Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah, I remember you mentioning that during the Gold Star somethingsomething f2 seed run thing I signed up for a few years back, can’t remember right now what it was. And there’s for sure a wall blocking that planter on the west side of our house, so it gets shaded in the afternoon. But there’s also string lights hanging RIGHT over it that are on pretty much all night; you’d think that that would, like, “impede” the plant from flowering. Or whatever haha.



Yeah, plants definitely aren’t as light sensitive one way or the other when growing outdoors. I think the back porch at my old property received maybe 9-10 hours of direct sunlight at the height of summer, yet the plants seemed to veg for an appropriate time (at least 8 weeks or so) and didn’t start to flower as soon as they would if grown indoors. If I started plants at the end of March or early April, I was usually harvesting by early to mid September.

I wish I had that extra shade or light deprivation at my new property, think it really helps with getting plants well into flower before the high season of botrytis sets in which has all but wrecked my last 3 or so outdoor seasons…


I am an indoor grower so botrytis is mostly not an issue for me as long as I manage leaf mass and humidity/air exchange, but I have an intense interest in botrytis because I see it everywhere here in New England ruining food crops and flowers with our wet cool falls, and there’s a ton of newer research out there about how to fight it with biofungicides and other IPM techniques, I think the best cannabis study I’ve seen so far is this 2021 Canadian one. It found that while the usual Bacillus subtilis strains are effective, most effective is a newer strain that’s being intensely studied, Bacillus velezensis that has the best effect on botrytis cinerea. I can only find one product on the market so far that uses it, a wettable powder from a Swiss company with a Canadian-based North American distributor:

EDIT: ah, Arbico has it, of course:

Balthazar et al. 2022 Phytopathology.pdf (633.7 KB)


Another week flew by over here, time is moving too fast… except when it comes to harvest time, that always seems to take forever :wink:

Hazy Tent - Day 31 Flowering
Bandaid Haze Church | Bandaid Haze 7
Santa Cruz Blue Dream | Super Silver Haze F3 #10

As predicted, the BH7 stretched the most, and is continuing to shoot upwards. Love the look of her.

SSH F3 #10

Santa Cruz Blue Dream

Bandaid Haze 7

Bandaid Haze Church (Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 cultivar) - left side, compared to BH7 on the right side. Starting to get some really interesting smells.

SIP Tent - Day 25 Flowering
Giesel | Sour Diesel (skunktek)
Lavender Jack | Mother’s Milk 31 - Bodhi

Had to take out the carbon filter, that was real fun to do with the light still in there and the plants mid flower… but I needed the extra couple of inches to raise the light.

Lav Jack

Mother’s Milk 31

Sour Diesel (SkunkTek)


Sour D - day 33 flower in other tent



RB 2.0 x Baba Kush

Everything is coming along nicely!

I had a chance to meet up with another OG member, @zephyr . It was great to meet up with another member of this community, face to face! We exchanged some clones, he was gracious enough to save me a few of Bodhi’s China Cangshan Mtn plants, I’m going to try to get them going outside. He also donated some pollen from his God’s Paintbrush male, which was awesome because I always like to do a few chucks while I’m flowering stuff and didn’t have any pollen this go round. Hopefully, we’re successful with our project!


Wow! What an amazing spread!
I can’t remember if you said it or not, but are you running the haze tent at 11/13?


Thanks man!

Yes, I started the haze tent on 11/13, I’m wondering if I should go down to 10/14? Probably wouldn’t hurt anything.


Your garden is looking fantastic

It was a fun and productive meet up.

These 2 selected phenotypes of the cangshan are from bodhi’s original seed preservation of the line gathered in china.

I label them CC1 and CC2 for China Cangshan. I have overwintered them as bonsai mothers in my indoor grow to keep these phenos around. They are going outdoor for the third year in a row.

This is a very hardy outdoor line that can stand up to extreme weather conditions, and has excellent resistance to pests, bud rot, and mildew. It harvests late, in early or mid november but so far the plants have been very healthy and finished well.

