Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Syzygy was just making a joke in reference to that “Addicted to Haze” thread haha, but yeah, I’m inclined to agree with you. The four that I grew were definitely not a soaring type of high, minus the little mini-rush that seemed to occur about twenty minutes after smoking it and that only lasted maybe ten minutes or so. Reminded me quite a bit of that one big-ass Colombian Gold x Dragon Energy I grew a round or two before the BAH’s, but even better. I’d say it’s euphoric, but not “soaring.”

Who knows how those specific cuts that Iamyou grew will turn out, though.

He does. Or he did haha. He mentioned to me like a year or two ago that you’d sent him that pack, kind of irritated me when I heard that, but not enough for me to be like,”Fuck HolyAngel!” haha. I don’t really care, although I did buy a replacement pack for the one I sent you, just because I want a lot of those seeds haha.

That is definitely the reason why I’ll be like,”You should plant those BAH seeds I sent you, Holy…” every now and then, though haha! “What ever happened to those seeds, hmmmm??? Winkwinknudgenudge…”


I thought all haze was Thai, but not all Thai is haze? I might have found a pack but im not terribly pressed on it.


Or you can just grow the freaking clones already and quit being a seed popping maniac :rofl:

As for the pack of seeds. An online friend is doing a hunt of the Ix 3.0 and I donated that pack to his hunt.

In all seriousness, I have a great ix3.0 cut for you to try if you’d like. But it seems you’d probably just enjoy the BH 7. That one is around too :upside_down_face:


Thai is Thai

Haze has either colo/mexi/thai
Colo/colo with some thai added later

All depends on who you believe. I don’t get into all that drama but any of Docs A5/mirakel bc work is a good place to start as far as getting a baseline on hazes and what they have to offer


This is a pretty good read about Haze: The Haze story and more. Warning: very long read | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

You’ll have to “click to expand” on the English translation. I dunno why the original post isn’t available anymore, but yeah, read that. It is, as usual, filled with a bunch of,”we don’t really know…” but it’s still pretty informative.

Long story short, no, Haze is not strictly-speaking a Thai strain.

I love it. My pack is really making the rounds! Haha.

Thanks, man, but I’m good. No clones, at least not right now. Maybe @VAhomegrown might wanna take you up on that offer, though.


Ah yeah sorry about that. I think I had forgotten that you had given them to me and thought I bought them, when I traded them to him. but he was gonna be able to run them, or in this case have someone else run them, before I could. And we traded with the understanding that I’d be interested in seeds back or a cut if there’s a cut worth keeping. He then gave me the cut (church) from the ix3.0 that is apparently worth keeping, not too long ago and it looks nice. Him or I could always get it to you( i know you said no) and/or I can give ya the pack of the 4.2 as an aside for me accidently trading away the 3.0. I do still have everything else you’ve given me though :slight_smile: lol

As for haze… a lot of it is Columbian leaning. Todd will tell you himself original Haze is mostly, or is pure, Columbian. There’s always talk of Thai in Haze, but the only place it really seems to come up in conversations is old positronics haze or Tom Hill’s Haze but I haven’t ran any myself to know. Maybe old timers haze? But not ohaze, nor really any of Nevil’s haze work save, I think, for juicy fruit Thai.


It’s cool, dude, I really am just fucking around. If I wasn’t able to buy a replacement pack for the one I sent you I’d definitely be much, much more pissed about it haha, but I got another one, so… No need for an explanation.

Sounds like a cool project, though! Haha.


Yeah, I get that, too. I guess it depends on if it’s a good or bad first impression, if it’s bad… it’s usually the last jar that I get around to smoking, but if it’s good, them I’m even more curious about how the high will change in the jars… usually those are the ones I go reaching for the most.

Probably harder to find now, bunch of people scooped up packs (like myself) before Doc went to Mexico. There’s a bunch of cool crosses with the A5/Mirakel BC1 dad over at UnicornSeedbank, a collaboration with Doc and Nobody’s nursery - might be a good place to look for some cool haze stuff… i was really really tempted to get the Jack Herer x a5/Mirakel BC1, but showed some restraint.

a note on the male from Loosh/Doc:

As an aside, that “A5/Thai” is formally being renamed to “A5/Mirakel” as there is no actual confirmation of a Thai being in the line, and the ‘M’ is a much better fit for such a mystery. (Also, a ‘BX’ is properly written as BC1)

Doc’s male is (‘CBH’ x A5/M) x A5/M, which also could be read as Bandaid Haze 7 x A5/M

Is it Tom? :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

You know that’ll never happen with Mini, that’s why we love him :slight_smile:

Very true, Haze is messy, just like the origins of OG Kush, or any unknown popular lines. I think the mystery is what keeps people interested in them though, it’s fun to explore and read all the stories.

I think windy said it best:
Thai is Thai

Haze has either colo/mexi/thai
Colo/colo with some thai added later

But that ICMAG link that mini posted is a good read, just for fun… also the RUST (Revival of the Ultimate Sativa) threads over there have always been entertaining.


Haha, good point.

I blazed that #5 Pura Vida f2 plant from the most recent harvest last night for the first time in a while and it was exactly how I remembered it, except x10. Which means that I disliked it even more than the first time I smoked it six months ago haha!

No comment.

Aw, thanks. I love y’all, too! Haha.

I mean, just so we’re clear, I can take some snips and send them out if y’all want; I just can’t guarantee that they’re gonna be worthwhile or anything. I’m kinda flying by the seat of my pants every grow over here, just planting stuff and relaying the information.

It usually turns out pretty good, though. I dunno if it’s all worth using in y’all’s breeding projects and shit, but I like it haha.

I’m buying the story about Haze just being a mishmash of seeds from good weed being grown and kinda mixed together, season after season. I believe the first, like, half of that icmag thread, before they start talking about the Dutch seed banks and all that. It makes sense to me, anyway, that before people really knew what they were doing, they just pollinated good weed with more good weed.

Probably what we should all be doing haha…


Yep! Ain’t no such thing as “pure” haze, lol!


Yeah, dude, all that shit about whatever, “pure lines,” who cares? There’s for sure good plants to be found in those Haze crosses and all that, though. Whether or not they’re “pure Hazes” is irrelevant to me; all’s I care about is if I like blazing it haha.


Yup, the only reason to really care about lineage is if you’re breeding or whatever, it’s awesome to know, but what’s more important to me is if I like smoking the herb, haha!

Was reading some talk about Sour D in the B thread, but didn’t want to clog up that thread, so just wanted to post these pictures here.

Sour Diesel (Skunktek) in Coco:

Sour Diesel (Skunktek) in SIPs/Organics:
image image image

The one is coco looks more Sour D-ish to me - she may have been hungry in the SIP the whole time, or didn’t like the bright lights? I dunno, but the same clone definitely expressed differently. They even smell a tad bit different.

Anyways, those older clones don’t seem to like the intensity of these newer LEDs, the TK and the Chem 91 started curling up their leaves when I raised the intensity of the light in veg too high, so I brought it back down until I can flip to flower, which will probably be tomorrow. They seem to be fine with the intensity once they get to flower… probably something to do with DLI.

Triangle Kush | Chem 91 / Chemdawg
Bubba Kush (Berger) | Chem D

The Bubba really took off this week and is putting out hand sized fan leaves. She looks really happy.

Everything is not perfectly even, but I’ll top the TK and Chem 91 and hope for the best.

Pinesoul (Bodhi / Archive’s Clone) | Spell Caster (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone)
Dragon Hammer (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone) | Irene OG (Rudeboi / FarmerJoe’s Clone)
Clusterfunk (Bodhi / OG Member Clone)

Everything looks decent, except the Clusterfunk is little unhappy. I haven’t been using a PH pen with my coco stuff, just the drops, and haven’t been doing too great a job. Prob need to get a PH pen again…

Coco Tent - flipping this week as well.
Lav Jack - Lav Jack - Purple Urkle - Lav Jack - Trop Cherries

Y’all have a great weekend!


Haha and im guessing neither sour plant coco or organic impressed yall considering the bunktek addendum.
Your next lineup is lookin sick! Gonna be finally getting my clones set for flowering.


It’s just not that impressive, compared to the other clones I ran/have run. It doesn’t have much smell, the high is meh. It tastes alright, that might be its only redeeming quality. But yeah, not sure why that one even got a reputation or is on clone menus? Not to toot my own horn, but I think some of my own crosses and S1s have been better than the Bunktek. I don’t know much about Sour though, so someone please point me to something impressive…

Thanks man! Nice that you’re gonna get to run that MM31, I think you’re gonna like that one…


Finally done trimming stuff over here… broke down the entire Sour D plant in coco to rosin.

