Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Still small seedlings there are but it’s not much at this point. I’ll take some fresh ones for ya tomorrow

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Hoping to start mine soon too. I might hit everything with that pre98 fem pollen…we’ll see.


As it stands now we have:
3x pre98 bubba fem. Cali Connection for clones and pollen chucking (not in pic)

9x Gods Space Needle fem.
8x Black Candyland fem.
12x PKX x Chemo fem.
4x Buddha’s Cane fem. from @ShitSeeds
4x Earth Magic reg. from @PioneerValleyOG
3x Orange Goji reg.
6x jungle spice x black domina #1 reg.
List will be updated as I go…but pic won’t change


Hell ya Bubba on everything!


The universe is opening doors…it seems this is meant to be. Pre98 bubba fem pollen on everything! :fist:


I love when she does that! Appears to be happening for me as well lately . And who am I to question her reasoning :wink:


i have grown some fire from cali connection brotha. so dont throw in the hype towel yet. you will either have some fire and plenty to trade for other fire or have alot of beans to trade at least lol


I’m hoping I strike gold. Should be a slam dunk, easy project. The clones will say it all…or something…lol…hoping for good femmed seeds anyway…lol.


Ya I’ve found some fire there as well, albeit many years ago. But know of others who have much more recently. I’m looking forward to it 100%


@tappy did u see their fem seed collection also ? sacred cut seed co fems 6 for 12 bucks plus discounts ? always wanted to try that frosted fruit cake


Pretty sure I saw cherry pie kush cuts going for something like $10,000,000 in the “expensive seeds” thread…so it crossed with anything would be great. $5.99 - 30% - 10% - 5%…like $2 for a pack of seeds…lol

I stand corrected…$10,600,000 for a clone…lol…deadly


ya i might go thru a 6 pack in the future of those and frosted fruit cake couple strains i seen around few years back that i wanted to try. just have so many regs i need to hunt thru first… wish i could just pop 100 beans and have someone hunt them for me lmfao


Flowering now…

Last flowering plant will be coming down by Nov 17. A couple will be ready within a week or so
Right side

Left side

Next round getting ready…

Starting 8x Afghani fem. seeds. Growing is such a numbers game. Want to utilize every inch of space…I’m worried I’ll have a few more seedlings die during this tender and delicate time of their lives. If not, at least I can choose the strongest looking seeds for flower.

Pre98 bubba fem seed project is still a go…and adding a few more, because KISS is for amateurs…lol.

  • Pre98 bubba x Pre98 Bubba (x3)
  • Pre98 bubba x Uncle Festers Skunk #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 (x5)
  • Pre98 Bubba x All the freebies…lol
  • Gods White Banana Kush x Gods White Banana Kush
  • Gods Mac x Gods Mac

Or something like that. Gonna get all 5 of the different UFS18’s going…probably start 4 seeds of each and pray for at least 1 female from each group.

Still leaning towards an all Lavender sensi run before getting into the seed making.


I think that may have been a stoner moment. :laughing: based on their other seed pages. It have meant " Any Cherry Pie Kush Breath Cross Reg (1 pack)", from the list below it. For example:




Whoa, whoa, whoa…hold on a second…lol. I was thinking they would just choose the pack and charge 5.99…but are you thinking it’s just for a single seed? I was kind of confused by their pricing and details…and high…so confused and a little medicated…lol


Agree 100%. These seed pages ambiguous.

I shop there from time to time when price checking against Amazon. It’s usually the heavier stuff that cost less (soil, coco coir etc.), just because it’s local.

Speaking of local, but none inside Winnipeg, I recall @Loggershands posting here about Diatomaceous feed supplement for Silica. HomeHardware sells it in 2 sizes. But don’t know if the price is decent or not.

Edit: changed “someone” to give credit to Loggershands for the original post #1423.


if you need the bud do the sensi run for sure. also do you ever reveg any thing you find that might look special ? so many beans you go thru there must be a gem or two that comes out of them ?


That’s definitely a good price I pay 1/2 of that for I think 3-4 lbs. had no clue home hardware carried it, it’s also killer for suppressing any critters coming from your medium as it sliced up soft bodied insects as they emerge. It’s part of my IPM treatments and once watered in …. Bonus calcium :wink:


That would be a good price for my area (Newfoundland). That’s about what I paid per kilo from the feed store.


I’ve never reveged. Probably have let some gold slip through my fingers, for sure.
I have many seeds, but they’re all similar. I’m trying to reduce my seed list, but also expand it with new, heavy hitting, heavy yielding strains.

Would you be down to pitch for some seeds and one of us could do an open pollination seed run? This keeps our seeds flowing, but doesn’t tie up both our grow rooms. What do you think? I’d be cool to reproduce the first run…or all good id you wanted to run it. Was looking at some in-house genetics gear. Pricey, but with both of us taking the hit, it’ll soften the blow…lol.
Lemme know if you have your eyes on anything.

My closets are full until early April…lots of time to get a seed run in before late summer/fall 2024.

I’ve got a gentleman’s agreement with @TopShelfTrees1 with some Larry OG f2’s and the pre98 bubba femmed seeds I’m bringing up in ever other post…lol.

So far new seed list is:
Larry OG f3(?) reg.
Pre98 bubba fem
Pre98 bubba x a bunch of strains fem.