They have a very unique smell.
CC1 smells like funky oily dried seaweed and smoky black tea. Kind of like lapsang souchong chinese black tea, with nori and kombu. There are slight hints of dried cranberry and cocoa powder.

CC2 has similar seaweed and black tea aspects, but more like fresh seaweed beachy ocean smells, and rich black tea. It has notes of dried cranberry and cocoa powder, and notes of cedar or freshly sharpened no.2 pencil. When you handle the buds, there are occasional whiffs of something like dill pickle and marzipan.

While growing, they have a sweet vegetal stem rub smell somewhere between squash and cantaloupe.

The high is also very unique, and very medicinal for pain relief, muscle relaxation, prevention of cramps and spasms, and migraines.


Quick weekend update.

Giesel - 39 Days - not smelling quite as funky as I imagined it would, but there’s still time. Kinda sweet/sour/funky smelling.

Sour Diesel (Skunktek) - 39 Days - not overwhelming smelly yet, at least not as strong as the GG4 right next to it. Smells like a sour beer sorta. But, you know, just the sour part…

RB 2.0 x Baba Kush - 39 Days - smelling like Baba Kush, surprisingly. I thought I may get a little of the RB smell in there, but mostly smelling like a more minty version of the Baba Kush. Nugs are tight and compact.

Baba Kush F2 - reminding more of the Bubba phenos I found in the F1s. One smells like BK5, the other more like BK1.

Hazy Tent - Day 37 Flowering
Bandaid Haze Church | Bandaid Haze 7
Santa Cruz Blue Dream | Super Silver Haze F3 #10

SSH F3 #10

Santa Cruz Blue Dream

Bandaid Haze 7

Bandaid Haze Church - interesting smells coming from this one, like a mildewy basement with a little incense in there, it’s only going to get better.

SIP Tent - Day 31 Flowering
Giesel | Sour Diesel (skunktek)
Lavender Jack | Mother’s Milk 31 - Bodhi

Lavender Jack - smelling like Jack on crack. Starting to getting some Wookie smells over the jack terps and smelling awesome.

Mother’s Milk 31 - stem rub smells pungent, but the resin smells a little delicate, but it’s starting to get some funk to it… no powdered milk or candy hearts to my nose… ?

Sour D

Giesel - seems hungry, probably wants more calcium or Mg, seems like a Ca whore though.

Hope everyone is having a good one and staying cool… fucking 91 degrees here today. :fire: :sweat_drops:


Your garden is beautiful! A pleasure to peep upon.

I think bodhi’s MM5 cut is the one with candy hearts smell. I suspect this MM31 cut leans hard toward the Nepali OG. I just get tons of OG gas and growth/ structure. It’s great smoke though! The buds swell impressively past 10 weeks.


Thanks for stopping by, and like-wise, it’s always nice to stop by your journal and see what you’ve got cooking.

Must be.

Yeah, it’s def growing like an OG, with thinner stems and stacking like I’m used to. There’s a slight creaminess to the resin, nothing that I’m used to smelling from the Appy side though, but it’s just starting to get funky, so there’s plenty of time for all that to change. When do you usually take her down? I’ll take her longer if she fills out in the end…


I took her down at 70ish, and the buds really started getting thick after 60. I think 11 weeks would be perfect but this was my first run with her and she ran out of nutrition way early. I’ve got her in a bigger pot this time and should have a better run.


Following up on this, here is some info for everyone about my selected god’s paintbrush male.

I tested Bodhi’s ethiopian banana x omg. after completing a grow from seed and a grow from clone, bodhi sent a small pack of the ethiopian paintbrush as a gift when I finished testing its sister line.

Thanks again @bodhi this line has such special medicinal qualities. It turned out to be the best meds I could find to manage the symptoms of my muscular condition. Bodhi has given me permission to breed and share the ethiopian hybrids.

In my grow I label the ethiopian banana x omg phenos as EA for Ethiopian Afghani. I label the ethiopian paintbrush phenos as EPBA and I call them ethiopian paintbrush afghani. (It’s just simpler for me to use the genetics as the name.)

I have 3 males. Two have hybrid type leaves and a crazy all over the place no-apical-dominance sativa structure. Many stalks growing out from the base of the plant, with large plumey floral clusters on top of every stalk. They flower quickly.

My selected male has a balanced hybrid christmas tree structure, large dense floral clusters with good side branching and a massive primary, resinous guard and sugar leaves like bodhi’s OMG male, and the leaves are narrow like some of my favorite ethiopian phenos. It is long flowering, and a prolific pollen producer, and gets a lot of resin the longer it ripens. It’s also perfectly stable and very easy to grow.

Here are some photos of the tops on the side branches to show the structure and the resin production.

This was grown from clone, I’m keeping this one around for a while.

The resin is sweet and fruity, and the stem rub has a very interesting woody, aromatic cedar, hot-sawdust carpentry type smell, maybe even a hint of old acrid wood glue. The smell on fresh growth is more cedar, the smell from the woody parts of the stalk is more bitter and acrid.

Very consistent with the smells from the paintbrush females. The stem rub is the same and the resin is similar, although the resin from the females is stronger smelling and more distinctive.


That’s a great description, and I think it will pair well with a few of the things I have flowering now. The male did the job on the Blue Dream (pictured above), and also on selected branches in the hazy tent and SIP tent. I will make sure those branches go a little longer before chopping them.

Everything is doing great, I’m past the halfway mark most of the stuff over here… looking at you Bandaid Haze 7.

Hazy Tent - Day 44 Flowering
Bandaid Haze Church | Bandaid Haze 7
Santa Cruz Blue Dream | Super Silver Haze F3 #10

Santa Cruz Blue Dream - smells like classic blue dream, like soapy sweet blueberries to me.

Super Silver Haze F3 10 - Terpinolene smells, getting more complex

Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 ‘The Church’ - smells so good - in a weird way… getting more incense to her now, but has a mildew undertone.

Bandaid Haze 7 - chugging along and stacking up. Smells more like a wet crawlspace that hasn’t seen light in a few years, that may change though, she’s got awhiiiillllllle.

SIP Tent - Day 38 Flowering
Giesel | Sour Diesel (skunktek)
Lavender Jack | Mother’s Milk 31 - Bodhi

Lav Jack - another one that smells so good to me, more terpinolene, but with that lavender/new shoe smell from the Wookie, stacked on top, mmmmm mm yum. They pair really nicely together, imho.

Mothers Milk 31 - getting frosted up right nicely

Sour Diesel (Skunktek) - smelling sour and kind of fruit or something, not sure. I suppose I was expecting something a little different, maybe it’ll get gassy towards the end? Might just be one that tastes really good in the smoke too.

Giesel - hope she smokes alright. I haven’t seen anything so far that has been super impressive to me, but maybe I’m just used to more modern hybrids. Again, I’m not passing any judgement until after the smoke test…

Rainbow Belts 2.0 x Baba Kush - Rainbow Belts smells started coming through, it’s smelling pretty damn good now. It will do well in extraction, which is where it’s headed.

Anyways, I’m stoked on next round… Triangle Kush, Chem '91, Chem D, Irene OG, Bubba Kush (Matt Berger). Holy shit, it’s gonna be a heater. I’m thinking, Chems in the SIPs, along with the Bubba and TK. I may run the Irene in a 7 gallon. We shall see… after that, I might actually get to popping seeds!

Hope y’all are well out there, and are enjoying the weekend.


That’s great to hear the pollination was a success. That seeded blue dream looks beautiful.

I recently chopped my flowering epba#10 males, and they were so resinous I was able to make a couple batches of old school honey oil food grade alcohol extract.

Here are a couple photos of the primary top on the largest epba#10 male:

One of the batches in particular came out very pure. I’m excited to be able to directly experience the high of a male plant like this. It came out perfect for dabbing and vaporizes pretty cleanly with my enail.

This is live resin made with fresh frozen leaf and male flower. although I tried to remove pollen and open flowers as I harvested, a decent amount ended up in the batch. The alcohol is evaporated without heat in a pyrex.

