Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

1x gg4 fem seed pulled through, so put it in a solo. The other 5 are trashed.
Some of the super silver haze and soloberry2 have cracked but barely a root tip coming out of the seed shells. Fingers still crossed.
Also put 9 Bodhi DLA11 (Vintage Pakistani x 88g13hp) into paper towel this evening. I may make some reg seeds to trade with.

Also, of the 5 Macslurry’s, 4 males…good grief. The gods smiled upon me when sexing the strawberry haze x banana OG and sour mintz x banana OG and gave all females…they giveth, they taketh away.


those 2’s are hard seeds to germinate, I only had one out of 7 take for me

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You think I should put them in soil while they still show life?..not much vigor, but life none the less…

That’s how I got the one solo 2 to germinate - it cracked slighty, I put it in the soil, and then I gave up on it and forgot about it and it finally popped its head up, so patience is the key with these I think, though it didnt work for the other 2 that i planted like that, so 33%, but still better than 0% which is what I had before


Hmmm…gonna get a couple peat pucks ready and a couple solo cups of soil…rolling the dice with both methods.

Edit…quick update…
Decided I’d splurge and treat myself to a fresh bale of sunshine #4 and fresh perlite.

Shot of flower room…
JOTI Black Funk Dawg, JOTI Afghani, JOTI, God’s Bubba, Orange Goji, Lavender, strawberry haze x banana OG, sour mintz x banana og, macslurry

Orange goji 3 gallon scrog


Shot of the veg room…
Bottom left is the 3 gallon with the big yield auto and ufs18. Bottom right is a small dwc I’m gonna try out…soil seedling beside it is the last big yield auto to be seeded with BYA femmed pollen. Solo cups are soloberry3, soloberry2, chem 95, gg4…others in there are macslurry female, JOTI Black berry breath, JOTI black Funk dawg, JOTI Afghani, 3x ufs18 entangled in 1 cup, 15-20 clones from the strawberry haze x banana OG and sour mintz x banana OG

Big yield auto

Sweet Island Skunk harvest…


3x Soloberry2 and 3x ssh in peat…hoping the rest of the seeds pop wide open soon.

9x DLA11 on the way


7x soloberry3 8x soloberry2, 2x chem’95’, 1x gg4 fem, 3x super silver haze fem.


9x Bodhi - Deep Line Alchemy 11 (vintage pakistani x 88g13hp)
All cracked.

Seed shells still on, but put them in solos to be safe. Having all of those solo2’s not make it has put the fear in me.

Big yield auto looks like it’s trying to wrap things up


And what’s left of the ufs18 in the same pot as the big yield auto…cut 8 clones off the ufs18 this morning!!


lol same here, it had me wondering if I know how to germinate seeds. :crazy_face: :rofl: :face_with_monocle: :sunglasses: :monkey_face:


That’s exactly where my heads at…lol.
Hopefully my cloning game is still on point!..lol.


Orange goji scrog in 3 gallon soil…hoping 2 weeks, need the space. Was contemplating getting a new veg light and moving the other TS1000 into the flower closet too. Would be nice to use the whole closet and really bump up production.





She is looking healthy. Good training as well. I just cut and trimmed some Orange Goji tops last night and now I’m nose blind :joy:


Yup, she’s coming along. This is a cut from a cut from your original cuts in the spring.
Has a smell that I cant quite put my finger on. But she is beautiful. Buds are like muffins, everyone loves the tops…lol.
Do you go all out in the winter since no heat outside and low humidity? You better be posting some shots of those tops in “show your budshots” or whatever that thread is…lol.
Orange goji, curing for 60ish days I think.


I’m thinking of getting a ts600 or something that’s really good for veg but low cost and power consumption. Gonna move the other TS1000 into the flower closet and use the whole 8 feet of length.
Currently have a TS1000 (150 w) and a dual cxb3590 cob unit (200 w) in flower and a TS1000 (150 w) for moms, veg, clones, seedlings. @nitro has me thinking my whole garden needs to be reconfigured. He’s pulling 9 pounds on 2000 watts (with co2 and proper temp and rh ranges)…but if I use 500 watts of led, I should easily be able to pull a pound or more from my closet.
Also, a shot of sweet island skunk from @Senor_frijoles


Once everything is chopped and I do a full cleaning then I will be starting up again. Nice bud pics for sure.


Growing tired of chopping males again. Keeping a few different moms and making some femmed seeds of JOTI’s Afghani.
Have this neglected girl under a 23w cfl with 8 hours of light and 16 hours dark, spraying 2 main tops with CS until I see a ball or two then just gonna leave it for a few months…only checking to add water.
I took it put of it’s original pot, shook off all the old soul and replanted it with fresh soil…should bounce back easily in the next week.

She makes pretty clones, so hoping she makes pretty seeds.

These 6 coming down end of November.


And then this big bitch…HSO sour mintz x banana og. She’s about 3 feet tall and 6 inches from the TS1000, towering over everything …but I’ve got a plan for it.

Trimmed the fan leaves on this one to expose budsites

There we go…snuck it below the platform I made and brought it down about a foot…much more manageable and a lot less risk of overexposure to the lights.




Nice move there. She’s going to be a long stick o buds!


Here’s hoping!!! The banana OG in these gets me excited…heard nothing but good things about banana OG.


These afghanis are probably the most crystally buds I’ve ever grown…pictures dont do any justice.





that may be true :slight_smile: but they still

look outstanding

all the best and be well



Is this plant displaying N tox. or N def.?puwpuwrowpwpueupwuwrepurwiepurqirqiruw



