Taity grows …

i do wish i had popped a few of the UK GORG f1 in this round but i did not, i came into some of my older work and felt it best i should get those underway in this round.

peace …


That’s quite the selection that list. If I hadn’t have just spent a small fortune on pips I’d have an eyebrow raised. So need to go through some packs before I add anymore. I agree with @TrichomesToStun GMO Gorg gets a double thumbs up (and thanks for the compliment TTS :slight_smile: )

As @PatHealy said he’s responsible for Connoisseur. I find him to be a decent chap. Always running good offers. Fairly priced. He has a few cheese hybrids made with the old cheese cut that might prick your ears. I’m new to growing in the grand scheme so I find it a local source of Chem, diesel, sour I wouldn’t otherwise have.

At least he managed to claim them. I was a bit worried there for a minute.

It’s my pleasure bud. It’ll be a fun hunt through those F2’s :slight_smile: Just toy with them and once you make them your own it’ll be great to see others growing them out in your hybrids.


Neat looking garden, beautiful looking flowers. Welcome to OverGrow!


Thanks bud. Good to be here :slight_smile:


Just a quickie. The Psychobadger are starting to wrap up. Day 58. Proper stinks the upstairs out now when I open the tent. Starting to wind the feed down now too. A few tops still need cooking. I’ll take them to 10 weeks by the looks.

I’ll be honest I’m enjoying a fruity Karma flower at the moment but there isnt a substitute for acridity in my opinion. Some of the best weed I’ve ever smoked is this. Good old fashioned smelly weed that smartens yer up.

A much appreciated gift from HazyDaze of uk420. An all around decent chap and top grower.


Slow going in this small tent. Can’t pot up yet. Not enough room. Piss poor timing as per usual. So low lights lowish feed and steady away. They’ve got a week left in here. Once I chop the Psychobadger by Hazy they’ll get potted up and go in the bigger smaller :thinking: tent. Only going in 2L deep rose pots. There’s 29 there. I can afford to flower maybe 18 or so if I keep them trimmed and restricted to 2 or 4 colas. Leaving a tent spare for males to jizz in.

This blues has topped its self look …

Here’s a few of the other blues since they’re of interest …

I started to thin things out that weren’t responding. All the Everlasting Strawberry have been binned. Just noodles with absolutely no side beaching on the horizon. They were some of the most uniform shit I’ve ever seen :see_no_evil: Thrown a few of the others here n there. Either the same noodle growth or just sickly looking. I’m not sure how many of each are left. I’ll count up when I label at pot up.

Next time I update will be at harvest. Always on top is chop day. Should be a day to look forward to. I just cack me sen 🫣


They all look excellent to me!!


:slight_smile: very kind of you. Much appreciated :+1:

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Right not sure if anyone is watching these for the whole blues repro effort. I’ve messaged VRG a good few days ago. He’s been online since. I know he doesn’t take too kindly to people mucking with his seeds. I think the lack of response speaks volumes so I’m not going to do it. They’re not in stock and there’s nothing stopping me but I’m not creating myther for myself. Besides there’s been no mention of it since. I’ll just crack on and find me a lady.


Good on ya. Nice to see someone having some respect. I didn’t think he’d be too keen on it myself. Haha Best of luck finding a winner in there!!


My personal belief is if you don’t want people to fanny around with seeds then you shouldn’t sell them. But that’s me. Maybe he’ll rerelease them :man_shrugging:t2:I’d love the thought of people wanting to preserve my work but again, that’s just me.


Chopped Hazys Psychobadgers on Sunday. They’re currently drying. Almost bought an a/c unit but it’ll have to wait. Something else came up. Been hot here in England but has really dropped today. Drying weed at 21 degrees isn’t ideal but at least it’s not hot AND dry. Left some plant material on and put them in to reveg.

Me back has gone. Couldn’t have been a worse time. Does it fairly often. The pain is ridiculous but I had 29 plants to put up and a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.3 tent to put up. Moving hurts like fuck but it had to be done. I’m most of the way there now. Need to knock a table together for a Danish tray and I can put some plants in the 1.2m2. These two tents will flower the females and that drying tent I will use for males.

These are all mixed up but when potting up one of the Konacookie (kona sunset x Discobiscuit) has a gorgeous structure. Really taken to topping and well proportioned. I’ll keep an eye on that one. One or two of the blues are quite smelly and one or two are being a bit tetchy. Overall they’re not too bad.


Sorry to read your back is ailing you!
Those Psycobadgers look succulent!
I’m a bit ashamed to say, I know nothing of UGORG or Blues.
I may have to change that.


Yeah it’s a bit of a strange one. When I saw there were a few folks on about ugorg I was surprised. I’ve mostly grown out their genetics via third party and they’re always decent. A couple of the forum subbies use Discobiscuit. The Konacookie and the DB x GG4 x Zombie Kush - looking forward to that one. The forum subbies were very ugorg centred a bit back so you could pick up a nice pack of seeds for £25. If you don’t mind cunts, bumsniffers and lickspittles it’s worth subbing up.

The old back is loosening up slowly. Plenty of ice and hot baths :+1:


decided to run those f2 instead of the bc1. and the killer skunks.

we shall see …


Will that be in your grow log? I’ll make a point of nipping in for a look :slight_smile:

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of course they will.

for-sure …

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