Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Not everyone, I think it happens more with people who feel they have not achieved much in life or could not do things they wanted but now can or want to re experience their younger years as they fear getting old.

I didn’t, but I have always done what I wanted except base jumping withca flying squirrel suit, I would love to try that but one minor bump could destroy my neck and kill me :frowning:


I’m not sure about that.

I’ve lived what I think is a very interesting life. That said, when I turned 40, with the exception of a few important pillars, I was pretty dissatisfied. So I made some drastic changes. In particular getting sober.

I know lots of people who turned their backs on their whole lives when they turned 40.

Mid life crisis or enlightenment. Hard to say.


Crazy good man, congrats to both of you on that.

That’s what I meant by fearing getting older our mortality becomes more focused as our bodies sometimes find doing the same old things more difficult or painful, so some make positive changes in their lives. Anything that is improving your life and self is coming from enlightenment or gained wisdom, depending on when you do it I guess, designates it as midlife or other.


Yeah. it just became boring. I wouldn’t say existential crisis because I’ve had one of those a week since I was 16 years old :joy:.

Not drinking is not just not drinking. It affects your whole life. Circles of friends, gone. “Let’s go watch the game and have a beer.” Nope. “Do I really want to go to this party and be surrounded by obnoxious drunks?”

The biggest kick in the teeth and self realization was that I had spent 20 years cultivating the wrong relationships. There are consequences to that poor decision.

I’m much more introverted than I used to be, and it suits me just fine.


I was the opposite I didn’t like the taste of beer wine and spirits, it was a log time getting an acquired taste for it lol.

When I was going through my warrior phase early 20’s to 30’s, doing a lot of body building and martial arts, bouncing in night clubs and close protection bodyguard work I just used weed. When I went to first meet my wife’s family who are all Scottish, they thought I was weird and could not understand why I did not drink booze lol. They thought it was some kind of medical issue not a choice.

We came back from Scotland on the train, a 6 hour travel time. We booked our seats so I could face forward, I would get travel sick if I faced backwards. These 4 guys who just finished a 6 week stint off shore on a oil rig were heading back to London, as we were. They were pissed up before they even got on the train probably a couple of stops ahead of us. Anyway they were in our seats so I politely ask them to move but they didn’t want to as they would not be able to sit together at the same table together, so I asked the conductor to move the 2 that were in our seats.

As we progressed on our journey they got more pissed and the 2 that were now sitting opposite us started chatting. We got on to what we did for work, me, at that time was bouncing in night clubs and close protection bodyguard work. So this one guy starts going on about his son getting beat up at a night club by bouncers and he thought they were all c***s. So I told him to watch his language, and he said, sorry and offered me a drink. I said, no thanks, I dont drink, for the next hour all I got was how him and his booze was not good enough for me, because he wouldn’t believe I didn’t drink lol.

Just as we were pulling into Coventry station he stands up and starts saying he is going to beat me up in revenge for his son. So I stand up and take my rings off and hand them to my wife, and said, come on then we will do it on the platform, as we were just stopping. The doors open and I threw him off the train lol and kept pushing him away until the doors closed and waived goodbye as the train pulled out lmao.


I think this is where I’m at. I feel I’ve wasted many years. Feeling a lot of regret and shame.

I want to live, but I also want to be safe (financially responsible, job security, etc.).


Ugh…and I hate drunken confrontation…lol…everyone’s 10 feet tall and bulletproof.


I try to look at it like the first half was a good party in your 20s experience but the second half was a waste of time.

Mistakes happen. No shame. Forward.


You should feel proud, you realized you needed to change, lots of people stay stuck in that situation and won’t change no matter what it costs them, financially and health wise.

It’s not just the alcohol you have to break away from, its everything connected with, and built around it, like family and friends that maybe heavy users that makes it so hard to stop using it, so you have to get a whole new life, without a lot of drinking people in it.

I have a friend that was an alcoholic when he was born, his parents and grandparents were all chronic alcoholics, his 4 brothers and 2 sisters all became alcoholics. He has told me some harrowing stories of his life, but he had the strength and conviction to realize he would die very young if he didn’t get away from booze and his family. It took him several years and few wagons that he fell off of but he managed it and helped 2 of his brothers get off it as well.


Glad the drinking days are well behind me! Thanks for the support, gang!

New joti regs in flower a few days ago…still have 6 in veg…no room yet.

Still flowering


1x gods afghani
1x blackberry breath
2x black funk dawg
3x black candyland
Males being chopped. :neutral_face:


You get the idea…balls coming in.


The 2 liters are just solid. I feel I have more control. I’ve got a mix of the 2 liters and 1 gallons…so we’ll see which one comes out on top. The small SOG has treated me very well.


Adding to the male chop list this morning…
1x black candyland
2x black dream
1x gods afghani
1x gods space needle

12 males so far…ffs. gonna have at least another 6. :roll_eyes:
Everytime I do this I get frustrated. Lol. Fuckin reg seeds.


Man… there’s days I wish I had yours and @minitiger’s luck on finding these males. I popped 40 seeds on the last run and only found 2 males. Makes it hard to find what I want to make seeds :joy:


Adding another black candyland 1 gallon to the cockchopfest.
13 males…so far…

You ever notice how the ones you have to chop are always the best looking ones in the room?


Looks to be 29ish plants cut and dry/curing…have 2 plants drying on the line…have 18 still in flower.

The gods space needle x (blackberry breath x macslurry) turned out great!!


Stock market opens in 5 mins :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::alarm_clock:


Oooh yeah it did! Super frosty!


Another 2x black candyland Males coming down. :rage:

15 males…so far


Not the ratio you were hoping for.


jeez sorry to hear about all the males showing up or what if they prefer to be called zims or thems … either way they need to f off and more females need to arrive!