TAP Water specs of my city Help

you can get the hose filter and put adapters in the line under the sink to accept cuz… 50k gallons and most everything removed is hard to beat. Plus NO WASTE!!


Here is what Johnny is referring to:


Amazon is the place!!

This is the one I got


Smallboy filter system + Chlorashiel filter = all you need. I use this filtered water now for everything instead of just my growing to spread costs.

Diy is awesome, but often will cost you more than just getting something premade.

All the best!

(Or what @Oldjoints or @JohnnyPotseed said!)


lol @Oldjoints you beat me to it cuz

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I was also thinking RO might be filtering to much.
I’ve seen some nice tap water grows


Basically this Is All I need

I use tap water as described above with good results:



like I said, you can adapt it to use ‘whole-house’ or just in the line to your grow. i do just to my grow, for longer life/use.

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Thanks,I ll figure out some product like that in Italy,and try to get It to work only for filling my water bottles for growing
Thanks all guys,I Will proceed and buy something,too much of and hassle to go buying water at the mall

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Basically something like this : https://www.amazon.it/dp/B08G4KS8PQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_5C7GDTWNPEQNZ3R6VTFM

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I’m sorry cuz lol when I clicked that link it’s in Italian! I’m a ‘one language’ typical American lol

Actually, I DO speak more than just English! I also speak my Native American Indian tongue…does that count?


It s ok mate,I am Sorry for that,but basically this Is the type I have access here,but It s the same concept of filtering with charcoal.So it should be ok

It’s pretty much the same as pur. In other words CRAP……


If that Is crap I am out of options at the moment :frowning:

Unfortunately I don’t know what is available in Italy.
When I was in Italy I drank wine……

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Someone told me to use something to turn Chloride inactive…some acid,ascorbic maybe?

Fine wine here for sure haahah

Boil water ahead of time. It will release most of the chlorides and chlorine for use on your plants…….

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So if I boil It,no Need for any filter?