Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Nice work, beautiful plants!


These all look amazing! Great work :clap:



The tek @iamyou_youareme recommended to me for easy cloning worked great: nice diagonal cut, dip into some cloning GEL (I used Techniflora Rootech) then firmly into a Root Riot and keep them moist and warm. Which meant in my perpetual seedling dome on the floor of the veg tent @ 80F with a heat mat and Inkbird. I watered a few times with plain water then switched to a weak PureCrop1 solution to keep the roots clean and it worked awesome! This is @Tonygreen Big Don, one a week old and one two weeks since the cut:

Thanks homie this opens up a whole new world for me!


I’m going to have to give that a try too.

I’ve always had good results just sticking my clones into brown glass bottles (clear glass bottles had a lower success rate, they got too much light which inhibited root development).

But on this round of cloning, nothing put out substantial roots. Time to find another easy method to add to the repertoire.

I thought about a clone bubbler, but I think having a bunch of clones in the same water would be too likely to cause cross contamination if one of them became unhealthy.


Thanks everyone… you know the plants do all the work though… I’m pretty much just their servant. :bowing_man:t4:

Great work friend! Those roots look uberhealthy, and ready to go. I like the simple methods the best! In the summertime you may be able to get away with not using a heat meat, just depends on your temps. I only use one because my space stays consistently cool.

Yup, very good point. I was watching a recent video on Hop Latent and they said it’s possible to transmit the viroid easily in hydroponic/shared root zone cloning systems, and to avoid doing that… I think, I remember hearing that the viroid is most present in the root zone? I could be wrong on that… but, bad idea to use hydro cloners right now with how prevalent it is. I’m going to have to break down and get some stuff tested if I really want to keep it around.

@syzygy was mentioning his favorite pheno of space monkey the other day, I was trimming up some GG4 and was getting a lot of pine smell, so I think his was a GG4 leaner, for sure. The crazy trich coverage is comparable to GG4 too, though I’ve seen frosty Wookie plants as well (ex. Lavender Jack), something about the resin on the GG4 is distinct looking to me.

Anyways, makes me wanna pop some Space Monkey. I need a warehouse…

Chopped the MM31 and Sour D - 77 days. MM31 smells nice and gassy, more than I initially thought. Wish I could say the same for the Sour D… seems like I got some kinda bunk cut of it… maybe it’s infected with something that’s not Hop Latent, because I know it recently tested clean? That’s the game you play, guess. I’m running a selected clone of Dragon Hammer that has Sour D terps, maybe it’ll be better, who knows??

Church and BH7 - right before chop of the Church at 82 days. Bandaid Haze 7 still going strong…

Reset time. I like this time, I’m all high on coffee, jack herer, and a nice MD of L … time to get to work.


Wow we are the same person


Is that a GG4 or LavJack bud?

I really love the bud shots you get with that lens. Clarity is great on those trichomes. Is that a 2:1 magnification lens? I know OG forces you to resize, compresses, and the raw file probably looks a lot better but still great shots even downscaled!


Sounds like a perfect afternoon to me :grin: everything looking proper as always sorry to hear about the sour diesel I just tried a sample bud of the bx2 f2from jinglepot it’s loud of fermenting wine gas and hints of citrus has a real mouth coating taste sad it threw some sneaky sacks got a few seeds from it though sadly hope you find some dank sour!


iamyouyouareme :slight_smile:

GG4 - wasn’t very clear in my post.

Thanks! Yeah lately OG hasn’t forced me to resize too many shots lately, which is nice. I just make sure they are compressed under 10mb before uploading. Also, I’m way too lazy to use RAW, then edit and then covert to jpeg, so I’m just shooting in jpeg… I could probably get better results shooting in RAW, but again, too lazy, haha. JPEGs still look way better before being compressed to under 600kb on OG. It’s a 1:1 Macro :

Eh, just how it goes… there’s so many Sours out there now, I’m sure I’ll find one that’s great, just wasn’t this one for me. I think I have a pack of Jingle’s F2s around, they were sour D from JJ? Anyways… I’ll find a good representation at some point… I just gotta grow more weed!


Quick update from trim hell/heaven… it really wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t so allergic to all the particles that get in the air. I get a constant runny nose, it makes life hell while trimming. I might need to get a respirator or something like that. Other than that I don’t mind it.

Full jar of Glue always makes me happy though. Almost 3 zips from two plants in half gallon pots, not bad!

Giesel from coco all trimmed up - smells funky, kinda like burning tire smell, but with some sweeter smelling note in there too.

Lav Jack getting trimmed up today. Super strong burn your nose kinda smell, getting more or this astringent/turpentine type smell with the lavender and jack terps.

Giesel from SIPs - test trim, almost ready to go.

SSH f3 10 getting there.

Santa Cruz Blue Dream - smelling really delicious. Blueberries with a tad of something sharp, probably from the SSH side. Filled up 2.5 half gallon mason jars, not sure on weight yet.

Fresh press of Rainbow Belts 2.0 x Baba Kush Rosin to keep me going…

Gotta get back to it… I haven’t grown any cannabis plants that trim themselves yet, though that’d be pretty sweet… if the leaves just all fell off at the very end.


Since they became a household object during the pandemic, I have started using an n95 anytime I do anything dusty/sneezy. Filling pots, mowing the lawn etc. I won’t put one on to dip a solo cup into a bag of soil, but if I’m pouring anything, I slap one on. Pollen too. I bet it would help you here.

Also, that is some fine looking herb!


Yeah man, for sure, I tried the N95s but they don’t seem to help. I don’t think they sit tight enough on my face or filter enough particles, or something. I’ll just keep loading up on Sudafed and struggle through it… I’ve done it many times before, not gonna kill me to do it once more. The pain is worth the gain :slight_smile:


i recommend the 3m “7000 serie” with the “organic vapors” filters, i got mine on ebay, comfortable and so worth it

that jar of glue looks nice :grin:


everything looks fantastic! I was curious on the half gallon pots: veg time, and how often do you typically have to water/feed?


nice! thanks for the rec, for sure gonna look into it. Now I gotta get a tyvek suit to keep all the weed crumbs off me and I’ll be all set.

Thank you! With the half gallons in coco, I started from clones, 1.5 or 2 week veg time, during the veg, hand water once a day, using Megacrop nutes (followed their recommended schedule, feed every watering (probably switching back to Canna though). First week of flower you can probably get away with once a day, and you do want a few dry backs during this period so the roots know to grow outwards in search of water, but after that they’ll start sucking down water pretty fast. I was hand watering twice a day, once in the morning and once in afternoon.

I got smart eventually and just setup an auto watering system to water two times a day, or three, if I want. If you can, keep the pots elevated so they don’t sit in their own run-off for an extended period of time.

In all honesty, 1 gallon pots would probably be better, in terms of yield and having more leeway on how often you’d need to water. Going forward, I’m going to use 1 gal plastic bags with coco and just cram as many as I can into the 2x4. Here’s another Sour D (Skunktek) that’s finishing up now in the half gallon:

This one looks more Sour D-ish to me… I’ve been talking a bunch of shit about this cut, but dried and trimmed the other one from coco the other day, and she actually does smell pretty good. She has this lemon Sour thing going on, but not much Gas/Diesel smell. Plenty of frost on her too… I’m gonna have to try an early sample soon.

Gotta get through trimming this SSH today, ugh, probably the most leafy plant out of the last batch, so it’s gonna be a rough trim… she smells like metallic mangos/fruit though, pretty interesting, not super loud, but enough smell to stick to your hands.


Sometimes I cant believe how old these plants are (250 days) and how ‘young’ they act, if anything its more root than coco by now! These were taken around Day 7 of flower had a defoliation session and snapped a few pictures. Saw someone say TK had some long petioles and holy hell they are! Sorry to throw these up again just figured you’d want some updates on your babes.

Left plant is Mothers Milk x Ancient OG F3, theres two of the GG#4 crosses on the back side that you can sort of see on the ridgeline :slight_smile: they are much too tall to get a good view, the one on the right has these intense praying leaves compared to its sister more T1000 than GG#4?

