Take seeds, leave seeds- Landrace Edition

I was hoping it’s this, assuming there are only landraces and crosses therof around here.



Meaning it’s for landraces, or landrace crosses. No modern strains in the mix please.
I understand technically all strains come from landraces including modern strains. That is why I am looking to keep hybridization to a minimum. Here is the limit by example.
If you cross Hindu kush with Mazar e sherif, then take that and cross that with Columbian black × Panama red, that would be the limit. Nothing beyond that point, as I feel the genetics are being diluted. It’s best to keep this to mostly landraces, and their immediate crosses. So Kandahar × Tirah or similar. Hope this helps.
If this is NOT done, then this thread will devolve into anything goes, and defeat the entire purpose of the thread. Sorry if anyone is offended.
Really this thread is primarily for landraces, with a caveat for some crossings within reason. Thank you for your understanding.

Still up, Beldia


I agree. There are plenty of places to swap modern hybrid seeds and crosses thereof. I found the Hades (OG) hybrid strain now and would not be interested in that one at all in this context so I hope @Faithisyours can shed some light on the offer. :slight_smile:


Yes it is i was thinking about if i put it in this treath or not. I made a mistake :roll_eyes: sorry guys about that :grinning: was little bit confused becouse its landrace cross but its hybride

Vvvvv Still up, Beldia vvvv


This looks stellar! Now I gotta grab some!


I think it’s within what @Cannabis said but maybe they can confirm or deny. I’m looking forward to them in any case :drooling_face:

still up:



Maybe we can always state the full lineage that hides behind the name? Like in this case Kandahar Black x (Black Afghan x Kandahar Black). I think it will make it easy to spot what does not fit in the thread?

still up:



No problem, and I might be mistaken about that one. As long as black Afghan and black kandahar are not crosses themselves, it fits.
As mentioned, please state full lineage.
If I make a mistake cutting someone’s offer, then it’s my mistake and I apologize.


You don’t have to, this thread is an excellent idea for us landrace lovers Pirata|nullxnull, clearing up the rules and stating what can be done is a good thing to avoid misunderstandings … beer3|nullxnull


Yeah its Hades 2# from Pandora seeds :grinning: next time i will type linage correctly sorry guys :pray:


Still available from @Nugslinger

VvVvV Beldia VvVvV

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I agree wholeheartedly! @Cannabis I love that you started this thread. Especially as although wicked late to the party I have started building my landrace collection so I can repro and utilize them in my breeding as well. I’m sure it will evolve and only get better in time. Much respect


Still available


I would take Beldia, but it’s the complete opposite to Florida’s climate.

BTW, that Hades strain looks real good. It’s kind of fits in with the 80s and 90s creations like white widow etc. I bet that one gives a great stone.

Still available Beldia.


I’ll pick up the Beldia from @Nugslinger , hoping it’s this? Beldia, the Endangered Moroccan Landrace

And leave, sent to me from India by @iceman:

Vvv 15 seeds total, divided as you choose between Odisha, Tripura, and Andhra vvV


So like 15 seeds of Odisha?
I’ll take em - and DM if I got that wrong
And leave

Vvv 15 seeds of Tashkurgan vvV


I’ll take those and drop VVV Rasol X Heirloom Pakistan X18 VVV F1 Reg


Damn, that sounds good too, however…it is a mix of modern strains because of the banana Stardawg in the mix…

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Nah, just a North Indian and a Heirloom Pakistan

Heres Tom Hills original description from back in the day

X18 like PTK is an old indica line derived from Pakistan import that was introduced to Northern California in the early 1980’s. Bred for many years by my very able friend “the chemist”.

X18 is pure, never outcrossed, and breeds true for many traits.

The unique sour apple/pear/citrus smell/flavor is very strong (far from subtle) and nearly fixed in the line.
70-80% of the line is characterized by this flavor, with the occasional extreme skunky phenotype as well.

Type: Pure Indica
Flowering Indoor: 8-10 weeks
Harvestin Outdoor: Mid October
Yield: Average


I would love to get my hands on some straight up Heirloom Pakistan x18 :star_struck:
I bet that’s what my parents were growing in Northern California back in the early 80s. Would love to grow it for them. Please PM if you’d like to trade any.
Still up: