- syzygy's journal - the clown show

That’s pretty interesting :thinking: She doesn’t calm me down at all. She gets me going, ready to do stuff. Not motivating, but yeah. I wouldn’t call it relaxing/calming for me picked at any day :joy:


I only smoked about a gram of it and it’s an early sample so grain of salt.

For me it had zero paranoia, focus problems, anxiety, or disorientation that I associate with racy headspaces. Not debilitating or intoxicating (drunk-like) for me. Just clear headed focused thoughts with bursts of euphoria and was extremely comfortable. Seems to be in the same type of effects as the TSa but definitely different. Very “enhancing” effects for me. More head pressure and probably more euphoria than TSa. Reminds me of my favorite herb from the late 90s / early 00s.

For me that sample was pretty much what I was looking for as far as having an “OG” mom so I’m pretty happy with that. Seems to really agree with my body chemistry.


I’d agree on all that really :thinking:
I did have paranoia picking her around 8 weeks the very first time I grew her. Hasn’t happened since that first few days of toking on her though. Maybe that TS-A has you used to her effects and that’s why that’s not happening. Everything else is on point for me. Clear headed focused with bursts of euphoria :ok_hand: I love her dearly.


Sorry if someone answered this already but is there a consensus on a good harvest window for Bubba? Was wondering if it’s good to take her down tomorrow at 63 or if I should wait until 70+. I’ll try to get some trich shots later but I think she doesn’t have much amber yet - which may answer my question for me.

I still plan on taking LJ down tomorrow morning unless there’s any compelling objections.

E bubba trichs @ different locations on the plant


She’s tastier and stinkier around 63, longer/stronger effects at 70+


I resemble that remark!!! Haha😎

It’ll be next week before I get caught up in this thread, so , Here’s a couple pics of the Black Energy. Ready to dust some lowers with TS E&H in the A.M., actually lights on at 10pm or, wait, it’s 11pm now, which is past my bedtime. No biggie , I’ll get a solid couple hours in before I gotta get up and take a leak!

This is a cropped, no flash, in camera processed,15 frames stack, on a rickety ancient tripod. Not very impressed with the sharpness. I think this camera can produce a much better image. It’s most likely operator ineptitude. Working out the kinks though. Happy that I can at least see the trichs well enough now to make some better observations.

If you happen to see a stray hair or a lizard with a stubby tail… Dude the cat!

Thanks for the links: Zerene, GIMP, Darktable

Dropped a few Red, Gold, Blue x TGE .
I don’t know when Doc d made these? The only thing I could find about these was Afropips work in 2016 if I remember correctly “Malberry” ?. We have 11 out of 12 germed and doing well. Anyone ever seen this black spot on the cotyledon before, interesting!?! These are two different plants.


Right! I’d buy a @syzygy Calendar with his photos. Another idea would be a Bodhi photo book of the crosses you’ve grown out. Larger project would be individual books of each male used so far.


That is one good lookin cat right there!


Going to take the dogs in a bit, come back, take a few pictures of the LJ and then chop it. Love all the pictures you’re posting here, hope you’re having fun with that camera!

I like that shot - macro lenses are really nice for taking portraits!

Given that it’s cropped I’m assuming you aren’t shooting at 1:1, right? The trichome definition looks pretty good relative to how much of the flower is in the frame to me! I don’t know a lot about sensor sizes but I think I’ve heard and read that micro four thirds cameras have an advantage (2x?) over full frames in macro photography.

One of my hangups with the more popular social media platforms (ig,fb,yt,x,reddit) is how everything appears to be some form of marketing campaign or eventually turned into one. They are designed to limit discussion outside of :fire: and likes, and I’m mostly interested in the discussion side of things. Better to use that money to do something nice for someone if you have disposable $ to burn as my pictures are already posted here for free! I just appreciate the interaction when it comes to common interests here guys.


Looks good on this end, nice shot! I really do love being able to clearly see the trich heads on the plant while it’s live, really helps when gauging whether to chop or not. I recently read that the heads will appear differently depending on which angle you view them from, so it’s best to look at the same heads from the side and also above, or another angle… something about how the light diffuses through the trich head… anyways, keep up the good work! Excited to see how the Black Energy turns out for you, should be a good one!

I don’t think there is really a consensus, i chopped at 60, or so, but she could have gone until 70, I think.

DJ Short’s genetics?


Lav Jack - chopped at day 63 - final pictures

Some stacked, some not. Took a phone picture of the full plant as well.

Full plant

Top bud

Lower bud

Some close ups

slight crop to see if clarity is better on trichs

Haha, I was going to post it in one of those ‘diagnose my plant’ threads but I couldn’t quickly find one so I just put it here. Not sure if it’s going to stay or go - depending on space and what not.