The not praying GG#4 x T1000 (1)

And here are some clones a few weeks old if that catches your fancy
Left to right: GG#4 x T1000 (1), Mothers Milk x Ancient OG F3, Agent Orange x T1000, GG#4 x T1000 (2)

Is that glue you trimmed up the same cut that you paired with your T1000 pollen? cause mm mmm mmm I want me some of that.


lmao, yeah dude, I hear that. I keep my mothers in coco, and sometimes I pull them out of the pots and see all those roots circling around and wonder how on earth they even absorb anything… can water even fit through the space between the roots? 250 days is impressive to keep those ladies going… did you give them new shoes before flower or just let them hang in the pot they’re in?

Yeah, In my experience with the T-1000, she threw crazy long petioles. It may come from the Urkle side too, I’m not sure… my TK looks like she has pretty normal length petioles. Could be she doesn’t shoot those long ones out until flower too. I just got the Urkle, so we’ll find out soon enough.

Psssh, don’t be sorry, post 'em up anytime, glad to see 'em!

That should be cool, lots of Nepali OG action going on.

Yeah, I’m trying to think back, but I grew both the GG4 and T1000 at the same time, pretty sure the T1000 would have weirdly praying leaves at odd times. Like, usually the leaves start to droop before the lights go out, but she would still be perky, or something weird like that. I’ll have to go back and look through my log some.

You’ve got them stacked up nice, whichever way they lean! I ended up liking the T1000 leaner out of the two that I grew, both came out smelling good though. Great job with them over there, they’re probably dying to flower after being in veg for so long!

Damn, you’ve got quite the line up. @Vagabond_Windy just finished up some of that KLP x T1000 and one smelled very anise-like, I think the other smelled like sour patch kid candy… I joked that I’m ready to start my seed co now that I’ve got some candy hype strains in the bank :wink: I think @Greasy and @bytheKasiz found some very orange smelling ones from the Agent Orange crosses… I’ve yet to pop that one myself, so thank you guys all for testing some of these crosses out. I may have to run through some myself, I want to do something crazy like pop 50 at a time and pick the best one.

If anyone else wants any of the T-1000 crosses, just drop me a line.

Yup! Both from Archive’s dispensary. I love me some Glue too, think I’ll smoke some this afternoon!

Photos from trim heaven:

Super Silver Haze F3 10 - yielded about 6 zips. Smells metallic mango, or mango/pear with turpentine.

Mother’s Milk 31 - super easy trim, unlike the SSH. Very dense nugs. This one is gonna yield too. Still smelling funky/gunpowdery/creamy to me. Different from the Pura Vida’s, those smelled much sweeter, so I’m guessing the Nepali really comes through in this clone.

Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 ‘The Church’ - incensey basement funkiness - early sample was amazing :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: More to come…

Bandaid Haze 7 - hanging tough - She’s on water only… will she make it another 10 days?

Back to trimming… y’all stay cool out there!


Amazing work, that Bandaid Haze 7 is looking really damn good, not sure she will make it another 10 days though, haha.


Nice! I really like the long, thin SSH cola, but the Bandaid is wild looking too!


Trim Heaven… is that what you named your seed company? lol I love your matchups, im backing your company :100:! Those buds are on point! I’ll take one of each por favor. That really sucks you’re allergic while trimming though. Hope you find an easy fix that works for you. I would probably try the mask and some Claritin before Trim Heaven.

Those t1000 crosses are some fun, strong, tasty plants. I gave a few seeds to a buddy and we noticed the gg4 t1000 not praying as well. He was worried at first, then i told him one of mine did the same thing. They turned out great.

Other guys raved about the agent orange 1000. They were really nice, 2 of the 4 had different types of delicious orangeyness. I feel like they might have been the biggest yielders of the 3 crosses for me. It’d be sweet to see all the different phenos and your favorites from a 50 seed run.

The key limes were a hit as well with the colors and funky smells. I hoarded those seeds and only gave buddies cuts of what i had. lol

Take it easy…