- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Ya that’s one positive thing I can definitely say about the mom. She is (was) a very nice night time medicine, very good for sleep. I hope he finds something better than the mom as well! Cool to hear you found something decent as well.


For sure, that’s what I was thinking. That glowing blur must just be the out of focus trichomes blending in the scene.

Ya I’ll play around with it but in my grow area it’s a bit hard to use external lights due to space. Don’t think I could get another tripod really in the area to hold up a light. Should work for bud shots and 1 GAL pots that I can take out of the grow area though. Will try playing around with that this weekend with some of the seeded stuff. Thanks for the input!


Now those are the lav jack photos I was looking forward to! Looks just as nice if not better than the one I grew, such a pretty plant. My photos never did it anything close to justice.


Me too! That is exactly what I’m after. If I find a bubbashine leaner you will be more than welcome to cuts (if in the US).

I have a sunshine daydream f1 in veg too, and plan to sprout more sunshine daydream f2 seeds once I have some room.

Of the 3 ssdd f2 females I have in flower now, #2 is the most intriguing to me. This is how it’s growing with zero training:

My old keeper SSDD pheno had lots of stretch to its lower branches like that. I’m anxious to see what the flower looks & smells like.


That one’s definitely got the blueberry in there with those thinner blades and double serrations :face_with_monocle:
What’s the stem rub smell like?


I’m not the best at describing complex smells. Best description I can give is - kind of spicy smelling with a hint of fruit. Both #1 and #2 smell similar on a stem rub.
#2 (the one pictured above) was the loudest of the 3 when you brushed against her in veg.


I don’t remember the mom having a strong vegetative odor. Possible but probably not. It did have the strong semi-horizontal branching going on though. “Stretch indica” typical of blueberry genetics.

Here’s a tent full of Space Monkey #4 pine & SSDD. The space monkey I believe was only in 1-2 pots in the front. The taller stuff is all SSDD. Hard to be 100% sure because both SM & SSDD had extremely frosty stems as well as frosty fan leaves. Buds looked different though. I remember taking some 16-20" branches out of the tent on this run because of how much the SSDD stretched, which it did not do recently… Front right 2 I believe are space monkey. Front left is probably SSDD.

probably SSDD - possible sm though

Definite SSDD


These are from day 25 flower - I believe they are all SSDD. May help with leaf shape as well

Sorry that’s all the help I can be, but I’m not going to make stuff up. No clue how to describe the stem smell but it wasn’t special enough to be memorable to me. SM4 on the other hand had a piney stem smell that was fairly strong and memorable. Biggest reliable tell for the pheno I had is that early stem frost in my opinion.

E removed an SM4 image


Just saw the photo you posted in the free your budshots thread. Have you found resizing before uploading to improve the upload quality? I’ve never messed around with it and am continually disappointed in the preview image quality. I always feel like your images look crisper even before I bring up the image full size. Well, full size on here haha.


Whatever they were, they looked fucking awesome haha. Pretty frosty…

That was one of the reasons I got off of thcfarmer, actually, was because I posted pics of some of my Apollo 11 f4’s on the Bodhi thread and somebody suggested that I had PM. I was just like,”No, dude, they’re just frosty plants…” haha. “It ain’t powdery mildew!”


The site doesn’t allow me to upload full sized images - it warns me about a 12megapixel limit, so I always make sure the image is around 12mp & under 10mb in size. The site will reject images over 10mb in size as well. The site still compresses it, reduces quality and resizes it to around 3 MP it seems so I’m not really sure what the best approach is. * edit

edit crop test - no resizing

This is a workaround for desktop but doesn’t align properly on mobile…

Darktable I export with a 0.7 size to stay under the limit


otherwise I just resize from

6040x4032 to 4400x2937


Which reduces the image from 24 MP to 12.9

or I just crop the image to stay at 12mp and not lose quality from downscaling.

Ya, both were ultra frosty strains.

I never felt comfortable creating an account for that site but I know reading the various B threads on all the sites that was probably my least favorite one. I know I skimmed the thread there but not sure if I got through the whole thread like I did on RIU, BB, and ICMag. I really dislike how the site nags you either to disable adblockers or create an account - rubs me the wrong way…


Probably for the best. That dude logic is fucking weird. I love how all of those anti-vaxxers were always like,”Freedom of speech! Freedom of speech! Unless you mention COVID! Then you’re banned!” haha.

He (or somebody on that site) changed words on my grow reports and messed with things I’d type, totally fucked up… Plus he deleted a bunch of my logs once I got banned, which completely defeats the purpose of even having a weed site. Weird-ass control freak.

