Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

so disapointed to come to the end of this thread… i was having so much fun looking at all the pics. how did the ufs18 turn out wouldnt mind some pics of them :stuck_out_tongue:

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i know it was months ago, but did you smoke all of that soloberry? and how was it/ what was your overall opinion.?

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@204medismoke I posted pics early in the thread or maybe my other thread with the ufs18…was awesome! Didn’t find the skunky pheno, but have many seeds to hunt through.

@anonymous4289 yeah, the soloberrys were a nice grow! They yielded nicely considering my grow method. Was very easy to grow. I remember they faded more than everything else, so probably could have got more weight if I jacked up the nutes. Beautiful colors, good smoke, easy grow! Pics should also be somewhere in the thread.


ok read your ufs18 grow and pics. minus that one getting bud rot they really peak my interest lol if your ever up for trading some of them i can give you a list of the few diff seeds i have ! they look like they would make an amazing sea of green lol


Check out the free seeds and clones thread, you might be able to score some there, DougDawson may still have some left.


These are the purple kush x PPP seeds I’ve started. Found the Afghani x PPP seeds in my seed bin too. Still have some of that pollen left…thinking of using it on the females to bring out more of the ppp.


4x JOTI Afghani x CBC (strawberry haze x banana og) #1 clones

6x JOTI God’s Bubba

2x JOTI Black Candyland

2x JOTI Afghani x Pheonix Seeds Big Yield Auto

3x Pheonix Seeds Big Yield Auto

Breaking all the rules. Using 1 gallon plastic pots rather than my 2 liters :scream:. The 3 Big Yield autos are in a 2.5 gallon pot together.
Putting the axsthxbanog in gallon containers this weekend.


After doing some watering and seeing what’s coming down…I figured the God’s Bubba could go into flower. Very exciting times!
The crispy lowers are from an overdrying after an overwatering early on in life…but they look good now.

And yes, you guessed it…gonna be hitting the females with colloidal silver for fem pollen and will also be hitting them with fem pollen.
Gods bubba x chemo
Gods bubba x gods space needle
Gods bubba x gods bubba



My last blackberry breath seed is a male. Having a hard time chopping it…almost want to keep it for the pollen. A beautiful plant and the females give awesome smoke!



im taking down a blackberry breath that was pollinated by 4 sour bubbles next week if you wanna give a few a try


Holy hell!!! Sounds potent!!! I’ll slide into your dm’s!

Many thanks, bro!!! :pray:🫂 :muscle: :chart_with_upwards_trend::rocket::crescent_moon:


12 blackberry breath x macslurry seedlings into 2 liters…gonna wait for 2 weeks to make room in the flower room, then move em over to 12.12…pretty quick turnaround.
I’ve had some finish in 50 days…so hoping I can finish these before humidity comes back in spring…didn’t think my plan through :woozy_face:

5 of 7 JOTI God’s Bubba are female…so that’s awesome. 4x in 1 gallons and 1 in a slurpee cup and flowered a week or 2 early for CS and fem pollen collection.

Thinking of hitting this with chemo or gods space needle fem pollen.


My last Blackberry Breath seed is still male…was hoping it would magically sex change for me since I was nice to it…damn science! Gonna collect the pollen, just cause…not sure if I’m gonna use it yet.

3x Afghani x PPP are still hacking it…fridge door closed one day and everything that wasn’t heavily watered was baked…lost 2 of them :sleepy:


JOTI Gods bubba fem pollen almost ready.



Wow, that male is frosty!


That he is really a she…she just didn’t feel like a girl inside, so she covered herself in CS and grew a pair. The therapy is ongoing…lol


This blackberry breath cum rag…lol…haven’t chopped it, haven’t used it, have no plans for it…but there it is.


Joti Afghani x PPP from lefthandseeds…just need one female.


3x OG Cake clones


A few Joti gods bubbas…





@lefthandseeds PPP x JOTI Afghani reg.
Into flower today. Only have 2 of these…so hoping for a female and will hit it again with the PPP pollen from lefty. Thanks again, bud! 🫂
I’ve been moving towards the 1 gallon plastic pots recently and these plants are about the size I’ve been flowering in the 1 gallons.


Here you can see my setup has different levels for different sized plants…I actually have 4 levels…ground level 6’ from light, 1st level 5’ from light, 2nd level 4.5’ from light, 3rd level 4’ from light and the 4th level 3.5’ from light

Also trying out on of my JOTI Afghani x Cannabis by Cory Strawberry Haze x Banana og in a 2.5 gallon (might be a 3 gallon) pot…trimmed all branches (not all leaves) except the first 3 from each tip.
Love this stuff :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: