Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

I’ve got my 2 liter bottle grows down to an art…almost.
Veg in slurpee cup gives more room than solo cups. Then knocking loose soil when teasing roots during transplant to 2 liter bottle gives a lot more space for the roots to fill in. Let it veg for another week or more, throw it in flower for a week or two and then trim all but the top 2 or 3 nodes. Will give you a 10"-18" budscicle with no larf and very little leaf material for trim.
Many small plants kicks the shit out of 1 large plant, imo.


Holy smokes!! That’s the JOTI Gods MAC? Effin’ gorgeous!!! JOTI delivers gold again!

Now that I’m working full-time+, we’ve only been doing day trips to Birds Hill over the weekends. But if you’ve got any of those Gmac cuts…please, if possible, save me a few.


Will do and we can chat to work it out. :+1:


What medium are you using for these?


Sunshine #4 reused for the last 2 years. Add perlite and dried seaweed meal. Maxibloom is back on the market here in Canada…so I use that along with some ProTek silica light to medium strength feeding every watering.


just read this entire thread in about an hour. almost 5 am. man those ufs18 were amazing looking the bud rot picked crushed me haha. what is the strains used to make that? also what is the macslurry cross ?

Do you know where to purchase protekt at the moment? I use to grab it off ebay but ever since Covid the sellers havnt been shipping to Canada. I’ve been stuck using stuff that’s not nearly as good.


We have a few Hydro shops in town here…I’m not brand loyal, but do prefer the liquid silica. As long as it’s got the Si in there…it’s all good.

Edit. Here’s some serious stuff…I’ve used their products before. Very recommended.
The have usa and canadian websites to order…or Amazon.


Thanks for the recommendation I’m gonna order that one next, I’ve been using this no name stuff lately from the local hydro shop and it feels the plants use to be happier and the res more stable with the pro tekt.


I don’t know if it was just me but when I used it. It would always settle and sludge but that was in the 45 gallon barrel res for a week at a time or more.
It wouldn’t do it right away though.

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I was gonna order it but I seen in the comments many people mentioned that. Gonna look around for a good liquid one still. Might just pay the premium to order protekt from the states.

I remember you saying that…now that you say it again…lol.

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Put 4 Big Yield Auto fem seeds into coffee filters a couple days ago.

Starting these 5 Anesthesia f2’s…got them from a member here, but didn’t write down who. Thank you, whomever you are!!

Also, I don’t really use paper towel anymore. I use coffee filters. I was ripping little seedlings apart in paper towel and the roots grow all through them…pain in the ass. This doesn’t happen with coffee filters unless you leave them in there for a long time.


Just cut around the root with some scissors, if they start growing through the paper towel :wink:


When you look way back and see the progress of becoming a better grower.
Just like in stocks, you gotta zoom out to see the bigger picture.


That looks super frosty bud :+1:


Currently have all my closets packed with plants. Been lots of hype around the old skunks…so I will be starting a shitload of Uncle Festers Skunk #18…and because I’m doing an old school run, I figured I would pop some Motz AK47.
Males will be pulled, colloidal silver will be used, seeds will be made.
Hoping to get this started before the new year.


I’ve got a UFS18 going now. Looks good, smells good, but no skunk to speak of.


DLA8 :ok_hand:


Nice looking cola man, Happy Christmas hope you have a great time :+1: