Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Your garden is rocking! Everything’s firing on all cylinders now. Time to flip! :+1:

This gets my vote. Or the Irene. Everything else has been done before, but not Pinesoul or Irene fem crosses and s1…not that I’ve seen. Would be killer to hunt through - I’d be down.

Yeah, you’ll want to hold the TK and chem 91 back a little or they’re going to really get out of control. The bubba and D don’t stretch nearly as much, and your plants all look about the same height from that angle.

She was like that for me. Gotta really keep up on it at flip and after a couple weeks. Lots of sucker branches, but if you trim them she packs on the weight up top.

Looks wonderful! What a gorgeous day.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Sweet! Sounds like a plan to me! The TK just spit out some roots, too. Instead of trying to hit the plants in the SIP tent with the pollen, I think I’m gonna wait until the Chem D, 91, Bubba, and Irene pop some roots and then throw them all in the small tent together with the reversed Pinesoul. Plenty of seeds for all.

They’re slightly taller than the Bubba, but hard to tell from the photo. The Bubba is catching up fast though. Gonna have to stay on top of those two once I flip though, no doubt!

Trimming up some Bandaid Haze 7 today…

My early samples indicate… that she is absolute fire.


She definitely looks the part :heart_eyes:
Better than the church cut?


I know in the breeder syndicate podcast nspecta said he had a difficult time reversing irene onto itself. Apparently the tk next to it received the pollen without issue though. Not sure if you’re planning on crosses, s1s, or both but figured this info may be helpful.

@ 55:20 for irene


They’re both good, but I feel the 7 is a tad more potent… I’m a big smoker, like I smoke multiple times a day, everyday… I had to sit down for a min after first smoking a bong hit or two of BH7. But, I’m still getting accustomed to both of them.

definitely useful info, thanks for that. The only S1s I’m planning would be Pinesoul S1s, which I forgot to mention above. Already have two clones of her ready. I wonder if the Irene just doesn’t receive pollen well in general, or only from herself… that’s really fascinating to me!

So far from growing out the T-1000 fem crosses and reports, it seems like the mother plants are coming through in the crosses, it will be interesting to see if the Pinesoul crosses end up the same way.


You are Jammin! I’m lovin it…keep it up


Hmm :thinking: like 5 more weeks for a tad more potent? I also smoke like you, all day every day. Lately just triangle kush non-stop. I’m debating if I wanna get the bh7 back or not. I still have the church cut but only just now getting close to where I can take clones for eventual flower here.

I know it’s still early testing and maybe I’m asking too much but from either cut, do you get any saturated colors? Tracers/psychedelic stuff? Soaring high? Debilitating? Functional or Motivational? Racy/paranoia? Potency relative to TK? Do they cut through other stuff?


Give the man a break, holy; he’s still trimming! Haha…

Just kidding, I’d like to know, too, but I think we’re gonna have to wait a bit for the cured smoke report…


I’ve honestly only had visual effects from cannabis once in my life, when I was way younger and it was among my first times smoking really good weed (no idea what it was, beyond it being some KB). I’ve done plenty of acid, shrooms, and DMT since then, but cannabis has never really given me any experiences close to those drugs, beyond that one time, so I’m probably not the best person to ask in terms of visual effects.

Racy/Paranoria - none for me, but I never get those unless I’m on a ridiculous amount of edibles
Soaring high - yes
Functional - debatable
She’s strong, but I can’t say compared to TK off hand. I’ve only smoked some organic dispo TK, and that was months ago.

Yeah, only tried her like three times… and just small lowers, but first impressions mean a lot, and she left one.

haha yeah, you guys aren’t the only ones asking about the effects, lol…


Ah i think i’m out of likes. down to wait for sure just itching over here lol i still have at least a month before I can start flowering anything out.

And definitely no mushroom+ level stuff or anything, not talking like that. My c5sensistar makes everything look a bit more saturated though. Its not just me saying that. I’ve had some other hazes where the high literally seemed hazy, or foggy, anytime you smoked it, visually. Other plants where it’s like you’re walking around in a dream. So I wondered ^^ Soaring is great to hear though.


Dude, honestly, I’m not even interested in hearing how she smokes until she’s been in jars for a good lil’ while. Or rather, I don’t think she’s gonna smoke the same after three weeks as she will after six. And eight. And twelve haha. Anything sooner than six weeks minimum seems premature to me haha!

I know exactly what you’re talking about. And I love it haha. It wouldn’t surprise me if Iamyou’s BAH smoked the same way, just because all of the BAH’s I grew (with the exception of the one that got chopped too early) smoked like that. Very “misty”-looking haha.

I liked it a lot. And you’re actually making me think I should plant some more of those next round, even though I really wanna plant a few things I haven’t grown yet haha! The BAH is very good weed, though.


Yup, they’re bound to change a little bit in the jars, the other ones are just now getting to where they should be. I like smoking my older stuff more anyways, my older Baba Kush is just hitting her stride. I rarely like smoking fresh weed, unless I just can’t resist a taste…

Few more photos while I take a break from trimming up more BAH7:

outdoor cell shot:


I agree. That last round I grew, I got into everything much, much earlier than I usually ever do and I think it really fucked up my ability to appreciate the properly-cured nugs. Even though I like some of those plants now (Nikah notwithstanding haha), I feel like those sorta “lingering” early smoke impressions have just been… I dunno. With me haha.

All of those pics so far have looked really good. Or I like the way they look, anyway haha.


Is that BAH in stock anywhere? Sold out at Headie Gardens.


Strainly, maybe? You’ll only have to pay two or three times what Doc D charged for them haha.

Pretty sure Iamyou got his BAH’s as clones from somewhere, if you’re comfortable going that route. Personally, I don’t mess with clones, but I know most people don’t have a problem with them.


I have a pack of the BH4.2 left but idk that I’d trade them. I need to hear more about these cuts and/or get to flower them myself before I could make a decision on that. If the cuts aren’t functional soaring daytime herb I’ll likely be willing to trade it.


What happened to the pack of ix 3.0’s I sent you? Hmmmm??? Haha.


is the bandaid haze thai or columbo dominant


You know who to ask for the answer to that question haha.


Ah I should still have those :thinking: That or @Vagabond_Windy does

From what I’m gathering it sounds NL/Columbo dominant and not really any Thai to speak of