The hash smells pretty much exactly like a honeydew melon. fresh, sweet, mild and floral.

Here are some photos of the batch in the pyrex dish. the background is a dish towel.

It’s hard to get a good picture of something this translucent, but here’s how the batch came out. Very pure resin, clear translucent to light transparent yellow color. Surprisingly, it’s not contaminated by the pollen. Although the hash could probably be further improved by removing all the opened flowers and shaking the pollen off of the leaves more thoroughly.

And heres a photo of the dab tool to show the size of the dose, as well as the color and appearance of the concentrate after it has been collected from the pyrex. Transparent yellow amber color.

I medicated with the epba 10 concentrate around noon. It has a very interesting creamy chamomile flavor. Mild but rich.

The initial effect was a strong wave of pain relief, numbing my face and gently relaxing my muscles. It very quickly cleared up a muscle tension headache. It gave me relief from pain in my face due to muscle damage and neuropathy. This is a rare and very important medicinal quality to me.

The body effect is much more narcotic and floaty than the females. There is an instant brightening effect on my mood, feeling happy and elated. The head effect is all sativa.

Several hours later, I feel giddy and excited (as you can probably tell by my writing).

I am still comfortably medicated and not bothered by pain from a shoulder dislocation earlier last week. The heady effect has settled down a bit.

There is an energizing effect that is very gentle. similar to the ethiopian banana omg #6 clone I keep. it doesn’t feel electric or even caffeinated. It feels more like the kind of energy associated with a good mood, not like a stimulant.

Like most african sativas, the ethiopian hybrid has an energizing effect. but it is very gentle compared to the more electric african sativas, or conventional sativa hybrid drug strains. Only two phenotypes of the ethiopian banana omg had a truly electrifying high.

edit- now with photos


I don’t know anything about that specific #7 cut, but it’s possible she could finish up quicker than you think, despite how she’s looking right now. Three of the four BAH I grew were chopped on (I think) day 74 or somewhere around there on account of the aphids I got that round, but they were pretty much done anyway. Only one of them looked like she needed to go 100+ days. That one still smoked real good, though, and was actually the “heaviest” of the four plants high-wise, despite the fact that she was for sure chopped way early.

Anyway… Looking good! Haha. I’m pretty curious to see how that Sour Diesel turns out (along with everything else haha). It’s all about the flavor; I wouldn’t put too much stock into how she smells right now.


Wow, everything is looking so good in your grows. It’s not surprising, but still wanted to mention it! :sun_with_face:

Yeah from what everybody says, that cut’s for sure 15-16wk even with 11/13 light schedule. Just on paper, I think I’d rather take the 75 day cut of the Church. Would love to smoke either one…hope to have a chance in a few months!

Can you elaborate on this one a little bit? Is it cat pissy or more like a fresh pinecone - pine/cedar/floral with a little citrus? Descriptions of this one kind of vary.

Looks great, too. From what I’ve seen on Discord, that cut swells a lot in the final couple weeks. Might not look like much now, but KAPOW at the end. Kinda like…

This one, which is also supposed to finish strong. It’s looking like it might live up to its reputation - very impressed with how it’s flowering. Reminds me of a beefed up Goji, like it’s been crossed with a bunch of chem genetics. Oh wait… :wink: Same smells? Sharp stem rub, creamy/feminine resin?

Mine’s exactly 2wks behind yours, and I’m getting the same thing. It’s a soft citrus smell so far, but the stem rubs are sour-ish.

Also experiencing the same thing. Mine is a little less leafy and less space between nodes, which I’m sure is just due to minor variance in phenotypical expression based on terroir. Could be differences in our soil?

Definitely looking forward to that grow too! If you do them all in the same space, make sure the TK is half the size of the others when you flip. Bubba should be the largest, followed by Irene, then D, then 91, then TK based on stretch. Also, the D and 91 don’t seem to like intense light. Really excited to see how yours turn out later this summer. You think they’ll be done and in jars by late August? :wink: Looking forward to comparing notes!

