Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

I’m in the exact same situation . Spring here too and it’s repros galore and one or two sensi runs mixed in there too. I took a few years off from breding anything or reproing so I figure it was overdue. Plus I’ve got lots of bud too. Those Larry are gonna be a blast when I get to em ! A blast from the past!


Oh, man! I’m super pumped to see the Larry’s go!!!
My jars should be packed to the rims by mid-April…then squeeze in 2 seed runs (1 in each closet at the same time)…take mid-july and beginning of August off…start sensi runs again mid-august…lol. And those sensi runs will be all the seeds made from April-July…lol


Ya id be down but dont think i would have the room or set up to do it. Just need to set what ever up. Ill pm u later to discuss more


Ordered a bunch of stuff using the 10% discount, then came back and ordered the 30% off stuff, wouldn’t let me combine promotions. So I ordered one of the Sacred Cut Seed Co / Cherry Pie Kush Breath Cross (REG) × 1.
Now, I’m assuming it means 1 pack of 12 seeds of their choice. But I’m also ready to recieve 1 pack of 1 seed…just so I’m not disappointed…lol…I mean, the price, right?
I’m also thinking that maybe it’s a typo…should be 59.99 but someone messed the decimal place :man_shrugging:…lol.


Bought my maxibloom, silica, ph test refill and a bunch of fresh stuff for DWC…last time I did dwc it got root rot and all this…was shitty. Figured its been a few years…let’s try again!
Will probably just run an autoflower in the corner of the workshop…closets are full.
Nice and cheap


Very cool project. Reminds me of sreetips gold YouTube channel.

calcium hypochlorite has been saving my reservoir for a few years now :upside_down_face:
I do 2grams into 1 gallon to make the Stock Solution. Then I dose 2ml of the stock solution per gallon of water that you want to sterilize. can go up to 3 times that amount in dire situations without any real issues with the plants. after that and it’ll start burning the roots and whatnot


Shit…I went to go and reach for my jug of solution and it must have eaten through the plastic. I held it to my shirt and it leaked right through. Is my shirt gonna be bleached?..lol…shit
I have mine from a couple years ago dwc.


Oh damn lol if it’s the calcium hypochlorite than no, it won’t hurt the shirt at all. It’s just super clean now :joy:

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This stuff…pool shock…¼tsp per gallon is what I spilled. Brand new sweater…lol


@Budderton yooo…was just wondering…if I took those SFV OG bx3 f3 and made some femmed seeds with the females, what would it be? SFV OG bx4 f3?


Yeah that’s the calcium hypochlorite, it’s just branded ^^

I think sfv bx3 f3 and you made fems, should be f4s. Sfv bx3 f4 (fem). Ive also seen people use ‘R’ to denote fem breeding, so could do SFV BX3 R4


Yep. It would only be a SFV OG bx if you went back to the original clone. You could call them SFV OG Bx3 F3 S1s as they are the first selfed generation from the Bx3 F3s but that’s a shit ton of typing. Maybe just call them Sue. :sweat_smile::v:


LOL…this is what they will be called…and everyone who grows it and logs it here will have to type it all out!

SFV OG Bx3 F3 S1


You happen to have any pics of this one handy?..or if you can point me in the right direction to pics…

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Here’s a post showing one of the two moms I used. If you go back from there you can find early pics and if you go forward I think there’s a bit of a report. If you search my thread for SFV OG a list will pop up of all the posts.


Perfect! Thanks much!!


Thanks much. It works really well! Basically unlimited supply of colloidal silver.

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Gods space needle



Gods space needle x chemo



Gods bubba x chemo





Maui Mango Haze …turns out I do have 2 of them left :smiley:



Another Gods Space Needle x Chemo



Sweet tooth…looks like it still has a ways to go :grimacing:…smells “natural”…very pure smell.


ANOTHER Gods Space Needle x Chemo…this cross seems to be my winner.


Afghani x (strawberry haze x banana og)…not a heavy yielder, but the buds are :ok_hand:…almost finished.




That’s it for the highlights…


3x chemo plants looking like shit…gonna get rid of those chemo seeds…not a good look.




That’s it for the lowlights…lol