TK (and TS-A by extension). I’m not making any serious judgements obviously but out of the 6 clones the TK is my favorite vegetative plant at the moment. One of the plants in the flower area actually has a fairly strong odor and I’m not sure which it is. I think it’s the Lav Jack but I’m not 100% on that.

Yeah, I probably should have looked at mine to see if it has a high/low part. I’m still kind of interested in seeing what the temperatures look out plotted out over time. I’m not interested in the text message / alarm stuff because there’s nothing I can do during the dark cycle without blasting the plants with light anyways.

About to take the dogs in this snowstorm but here are some more shots

Very easy to propagate plant - it’s in a snowy greenhouse/high tunnel so some of the leaves have been shed temporarily but I always liked the dark red stems & variegated foliage. I think this is an “elephant bush” - Portulacaria Afra ‘Variegata’


I think we’re around day 12 or 13 of flower

Chem 91



Lav Jack

I think this is SSDD… It has the horizontal lanky branching. This one looks a bit better than the other in the mom tent but it still doesn’t really have the vigor that I remember the mom having. I remember the stretch that I used to have to deal with, like when making the Goji F2s & SSDD x Goji OG. Plants would easily reach 2’ of growth when flipped at the size that I flipped this plant at.

The cutting I took of it looks pitiful. Really looking forward to being done with this plant. The spacial requirements of keeping moms of everything is still really annoying me. Every time I water the moms I think about just cutting down the backup SSDD & Trip Sun male.


Looks like your chem 91 and tk pics are the same pic. And the pic you chose looks like TK based on your previous posts with the blue bar in the background.

Edit: yep, it’s labeled as the same pic. tk day 12.

Edit 2: haha edit jinx!

Edit 3: thanks for the update, and nice looking plants!



You might be right, I was kind of rushed but they do look similar. I was planning on taking some phone shots in a minute anyways because the Nikon can’t really get much of the plant in frame.

E you’re definitely right it is the same picture aha.


OK, so here are some full plant shots. I’m dealing with a lot of fungus gnats and have only been bottom watering with gnatrol - still not keeping up. I may pick up some nematodes and mites. Not sure but I think nematodes + gnatrol is usually the most effective approach for me.

Full 3x3

Lav Jack

Chem 91



Triple Sunshine G

2 Different Bubba Kush plants - I have to vacuum up those rice hulls that spilled shortly too…

Also those pictures IAY posted recently of both his LJ & TK really have me excited. Both look incredible.


Did syzygy go back and edit that post? Because I’m seeing it for the first time right now and those are definitely two different plants haha.

Plants look good, syzygy! Haha.


Ya in a rush I accidentally posted the same picture twice and he picked up on it. I replaced it with the correct c91 picture on an edit.

Your plants look good too @minitiger! HaHa. I almost bought a pack of the Banana soap when GLG had them so am interested to see what you find there.


Well, we have one female SSDD f2 for sure. She’s definitely been the most vigorous grower of the 8 seeds I started at the same time, (the other 4 are thug pug peanut butter breath f3’s) and first to show sex, so I was happy she’s a female. I repotted her into a 5 gallon fabric pot and now she’s in the veg room. It’ll still be a bit before she goes into flower. I want her to get bigger + older, and I still need to take clones when she’s ready and root them before she moves to the flower room.

Pretty sure this one is female too. I should know for sure in the next week or less (I’d guess). The other 2 SSDD still aren’t showing sex so I didn’t bother with pics of them. But all 4 are looking healthy.