:rainbow: :sunrise_over_mountains:


Nice report! and cool way to extract and test the males! I’ve never seen it done that way, haha, I always read old reports of people smoking the male flowers directly, but never thought to extract the resin. Great idea! Even more excited for the crosses now!

I would say in general, usually there’d be some play in the harvest time with clones, but from watching several other people grow it out on discord, it definitely needs to go at least 100 days to get finished. She fills out and frosts up pretty nicely… credit to Phoneman and Nobody’s Nursery for these photos.

Yeah, the Church is more appealing on paper, you can see from the photos she’s gonna finish much quicker. Less stretch too. My guess that Doc worked the Bandaid line to bring down the flowering time and for specific effects. Either way, I’m glad I get to try both of them, so that when I do pop my pack of Bandaid Haze ix 3.0, I know what to look for.

It smells like Jack Herer to me, no cat piss, but maybe a tad of pine. This one smells more sweeter than Jack, less funk in there, it’s mostly a floral citrus smell to me, bright and energetic, not acrid though. I’ve read that terpinolene is weird in how it interacts with other terpenes, its smell can vary greatly when combined with others. You’ll get to sample soon enough :wink:

Cool, I’m hoping she fills out a little more, cuz man is she frosty and good smelling… would love to have plenty of that one around… as long as she smokes alright!

Yup me too! I can see the Nepali OG in there after running a pack of Goji. The resin is starting to pack on there, and she stacked real nice. I should have pulled some more sucker branches on this one, so be diligent of that once you run her. She’d probably focus more grow on the main colas if I got more of the lowers out of there, I’m always bad about cutting branches out!

Yeah I guess when I thought of Diesel, I’m thinking like heavy gassy smells and I’m not getting much of that at all. It could be one of those things that just comes out in the cure or taste or whatever… I’m not too concerned about it really, just an observation. Do most people take Sour longer, 75 days or so?

Yeah it could be. The one I’m running in coco/hydro is finishing up here within the next two or three weeks, it definitely has this skunky/sweet/gassy thing going on with it, I just assumed it would be a little louder smelling. The one in organics is actually smelling a little better, go figure! Definitely has some leaf going on with the buds, but the trim doesn’t look like it will be too bad. Still, no judgement until the product is dried and cured and smoked.

Nice tip! Gonna help when it comes to planning the layout of the SIPs.

It will be cutting it close! I might need some help trimming by then :wink: Definitely gonna have to compare what we find, and maybe try to pull off a reversal or two!


Like somebody else mentioned a few days ago, Jack’s always smelled very “anise-y” to me. There maybe might’ve been some undertones of citrus or something, pine maybe, but the predominant smell has always been Total Anise haha. I’ve bought enough of that to know that that seems to be one of the defining traits of Jack.

I’ve read that she’s a twelve week-er, but never having grown it, I don’t know for sure. And I don’t know anything at all about that Skunktek cut. It seems like the general consensus is that 12 weeks is optimum, though. Or whatever haha.


Yeah there’s definitely some anise there, that’s a good descriptor. I get more anise smell from Durban Poison, Jack smells slightly different to me… but they’re both kinda similar. The Jack that Bodhi uses is supposedly more lime/citrus smelling, I’m pretty sure he used the 10k Jack in the Lavender Jack. Whatever it is, it smells really good to me.

Good to know… I mean, I could tell she’s gonna go longer, just by the way she’s pushing out fresh flowers and white pistils, but for some reason I never researched the flowering time for this clone. I’m in for the long haul… that’s alright, plenty of time to burn waiting for the Bandaid…


Yeah, Durban’s very similar, as far as smells are concerned. Good comp. The old NL5 I used to get from one particular source also smelled very similar to both Jack and Durban, too, which I always thought was interesting.

That’s all that matters haha. If you like it, who cares?

For sure. I don’t know anything about that Skunktek clone, nor do I know anything at all, really, about Skunktek himself. Seems like he just kinda showed up one day… haha. But everything I’ve read about Sour, just in general, is that it’s a twelve week strain.

It’ll be worth it. It HAS to be worth it, right? Right??? Haha.