It pressed out pretty nicely and ended up with a few grams of flower rosin :slight_smile:

My outdoor stuff doing ok… everything has been stretching and just starting to flower. It is supposed to get up to like 100 today, we’ll see how they handle the heat.
Santa Cruz Blue Dream - taller than I am and still going. I got frabic netting to put around her, but I don’t know if it’s gonna be possible. Going to have to figure out something.

Bodhi’s Cangshan Mountain 2 and Cangshan Mountain 1 photobombing in the background.

Baba Kush F2 Male

Giesel straight in the ground… she looks so green and happy, I have done very little for her… I love the sun and dirt!

Indoor stuff is all doing OK too, could be a little better, gotta leave myself some room to improve =)

Coco Tent - Flipped Aug 8th to flower. Seems to be coming around now, ran outta Megacrop, back to Canna A+B for flower. Hope the little Purp Urk doesn’t get buried, she’s a slow one for sure.

Lav Jack - Lav Jack - Purple Urkle - Lav Jack - Trop Cherries

Pinesoul (Bodhi / Archive’s Clone) | Spell Caster (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone)
Dragon Hammer (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone) | Irene OG (Rudeboi / FarmerJoe’s Clone)
Clusterfunk (Bodhi / OG Member Clone)

Looks like the Spell Caster is going to win the stretch race. She’s starting to look a little hungry too, now that I’m looking at the photo. The Pinesoul in the back has thrown almost all three bladed leaves, I topped right before flower and she didn’t really recover. Irene hasn’t stretched that much, neither has the Dragon Hammer. The Clusterfunk didn’t stretch at all, or if it did, I barely noticed.

Triangle Kush | Chem 91 / Chemdawg
Bubba Kush (Berger) | Chem D

That Bubba is throwing some yyuugggge healthy fan leaves, I love it! She hasn’t stretched much since flip on Aug 7th. I’m trying to be more aggressive with pulling sucker branches out this round and really focusing on the tops and eliminating lowers. I don’t want to deal with anymore larf after last round, I don’t have room in the freezer to keep anymore, and already have bags and bags that I need to do something with. It’s a pain to even break all those little buds off the stalks. You really have to be aggressive in early flower though, getting all that mess out of there… I’m gonna try to stay focused, this time… y’all will probably see me bitching in three months about larf :grin:


Maybe a roll of chicken wire? Or whatever it’s called? That way you could kind of “shape” the support around the plant instead of trying to slip that plant through netting.

She’s pretty big, I’m stoked to see what happens there haha.

Stoked to hear what you think about that one, too.

And the others haha.


I use “hardware cloth” for that which is like sturdy vinyl coated chicken wire.


Yeah dude same story here. Its all saved for the hash bags when I stop being lazy. Problem is Im lazy :sunglasses:


Those are great ideas, those would definitely work for the support part of the netting. I was more referring to this kind of netting to keep the moths/budworms away.

I could use some PVC to build some sort of structure I can affix the netting to… we’ll see if I get that far. I may just spray some BT and pray :palms_up_together: haha

Yeah, gonna be cool to compare it to the Chem 91, even though Clusterfunk is using the Chem JB cut, I bet they’ll be some similarities.

lol, tell me about it! Making hash is such a process too, especially when you don’t have a good source of ice and have to go buy the bagged shit. I save it all for the winter, when it’s cooler and I don’t have to fight the heat… at least, that’s what I’m telling myself. Winter will roll around and I’ll be busy trimming again… ahh, a never ending cycle!


Ah, okay, I thought you were talking about for support. Obviously.

That garden mesh thing might fit over that Blue Dream if you put it on sideways haha, like 24 feet tall and eight feet around. Has she even started flowering yet? Looks like she’s gonna end up pretty huge.

Which is fucking awesome haha.

Yeah, that chick Meesh does that for her plants. Or she used to, anyway, I haven’t looked at her thread from this year.

I really liked the one Clusterfunk that I grew. Or rather, I liked it both times I grew it, but I only got to smoke it the second time because I lost the first one in a drying mishap. It was pretty “up then down” smoke, but not in an annoying way haha. Tasted really good, too. Nothing super-complex or unusual or anything, mostly just pine/wintergreen/hash, but the flavors were so “defined” and noticeable, didn’t have to sit there and try to figure out what it was I was tasting at all.