Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Thanks for all the helpful details. That’s so cool you’re getting to try so many “elites.” :slight_smile:

This particular Skunktek Sour Diesel cut is supposed to be done in 10-11 weeks according to FarmerJoe’s discord.

Like you said, maybe it comes out in the smoke, but thusfar it isn’t super loud…so I’m also reserving judgment until the cured smoke from a happy grow. This is what some grower commented about it in Discord:

The skunktek has the unexciting lemon profile up until week 7 or so and then it starts getting that delicious sour funk and fuel, nice and loud. The AJ is more plain gassy to me grown indoor, lacks the sour funk in comparison. I think they both have a spot in the garden though. To my surprise I liked the AJ better grown outdoor than indoor. It smelled closer to a headband type outside for me in west massachusetts

I feel that way about many of bodhi’s Appy crosses I’ve run. They pump out the sucker branches everywhere, which I think is a pretty cool adaptation. But yeah, if you’re not up on pruning them back, they kinda turn into a rats nest.



I’m just getting back from spending the weekend in central Oregon doing a bunch drugs in the woods, celebrating my 40th with a bunch of like-minded folk. I had an awesome experience staring up into the sky until 2 or 3am, able to faintly make out the Milky Way while tripping. It was a much needed break from the daily grind… it’s gonna take a few days to adjust back to reality.

As a little side note… I always make up a bunch of pre-rolls and hand them out at the events I go to… everyone loves getting free weed! I took a bunch of stuff from my last harvest, Jack Herer, Rainbow Belts, Grape Pie, and Baba Kush 5… I got sooo much positive feedback from the Baba Kush, everyone loved that one! Even my girl, who usually doesn’t smoke, really enjoyed the high from that one. I just thought it was interesting that a seed plant seemed to be better than all the “elite” clones I grew last round. Really wish I would’ve hung on to that one… oh well!

Anyways, the plants did great while I was away for a few days. I was happy to see everything in good shape upon my return.

Hazy Tent - Day 53 Flowering
Bandaid Haze Church | Bandaid Haze 7
Santa Cruz Blue Dream | Super Silver Haze F3 #10

Everything stacked up nicely in this tent. Doesn’t look like too much longer for the SCBD, she’ll probably be the first thing ready.

Santa Cruz Blue Dream - nice frosty dense buds. Smelling sweeter than I remember, and didn’t stretch much at all.

Super Silver Haze F3 10 - smelling more fruity than Jack, less skunky… someone else growing her mentioned mangos… I’m getting some whiffs of that, and something else I can’t quite put my finger on. Looks like she’s gonna go longer than the Blue Dream.

Bandaid Haze Church - incense smell continues to get stronger by the day. Buds are getting some nice density to them.

Bandaid Haze 7 - this plant is wild! Funky mildew smells coming from her.

SIP Tent - Day 47 Flowering
Giesel | Sour Diesel (skunktek)
Lavender Jack | Mother’s Milk 31 - Bodhi

Lav Jack - probably the smelliest thing in this tent. Stupid frosty and looks like she’s finishing pretty quick. Should have pulled a few more lowers, but the tops stacked pretty nicely.

Mother’s Milk 31 - getting real frosty too and stacked right on up. Creamy gas smells coming from this one.

Giesel - she’s getting big round fat calyx. She smells getting pretty funky now, it just took awhile. Funky kind of dumpster smells at first, but she has a sweet (chocolate?) finish.

Sour Diesel (Skunktek) - puffing out into big floral clusters along the stalks. Calyx stacking atop one another, going out horizontally.

And the coco/hydro tent finishing up… ran the lights a little hot while I was away and the leaves got a little fried, and probably little too many nutes, but they’re otherwise alright. All this is going to concentrates anyways, so I’m not too concerned about the appearance.

Sour D - Day 55F

Giesel - Day 55F

Rainbow Belts 2.0 x Baba Kush - This one came out surprisingly nice smelling, with the Skittles smell from the Rainbow Belts coming in strong at the end, but it’s layered nicely with the Kushy smell from the Baba. Looks like plenty of frost and nicely dense buds.

I’m going to start the flush soon on the coco tent, and will be harvesting everything before too long… let’s hope I don’t fuck up the finish!

Hope everyone had a great long weekend :smiley:


Happy belated BDay! Everything looking great but man that rainbow belts x baba kush is incredibly photogenic! Did you make seeds with anything else using that baba kush dad (other than F2s)? Awesome shots as always, you got me wanting to improve my no-flash skills. Going to pop at least 2-3 baba kushes next seed round here. Also that’s really interesting your baba kush is holding its own against proven elites. That SSDD dad produces fire.


Happy birthday, dude! 40, huh? It’s all downhill from here… haha. Or uphill? What’s the bad one? Haha! Just kidding.

Things are definitely looking good. Kinda interesting that the Sour in the coco tent looks (to me) to have more what I consider “Sour traits” (wiry pistils, more bulbous calyxes) than the one in soil. I realize that they’re like a week apart, but still… Seems pretty noticeable. I’m not saying that’s “bad” or “good,” but it is kind of interesting.


Haha, thanks guys! It’s all uphill in my eyes. Life keeps getting better the longer I live it, I’m hoping the trend continues. Of course, things could slow down a little bit, and I would love to spend some more time doing things like I did this past weekend, but I’ll take what I can get.

She packed on the trichs! I’m thinking that was more from the Baba Kush side, but I’ll have to to go back and compare some pics. This is one of the first chucks I’ve grown where both of the parents blended nicely together, with neither one presenting too much dominance. Hopefully the Baba helps out the Rainbow Belts in terms in effects…

Sweet! I hope you find something similar to the BK5 or BK2 in terms of effects and smells. There’s some good stuff there. If you do find anything close to the BK5, I would love a snip. I’ve been smoking all of the BK pretty regularly, and the smoke superb on a few. The BK5 and BK2 held their nose the best, my personal fav is the BK5. The BK4 and BK6 have nice mellowing calming body effects, with not too much head. BK1 is very Bubba smelling, lots of chocolate/coffee in the cure, it didn’t produce well, but it’s potent af.