As usual, beautiful pictures! Cool to see a “behind the scenes” shot too. Didn’t realize you had a setup like that to take your pics (I’m not a photographer)


Thanks, was going to do it to contrast the nikon shots vs phone shots but was rushing around and just abandoned it until later.

Here are some more shots after getting back from the night walk. No stacks just phone / nikon shots

Chem 91 keeps throwing out tons of nanners but looks relatively healthy.
TSG and Pinesoul are getting some nice fall colors
TK fan leaves are going fast - lots of necrotic leaves at the moment

Chem shots - Day 63



Some comparison shots on the same TK bud

Olympus TG6 point and shoot

Pixel 3A phone


Phone to me looks surprisingly good considering it’s a few years old (2019-2021). It also looks better than the Olympus point and shoot to me.


Looking good! I like to see the bud side by side showing a famous cut and its cross. Also, that LJ is making me wish I had freshies.

Are you pretty close to done on the Pinesoul? Based your description, I was expecting more 91 bananas. I think I see one? :laughing:

Thanks for the quality comparison. It’s neat to see each platform’s strengths and weaknesses. The Olympus flash doesn’t do it any favors, and the Nikon lacks depth and its trichs are overexposed.

Is it blasphemous to prefer the phone pics? On my end, it has better contrast in the individual bracts, which shows the bud structure more clearly. Wasn’t expecting that!



Here’s one that wasn’t posted.

So maybe there aren’t 91 of them but I was pulling off clusters of them while waiting for the flash to recycle during the LJ stacks. I got a C91 rooted and ready for next round so hopefully I can do a better job on that one…

Also worth noting that the C91 buds are now larger than the TK by quite a bit, so they did swell up.

I think IAY said he felt it was good to go at 70, but in person I am getting the impression it’s done. I don’t intend on taking it any longer than 70. What do you think? Have you run it before, if so when did you pull it?

Not at all, I wanted to post them as quick examples of what zero effort shots would give me with all 3. I think the Nikon is definitely capable of taking better pictures than the phone and would chalk that up to the camera operator, but again it highlights that it isn’t the biggest deal anyways. Phone is absolutely the easiest to shoot with and most convenient in general. All the camera talk lately I felt like it was probably a good idea and will probably keep doing it until harvest.

Probably because of the direct flash - I’ll do a no flash comparison tomorrow with phone / nikon. Phone still may win though haha.


OK, I know I’m a little slow, going to do better at keeping up. Sorry, I started this post a couple days ago.

Sneaky little nanner, man he was all over that, definitely thought he was gettin some.

@syzygy , You mentioned something about my skill level, between 0 and .05 … I had a decent camera when they used to make film. :upside_down_face:

Spinning dials an pushing buttons till I can’t see strait.

Was able to dust a few flowers this morning! The pollen looked fine, nice and dry. Should see something in a day or two.

Zerene! stack 15 frames, diffuse flash, cropped to fit. Black Energy x Triple Sunshine

Same flower, random pics

I can see a few pollen grains on some of the pistils… Cool :star_struck:

That is correct, not only in macro but all focal lengths are doubled.
My macro lens is 60mm which is equivalent to 120mm “MFT lens is the same as a full frame lens with twice the focal length” I have a 40-150 that is only 4" long 2" wide, it’s smaller and weighs about a quarter of what my old 50mm did !?!

I have other pics but don’t want to clog up your thread, thanks for all the help.

Grace and Peace


Haha that’s where I am too and also how I learn.

I’m liking how close you can get with those trichome shots! Seems like things are improving.

Here’s a comparison shot again on a seeded TK - phone vs nikon no flash

I think I’m going to pull a few plants down tomorrow morning. I’m thinking the Bubba Kush and maybe some of the seeded stuff as well. If I have time tonight I’ll check pinesouls trichs as well.


just curious, what kind of temps are you running with those LED’s?

1 Like

Using a cheap 10$ digital thermometer / hygrometer so who knows how accurate it is.


Really appreciate the comparison pics. I still prefer the photos taken with your better digital camera but the phone pics look more comparable than I expected. I guess some of it just comes down to lighting and technique too, huh? lol

I always just take mine with the plants right in the flower room. With the LED lights they at least look better than my old photos under HPS did.

You inspired me to try a few macro shots. It’s not something I’ve really done much of. These were taken with me just standing in the room trying to hold the camera so it wasn’t swaying, and trying to time the shot so the fan wasn’t making the plant sway. Probably should have just turned off the fans, huh? :joy:

It was actually a lot of fun. I’ll have to try doing it more often.

Oh, btw here’s a few pics of your SSDD f2 females in flower


Those SSDD f2’s got waayyy too big on me waiting for space in the flower room. But they’re growing nicely.
And vigorous!