- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Looks like somebody isn’t reading every single word of every single post on this thread… haha.


I didn’t get to grow that Lav Jack, but the flower I got to sample was really good quality. I thought it was just a run of the mill Bodhi Wookie cross. I tend to agree with syzygy’s original assessment that anyone could find a similar LJ plant in a pack of beans. In terms of Jack it was some of the worst I’ve ever had. In terms of Wookie it was pretty good, but I think the random Space Monkey flower I’ve been given to sample over the last couple years, and even the dispo Space Monkey I got, was just as good if not better than that LJ cut when it comes to smells/frost/taste/high.

Honestly, after trying that Lav Jack cut and the BH Church, and hearing all I have on the BH7 cut, those 3 plants completely turned me off to all of NN and Doc’s selections. I left NN’s discord and all that after trying those. Traded out all my Doc D packs save for the Lemon Thai and TKLT. Just not my jam. Each to his own tho. They’re all good stuff, not saying they’re bad at all, just nothing like what I would’ve selected or wanted from either of those lines. Was disappointing :confused:

The BH especially, it’s like they took the worst traits of A5Haze and made it a seed line. Long flowering sativa flowers with a relaxing, just before bed, high image again, i’m not saying its bad but… not what I’m looking for in those genetics. Each to his own.


I went through ~ 3 packs of sunra and found some awesome smells, a lot were extremely strong. 1 Pack of Granola Funk, and 1 pack of Space Monkey. Also the 3 female LJs. I don’t know what SM you sampled or what your dispensaries have, so I can only reach back to my experiences. I’d say the LJ currently is probably my favorite smell of all the wookie crosses right now. Not the strongest, but up there with them.

I think most people would probably agree my space monkey keeper was a really high quality plant if they sampled it. Was ultra potent, loud, and frosty. Not very dense though and wouldn’t be a good commercial strain. Reeked of pine trees. I liked the smell but it was nowhere near as enticing of an aroma as the LJ cut is currently around day 57~ live on the plant.

The combination of attractive observable traits on the LJ cut does appear to be very high.

Beautiful colors
High frost levels
High odor level
Extremely attractive odor
Very nice bud structure
Large flowers with an above average calyx to leaf ratio once swollen.

I would agree that none of the 3 that I grew out would check all 6 of those boxes. I’m still in the observation phase on this cut and have no idea what it’s like when dried, cured, and smoked. Here’s a
reference post to my other 3 Lav Jacks I grew last year. So ya it may take a few packs+ to find the full package like that, but I think it’s worth shooting for. I’m sure we’re all on the same page when it comes to popping more seeds.

and here’s the “sativa” lav jack dried bud shots

Sad that the reveg failed on that one, but am happy with this cut for now.





I am definitely very cautious about taking in clones myself. I’ve almost always grown from seed, then just selected + kept my own mother plants.

I can probably count on one hand the number i’ve taken in over my 20-ish yrs. Last one was many years ago (an original 90’s ak47). Well, actually I lie…

I just bought my first two cuts in the last couple weeks. Couldn’t pass up that Dog Walker OG and LA pure kush that hoss auctioned for charity here. Price was right too! ($50/ea).


That could be true, but not everybody has a pack of those seeds.

Anyway, you’re being too rigid in your thinking (again… haha!). I’d say that that Lavender Jack is absolutely a “keeper,” in that it’s one of those “total package” plants, at least as far as the smells, flavors and high are concerned (haven’t grown it, so I can’t comment on that aspect). It’s the combination of all of those things that make it so (in my mind, anyway). She smells great, she tastes great and the high is very satisfying, so… What’s the problem? Haha.

There was definitely an anise element to her, as well, which is something that I always associate with straight Jack, although in the case of the LJ, it was “candied” anise. Which, cool! haha. I’ve grown two Wookie crosses, the SSH one and that Cherry Sativa one and didn’t love either of them (highs were very good, but the flavors were really weird), but that Lavender Jack has totally made me reconsider the Wookie hybrids.

But if you don’t like it, you don’t like it haha…

I don’t think you shoulda done that haha.

I can assure you that, while the BAH is relaxing, it’s not something that I’d smoke before bed. That Chocolate Blitz isn’t something that I’d ever smoke before bed, either. I’ve fallen asleep after smoking it in the afternoon, but that’s just because I was drunk and it was time for my mid-day post-lunch “nap” haha.

Anyway, yeah… Whatever haha. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it.