I totally agree, and see the same thing. I feel like the Sour in the hydro/coco is moving along faster for some reason (probably a nutrient issue, or a watering issue, as they’ve been on an auto watering system for a while, and may have been getting too little water). This round is gonna be an interesting comparison of nutrient salts versus organics, because I feel like both the Sour D and the Giesel are turning out pretty different, based on their environment. The Sour in the SIP is already starting to lose some of it’s lower leaves, but it looks like it’s got awhile up top. The smell is also coming in differently on the organic stuff, it seems stronger and sharper to me. I guess we’ll see what happens in the next few weeks, can’t wait to smoke this shit!


Right, but uphill is the struggle, whereas downhill you’re just coasting. I mean, I’d rather be running downhill than uphill. That phrase doesn’t make any sense! Haha.

I’ve mentioned this on other coco/hydro growers’ threads and they all disagreed with me, but I know that I’ve read that coco/hydro/aeroponocs/any of that type of stuff finishes faster than the same genetics grown in soil. So maybe that has something to do with it. I dunno. Coco is obviously much different than aeroponics, but still… I dunno haha. If that’s what you’re observing…


True, haha! My brain is still recovering from the weekend :crazy_face: I know the saying is “over the hill”, but I’m looking at it like I still have a bunch of shit to look forward to, I’m still climbing the hill… I’m hoping I never get over the top, and always have something to look forward to or to work towards. I’ll have time to coast when I’m dead :smiley:

The GG4 I’m running this round is finishing faster than I’m used to as well, so something is different, for sure. I don’t have enough experience running either clones enough times to tell for sure, and will need to get a closer look at the trichs to be sure, but it does seem that they’re finishing faster… I was also thinking it could have something to do with the extremely small containers they’re in?


Ummmm, yeah, maybe. I dunno. I used to grow in three-gallons and the stuff that I thought would take a while always took a while haha, but sure, that could have something to do with it. I think horsebadorites grows in two-gallons, but he seems to still have stuff that takes like 70+ days, even in coco.

Who fucking knows? Haha. Weed’s weird…


happy birthday!!!
good health, cool mind, ardent heart!!!

as for the time in coco/ hydro, i always got a week longer blooms… from the time i switched to 12/12 until the first signs of bloom the earth has a faster rate, by this time (about a week) it finishes faster.
just my experience!


Happy belated 40th duder!! Life is what you make it!! Southern Proverb: “If you always do, what you’ve always done. You’ll always get, what you’ve always got.” Life’s a hole- Dig it!

Sounds like you enjoyed your birthday!! What festival did you go to? I could use a trip down the rabbit hole! Way over due!

Plants look great as usual!


I just took Tony’s Sowah Grapefruit to 77 days and honestly I’m gonna try 84 next time, she’s good but maybe only barely done


Happy 40 dude - sounds like you celebrated in appropriate fashion!
Gardens lookin great - blue dream and that lavender jack are looking close :fire:


Happy big 4-0 buddy, glad to hear you’re still out there kicking and tripping


Happy belated bday! You’re only a couple years ahead of me, idk about you but it’s been down/up hill since 28 over here :sweat_smile: Glad to hear life has been improving for ya tho! Same here :relaxed:
Cheers to it continuing :beers:

Tents are lookin fantastic as always!!


Sending happybday wishes your way @iamyou_youareme glad to hear you got some much needed time with nature, a tiny hard reset !

Sooooo about those TK1000 Fem crosses you gifted me, they have been alive now for half a year in veg just a few of each. I got two spotted spider mites in late 2022, thought I eradicated (wishful thinking) was ready to flip everything then found them again…

Flash forward to today, all got a much needed pruning, clones have been taken (dipped in sulfur) and I might have to cull the old plants due to fear of any surviving eggs (weekly applications of Azamax).

At some point this year I will have these damned flowers! I wish I had something more to report other than they have been growing quite homogeneously, tight internodes, bushy structure after being topped. ALOT of sucker branches as they have gotten older, dunno if thats just age or what…

Been a pisspoor harvest-less 2023 over here, sure do love seeing what you all have been up to though! Going to be a busy and bountiful month for you it seems :slight_smile:


Over the hill at least implies above ground, so you’ve got that going for you.

But I always assumed “over the hill” had as much or more to do with gravity and the acceleration that’s exerted by the force of gravity. Once you reach the top of a hill and begin moving down, gravity causes you to move faster and faster down the other side without any extra input, until you reach terminal velocity when you literally coast at your max speed until something stops you. Obviously this assumes the coefficient of friction is negligible and there’s no significant forces exerted by any other external mechanism.


Yeah, that’s exactly what they mean by “over the hill”!

Whatever is meant by it, and whatever hill it is, just try to make sure it’s not the hill you choose to die on.

Happy belated, @iamyou_youareme !!


I do take almost everything to 70 days, and in 2G pots w/ coco, but I also run my bloom lights at 10/14. I am rethinking the light schedule, though. Gonna try to see if there’s any difference between 60 days at 12/12. It’s only 20 hours more on the equipment and power, but 10 days faster may make me able to try more strains in less time… I’d like that :yum:


Usually the shorter light hours makes the plants finish faster :thinking:


Like you’d run a haze at 10on/14off to finish quicker. At 12/12 the haze won’t finish…

At 70 days of 10/14 I’d think most of your trichomes would be amber on a lot of stuff?