- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Oh, and here’s the sunshine daydream f1 seedling, just starting to show pre flowers.

I’m still not 100% sure of the sex but it’s starting to look like it might be male. I should know soon.

It has a nice smell already. I can smell it if I just put my nose to it or gently brush against a leaf, and the stem rub smell is strong. It honestly kind of smells like that buttery berry kush, similar to what I’m after. Maybe it’s just me convincing myself of that, though :joy:

If it is a male, I am going to use it to make a whole bunch of sunshine daydream crosses, and hit some of the sunshine daydream f2 females with pollen too.

And I plan to keep it around. It will stay in veg and I’ll take clones from it to produce pollen. So I’ll be able to sprout more SSDD f2’s and look for the best females to pollinate.

I’m still holding out hope for a female though. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Either way it’ll be fun though!

@syzygy if you want cuts in the future from this SSDD f1 you are more than welcome to them! Or I could just send some pollen (if it’s a male) too.


Those shots were taken in the tent without dialing back the lights or anything - but that plant is kind of short so it wasn’t as illuminated as say the pinesoul would have been.

Yeah light and movement can be tricky with ultra closeup shots for sure, so doing everything you can to minimize that can help. I shoot shots with my fan oscillating at the plants but it doesn’t matter as much with my camera because of high shutter speeds. If I were using the phone or olympus though I’d probably turn the fan off. Using a flash allows me to use high shutter speeds to ‘freeze’ motion.

Pretty frosty though!

Any stem frost on them yet? Looks very healthy!

Haha ya placebo effect in action.

Awesome. I’m still undecided if I’m going to do any more ssdd stuff or not. I’m definitely intending to go through the TS & BK F2s still though.

Appreciate the offer but I already have anxiety about how many seeds ( and clones) that I have now haha. I have to start thinking about some culls or transitioning to something like what IAY is doing w/ coco and jacks so that I can free up some space.


Going to pull down the TSA - (all 3 seeded ) and bubba kush tomorrow.

Here are the last pictures of Bubba Kush from this round

Triple Sunshine A - seeded

And an extremely rootbound IRENE. Smells kind of woody and like incense to me at this stage


Day 65


TSG trichs

TS-F (not day 65)



Looks about done to me… chopping her soon?


Originally I was thinking day 70 but if you think she looks ready I could take her down tomorrow @ Day 66. I think I’m going to pull TK down at 70~ as well based on how the leaves are going & given how much I liked the early sample.

Forgot to transfer these phone shots to add to previous post.





Plants are beautiful, such a wide array of colors, crystal spikes and knobs, impressive work, you set the bar high, really enjoy what you are doing here!!

I like the apricot pistils over the patch of gold and orange orbs and wineberry flesh on the 3rd Pinesoultrichs shot!!

I think the colors here are great, lemon lime sugar leaves, bright white trichs/icy green bracts on the bright blue background, the pic is happy-uplifting, also the shot with the green blue gradient in the back gives the same affect, total opposite of some of the dark background shots.
I’m no art critic but, Love it, what can I say… Oogolling over your work! Haha! :heart_eyes: :v:


I like how the chem 91 looks very much like the cut of GMO i run for the extra large tricomb heads. 70 day plant?


Hey just wanted to let ya know the TS x ssdd are doing well and dandy. Really gorgeous plants thus far. Will be getting some new homes this weekend. Neither showing sex yet - will throw more pics up later somewhere and tag ya.


Saw your post while I was at work earlier and now that I just got back I’m headed out to take the dogs. Just wanted to thank you for germinating them and posting some pictures! May take Pinesoul down tonight and if not possibly tomorrow morning - a bit strapped for time today. If I have time tonight I may pull it. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


I see lots of amber in those pics. I’m pretty surprised how hard those small plants faded. I wonder what caused it? Aren’t they in 6.5gal pots?



Beautiful shots of beautiful plants!



Senescence induced by cold nights? Not sure as it’s my first and only time running these cuts. I don’t have any past grows to compare it to so I’m clueless on that one. I searched for other grows of Pinesoul and saw that IAY’s got that salmon-red color fade as well on his.

The pots are 12" x 12" x 12". Manufacturer (Hydrofarm) claims “Inner volume = 6 gal. Holds 3.4 gal (13 L) of clay pebbles or similar medium.” From memory I used at least a 5 GAL home depot bucket to fill them up and then probably used .5 GAL of straw on top after the soil settled. I’ll probably fill one up with my gallon scoop this weekend because I’m curious now and questioning my memory.

Ever since I’ve had the dogs I’ve taken a more lazy approach to gardening and have relied on store bought (mass produced) worm castings & a peat-lite mix. I’ve noticed a reduction in plant health but they still seem to turn out good enough by my standards at the end, even if they do fall apart. As always I’m open to any reasonable low effort suggestions that would work in my little area.


That BAS Craft Blend stuff seems to work pretty well as a sort of “all purpose” top dress. I’ve been using it the past couple grows, just throwing a quarter-cup on top right when I transplant into the flowering containers. The first round I used it, I didn’t get too much of a fade, but I also added a lot of stuff to my water, much more than I usually do. Last round was pretty much water-only, so, you know… They faded haha.


Pinesoul - harvested day 67


Measured the pot after I took the Pinesoul container outside. With my 1 gal scoop I could fit 6 full scoops in the pot and it would be level at the top. My guess is I had 4.5-5 actual gallons of media in the container.

Also saw ripe seeds are sticking out of the SSDD. Pulled a sample bud to see how ripe the seeds are inside and they appear good to go… Very sticky, frosty and strong smelling.

Sorry forgot to respond to this. I assume it’s closer to an 80 day plant at least but I’m not sure. It doesn’t look ready to me yet and it’s currently day 67. May be a result of how it was grown too.

I don’t really mind the fade - sometimes the plants that fade the most smell the strongest to me… I feel like that’s actually kind of normal towards the end of the life of a plant and it’s ripening. I’m not thrilled about the necrotic leaves on the TK but to me the typical fall-color fade doesn’t bother me. Do you guys have a different opinion on that? Would be interested to hear your thoughts.


Yeah, for sure. I always feel like it’s just a sign that things are finishing up. For someone like me, who seems to be incapable of figuring out a way to get a close look at the trichomes no matter how many methods I try haha, it helps. I mean, if the leaves started fading at, like, week five or six or something, I might get a little nervous, but I actually want and expect to see at least a little bit of a fade starting around week eight or so.


TK usually goes necrotic at the end for me. Hell, I’m already losing fans now and they’re barely at day 30. I needed to adjust the feed earlier, but oh well now. Chem91 is also a hard one to dial in. I don’t care about nommed fan leaves as long as it’s not where it could cause bud rot.


Triple Sunshine F - early-mid flower

Not much smell on this one yet. Maybe a slight aroma that I associate with SSDD.

Triple Sunshine G - Day 67 (seeded)

Smell is pretty similar to TK. Buds are pretty airy / fluffy but very frosty.

Triangle Kush - Day 67

Love the look of the buds & the calyx to leaf ratio.

Sunshine Daydream (bubbashine pheno) - seeded - day 67

Very high odor at the moment - but I know from experience that the smell wouldn’t hold up in cure (with how I do things at least) sadly.


@syzygy TS-G is lovely! Chopping soon?

Have you tried anything to get your TK mom to branch out yet?