That seems the way to go for me, too, minus the “keeping mothers” part haha. I just pop seeds, grow them and then pop more seeds. Taking in clones from other people, though… I dunno. I was already paranoid about, like, spider mites and PM and shit, but now with this HpLVd stuff… There’s no way I’m gonna risk it, even though I totally trust the growers from whom I’d get any cuts.


I’d think the ones most vulnerable to HLVD would be those holding lots of mothers & doing production runs. Especially with multiple people (underpaid employees) working with the plants. If you’re not reusing your soil it seems like a pretty minimal risk to me given you don’t have any mother plants to risk losing. That said I’m not trying to convince you to take in cuts.

A lot of people do though. They were freebies for a while at GLG & that’s how I got them. They sat there for a long time without ever selling. I think once those photogenic images started popping up (on ig?) people started getting excited about it.

resposted from B thread - jpg shot (not raw) and stacked a few of these

Lavender Jack (Jack Herer x Wookie 15) Day 57 - bred by Bodhi / selected by nn

Pinesoul - (Goji OG F2) archive Day 57

Triple Sunshine (tk x ssdd) A (seeded by Triple Sunshine E & H) - Day 57

Triple Sunshine (tk x ssdd) G - Day 57

Triple Sunshine (tk x ssdd) F - early flower


I like to keep clones from every female I flower in case it’s something special.

It’s not always easy to find the same pheno again even if you have more seeds. I’ve spent years trying to find a pheno again after growing it from seed, not taking clones and the plant dying while trying to re-veg it.

My main goal when sprouting seeds is to find something worth keeping that I can add to my mother plant stable and run any time I want in the future. I keep bonsai moms in little 1/2 gal. pots. I usually have 15-20 different moms at a given time.


Yeah, for sure. If I was gonna take in any clones, it wouldn’t be from a situation like that. It’d be from y’all, right here on this site haha. Y’all are the people I trust. Still… I just don’t see the point, other than I really liked that Lavender Jack and the Blue Dream. But I’m sure I’ll find a lot of good stuff in my seeds, too, so… Why risk it? I need to be planting as many seeds as I can, honestly, no point taking up space with a clone.

Oh, really? I didn’t know that, haven’t looked at a seed vendor’s site (except for ACE’s and that was just for fun haha) in over a year. I rarely look at GLG even when I’m buying seeds, think I’ve ordered from them twice. And they fucked up my last order.

Anyway… Plants look good! They really do.

Yeah, for sure, I understand the reasoning behind keeping stuff. I just don’t do that haha. I probably should, there’s definitely been a few things I’ve grown that I miss and wish I still had around, but yeah, I don’t do that.

Iamyou asked on his thread a while back what everybody’s goals were for the new year and mine was to take clones and root them, so I’m gonna do that at some point before 2025 haha, but probably not this round…


It’s a keeper for sure if its up your alley, it’s just not up mine. I also felt that I’ve seen similar quality smoke/flower out of other Bodhi packs. Maybe it’s special out of that specific cross, but out of Bodhi’s repertoire… I don’t think so. I AM rigid in my thinking of what the high should be in particular strains, and it grinds my gears when they’re not :sweat_smile: thats my own personal gripe with it. It’s good smoke as long as you’re not expecting to get any Jack from it, other than a bit of the flavor/scent.

Legit, the BAH Church cut puts me to sleep. Pass out on the couch if I’m not careful :joy:


Really? That’s interesting. It relaxes me, but it doesn’t make me tired at all. It doesn’t necessarily wake me up, either, but it doesn’t make me sleepy.

We’ve talked about this before, though, so I won’t expound haha.


Yeah speaking of, I’m sorry to clog your thread every couple days with my random thoughts @syzygy :sweat_smile: :pray:

Pics look glorious! Lav Jack indeed looks Dank AF!
TS G really does too! That’s a new one you haven’t flowered before right?
Wonder how F is gonna turn out :thinking:


Yeah, F & G are both unknowns still. I wanted IAY to end up with an A F & G just in case one of them ended up superior to A but my clone timing kind of sucked so he has an A & F. F appears to be the least similar among the 3 at this stage, but we’ll know more in a few weeks. G is really frosty and a bit more narrow / elongated than A even. I think they smell pretty similar to each other & TK but that may by a case of smell contamination. Judging by plant traits alone I don’t see a reason to keep the G mom but we’ll see how the flower is. There will be G F2s as well in reserve but no F f2s (ran out of pollen).

TS A I’ve run multiple times and still am not ultra confident when talking about it. I think last round may have come out the best so far which I believe was harvested around 9-10 weeks. I still have some Week 9 , 10, and 11 bags from last summer-fall and have been cycling through them. Seems like 11 has lost a bit of its strength and 10 may be the strongest of those 3 but not sure…

E : forgot to comment on this

It doesn’t bother me and I like reading opposing viewpoints on stuff - even if I disagree with them. Being disagreeable just to be contrarian isn’t desirable (not saying you are) just as having an echo chamber isn’t either. Something that always bothered me about reading forums in the past was how sensitive people got when there was disagreement.

I get understand and sometimes share the perspective about not wanting opinions to be projected as truth or in an authoritative manner but at the same time I think taken to the extreme discussions would feel pretty boring and sterile. So ya, I’m good with all it - readers should know if they’ve gotten this far in the thread to take things with a grain of salt. I try to add disclaimers to my posts to reiterate that often and feel like that’s being responsible enough.


Just buy or make an aeroponic cloner.

I had near 100% success rate with them for many years.
Super easy. No humidity dome needed. No worrying about proper moisture levels in the plugs, etc.
Just need to keep it clean.

It don’t get much easier than an aero cloner IMO.

If you’re interested I can link the plans to build a really cheap aero cloner from a 5 gal. bucket. It just uses a piece of black tubing for the manifold, so it’s super simple to make.

Or if you’d rather buy one, I’d recommend the ‘clone king’ by harrigan’s hydro for a cheap, effective unit. I’ve bought a number of their 36 site clone king aero cloners.


I have two twelve-site aerocloners haha, along with multiple trays, domes and probably 100 pucks in case I wanna clone that way and skip the aerocloners. I’m good haha.

I cloned a bunch of Gojis and Mountain Temples years ago and it worked fine. But then I tossed all of them, even though they had roots growing, can’t remember why I did that right now. I came home one night super-drunk and high on blow and just decided to trash them. It made sense at the time… haha.

I know how to do it and have multiple methods with which to try, is my point. But thank you for offering to help. Seriously, thank you. I’m not unsure about how to do it or anything, I just like planting seeds all the time. Like I said, though, I’m gonna clone something this year, if for no other reason than I said I was gonna do that on Iamyou’s thread haha.

Yeah, man, we’re all good here. That’s why I like y’all and only follow certain people’s threads, is that none of us get butt-hurt haha.


Absolutely, I know that. Just feel I should explain that disagreements don’t bother me when people are apologizing for having a discussion.

Tried doing a focus stack using manual focus on my camera and the results seem much cleaner when it comes to clarity and max level of magnification. Lots of room for improvement and adjusting still but I’m really happy with how the trichomes look as opposed to using the camera’s menu-based focus stacking option.


Cool! Did you just use tripod and adjust the focus? There’s absolutely an improvement in image clarity in the above shot. How many images?


I returned the Raynox 250 after receiving it a few days ago and used half the return money to buy a cheap rail. It wobbles a lot when moving it forward and is awkward to use but I used the rail on a tripod. Will have to practice a bit with the rail, lighting, and stacking approach but the first attempt seemed promising for sure. I set the focus to maximum magnification / flower icon and then moved the tripod next to the plant in a position where it was just close enough for the nearest leaves to light up w/ focus peaking.

I deleted the source images but I believe it was only like 7-10 shots (vs the 80-100 that the menu option would take). I think It was done around F7-F9 but I could be wrong. I’ll probably play around with some gradual attempts where I go 25+ images in. Will also try out diff F-stops. Wondering if that will cut down on that milky-hazy look in some areas on the trichomes or if I just need to use a less intense flash to reduce that.

Interested in any tips if you have them.


Yeah great shot for a first attempt! You’re on the right track. The rail may be a bit awkward, but as long as it holds the camera steady, you’re good.

I think there could be multiple things going on, maybe try without a flash, and just intense stable light. Definitely experiment with different F stops, 4-5.5 I think it what I use. If I go up to F8-10, I capture more DOF, but I lose image clarity. Could just be with my particular lens thou. It could just be a limitation of the software too, or there’s not enough source images to “fill in the gaps” so it blurs those areas, especially where there is many trichrome stalks and heads bunched together and overlapping. Cannabis buds, especially up-close, have to be one of the harder subjects to capture accurately, I think the pros are stacking a couple of hundred images together, easily… you’d need an automated rail for that.


Great shot! So close and clear I can almost smell it. :vulcan_salute:


hoping you get the bubbashine pheno, still kicking myself for not taking a cut of that one… it definitely has a sour butter smell to it, amazing night time effects too. maybe you’ll find an even better version of it