Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

thanks again!! lets just say it could be worst! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

more space would be quite welcome for selecting new stuff ect. the mothers are waterd by hand. automation would also be nice. but guess what? not enough space. need to think a little bit about that.


Shit…think I just wasted an ounce of dry sift.
Put it in the oven at 130° for 12 mins…it got really dark…took 20 mins to scrape and peel it off the tinfoil. Was temp too hot, too long?

Is the butter garbage?

After oven pic…

After scraping pic…


Only one way to tell. I would put some on toast with butter, then lay down on couch and watch something. :green_heart:


Lol…as much as I would love to guinea pig this stuff, the day is young, and I’m not sure what’s planned for today…lol.

I think the wife might give it a go though…lol…she’s a trooper.


Hmm that’s just sift on the foil? Strange… I usually decarb in a Pyrex dish but never had that happen regardless :thinking:

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Wish I would have put sift into the pot and put pot in oven…it was kind of crumbly, but sticky and melty. It’s only my 3rd time making butter, so still learning…I like the Pyrex idea…would have made scraping easier.

With sift “decarbed” (:crossed_fingers:) I don’t have to heat it with the butter right…add decarb sift to melted butter to absorb and that’s it? I’m not gonna bother straining it, as this has already been a bitch of a task…lol

I just hope I didn’t ruin it.


for me this works out fine

take bud or leaves( not sure if this works with sift the same way) decarb in the oven 110°C for 20 min in pyrex dish.
than take a pot with water put butter and plant matrial in the pot and simmer for 4 hours .
filter it let it cool and than happy baking. that works for me


Your after oven picture shows the same color as I get when decarbing ground flower in the oven. I think (hope) it will surprise you.


Now I wonder if I panicked and didn’t leave it in the oven long enough :grimacing:


not sure about that! unfortunately i don´t have exp. with dry sift for butter :frowning:
sometimes itr trail and error


Based on these lab results, we know that most of the decarboxylation happens within the first 10 minutes—an additional 20 minutes only gains another eight percent.

that was at around 120C. if youre worried about some burning maybe press it flat before baking?


Theoretically, yes. That should be all you have to do. I might keep it on low or something for a good 10-15 minutes and stir just to make sure its all homogenized and absorbed, but shouldn’t need hours in a crockpot or anything if it’s sift and already decarbed. You’ll just be converting it to CBN at that point.

110C is ~230F. 20minutes, should be decarbed already.

But yeah, glass bottom for the sift. Something you can easily scrape with a razer or something if it gets sticky like that :wink:


It was pretty flat and even when I put it in the oven. Sounds like I might be in the clear from what ive read.
Will be trying some this afternoon/evening.


Thanks for the help everyone…lol…this whole dry sift and butter project has been quite the learning experience


I have had issues with black candyland herming before. Good weed, but pretty delicate. Especially when you consider its background, lots of og, cookies, chems. They all got that hermy trait


1x Earth Magic
2x jungle spice x black domina
Same age…all 3 males…all 3 chopped.


Loving the canopy though

And this Buddha’s cane is a beast!
The 3 largest in middle section :muscle::muscle::muscle:

…and younger plants and seed project mixed in for now

And these are only 3 weeks behind schedule…smh…kind of annoying, but gotta let em finish…16 more to harvest!


Slapped a couple jobes sticks in the seeding plants…givem some extra N for the journey ahead. These are pretty useful.


8x gods white banana kush for seed project.
2x autos from riekoX


man you just keep going. that seed collection is pretty big haha wish you had a list just so i could read them all.

did anyone test your kief yet


That would be fun…might do this later…see how far I get…lol

I tried a little bit and it was good…but I don’t have anything to compare it to…never smoked straight dry sift or kief…lol.