There were some pretty awesome people on that site when I first joined, though, very patient and extremely helpful, knowledgeable growers, pretty much taught me how to grow. They eventually disappeared, though. I always wonder what happened to them…


Ahh, I don’t know him and don’t believe I ever read any posts of his. Seems like deleting your grow logs would hurt that site more than you so that seems like a bizarre choice.

Here’s a few shots - some stacked some not. Picked a few more nanners off the C91, but it is swelling up still. Looks moderately healthy when compared to some images I’ve seen of it. Still 0 nanners on the Bubba Kush and we’re at day 59. TSG looking ultra frosty. Pinesoul is looking a bit unhappy towards the end and the leaves are purpling a bit.

Chem 91


Bubba Kush

Lav Jack



That TSG has such a similar structure to the F13x Temple Flo i grew from @Kavman. What does she smell like?


Sounds like a cool cross. I’ve never tried F13 or Flo / temple flo but always had my eye on that kind of stuff at the banks when I started out.

Rubbery-adhesive sweet (candy sweet) & sour (vinegar almost) slight coffee in the background. A bit “hashy”. Doesn’t smell too unusual and smells kind of similar to TSA. Both are mildly high odor I’d say but not as strong as the lav jack. All the smells mixed together in the area smell awesome…

TSA smells a bit stronger. There’s a ton of smell mixing / contamination in the grow area though so I’m not ultra confident here. I was going to try to get a comparison w/ the TK as well and realized I wouldn’t be able to isolate the smells. To me it’s a normal cannabis smell that I experienced around the late 90s / early 00s.

Wish I was better and more confident when it came to describing smells.


That’s was in depth enough for me! I would say give them a go if you ever get a chance. The Temple Flo really impressed me. The high is very pleasant, the smell is nice and complex, nice low leaf flower structure.


Going to play around with the camera more later so will be posting more probably when it starts raining again. We’re on day 60 and I was going to cut down the LJ but nube said in one of his previous posts that I should take it no earlier than 63 so I’ll wait until Tuesday to pull it.

Here’s the Chem 91 nanner I was talking about yesterday - forgot to include it in my post.

Triangle Kush day 60

Pinesoul day 60

Triple Sunshine F - early flower

here’s another F singled stemmed with minimal veg - node spacing appears tighter than A / G

seeded A

SSDD - Stems are nowhere near as frosty as they usually are. I’m glad I culled the mom.


These are absolutely beautiful.

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Gawd, that’s so fucking irritating… Where did that plant come from again? Sorry if I’ve already asked you this a dozen times haha.

Other than that, though… Plants look good!


I’m not sure what you mean by that. History of the chem 91 plant, or where did higgins source it from? I think he said it was from FarmerJoe.

My environment can be pretty stressful as I’ve had my fair share of herms in purchased seeds. The chem 91 was obviously stressed badly by the intense light during the first 40~ days of flower. I’ll make another attempt if clone timing lines up and everything. I really want to try the irene (in good health) as well. Timing is going to be the issue with everything probably though.

I am starting to get worried about managing clones & the moms in confined spaces moving into spring also. I’m mostly worried about pests being overcrowded like this long term. I really do like the type of growth TK puts out (for my purposes) however keeping a mom of it in a tight space seems unbelievably annoying. It grows almost purely vertical in my veg tent with hardly any lower branching. Triple Sunshine is far superior to the TK in this area it seems. Anyone have any success with TK moms in a bonsai style? Interested in any advice if so.


I ran DJ short’s Flo crossed with NL#5 (nl5 was the mom). I believe it was the first mother plant I ever kept.
Still to this day one of the best tasting strains I’ve had.
I’d love to run that one again now!

Ran it for about 2 years then let it go because at the time I thought if you took a clone of a clone the quality went downhill. lol I had one bad run with her and said “oh, it must be from taking a clone of a clone” and ditched it.

My older buddy (more experienced grower than me at the time. We are talking like early 2000’s) kept it around for years and laughed at me for getting rid of it. Showed me a crop from a “clone of a clone” and it was :fire:. Definitely a learning experience for me. I felt dumb. :joy:
I was soo sure of that too. That was what I had read at the time. :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

And now, 20+ years later, I am many generations into clones of clones on some of my older mother plants and they are still as vigorous as they’ve always been.

I used to have a lot of “book knowledge” back then and thought I knew everything about growing, with little actual grow experience. (I was young…lol)

One thing I’ve learned in my years and experience: I definitely don’t know everything. :joy:
I am always still learning. Always open to new knowledge.