Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Nice! That’s a good one! Not very busy from what I remember and plenty beautiful! Muy Tranquilo!


Funny thing is I have a potted clone still, 30" tall, neglected, filtered sunlight, no water for well over a week now, and she has never looked happier. Everytime I pass that room get a whiff of dank, might just have to dust something mold resistant to her…

The GG#4 leaner does yield quite a bit, but is one of those rosins thats super runny and hard to collect.

How could I forget found a few herm flowers while trimming up the GG#4 x T1000’s, might not matter, might be a ‘me’ thing…and also for whatever reason the GG#4 x T1000 #2 pheno has been throwing tons of variegated fan leaves from clone this go around…they look dead on to what I have seen a few other times in my gardens; usually a hooked leaf tip on a single variegated blade. Really hoping its stress related and not a mosaic virus. Have you personally seen variegation in any runs of these genetics?


I actually just tested a g-1000 for hlvd because of variegation… came back negative!

Edit. Showing on a seedling g-1000 also.


Love this community, thanks for chiming in.


Your welcome. I wouldn’t be worried. I was lucky to have the tests laying around.


Horrible picture. Pulled at day 53 I think due to PM.


haha, sometimes that how it goes with these girls. You try to baby them too much and they hate life, but stick them in a corner and leave them alone for awhile… some love the neglect!

Yeah, that’s a pain, GG4 on its own is kinda like that when fresh. I’ve read it has to do with moisture content in the buds too. Those runny one’s are a pain, I’m always clearing out a shelf in the fridge and using cold glass shelf as a ‘cold plate’ to help solidify and collect the rosin, poor boi tek.

Thanks for letting me know, I found nanners on one of my GG4 x T1000s too, I think it’s a GG4 thing. I don’t think mine had any viable pollen in them.

Interesting! I haven’t seen variegation on either side really. I have the T-1000 and GG4 clones still and they never throw weird patterning or anything. I’ll keep an eye out going forward though.

Good to know!

I’m assuming we used the same clones in our crosses, but you never really know.

Looks good to me! My GG4 leaner looked very similar. Your’s looks super frosty though.

Did you smoke any of it?


Not yet, needs to cure for a little while. Hopefully I can let it sit for at least 3 weeks. I’m hoping the next g1000 i have going will turn out that good as well. I started 6 seeds total at the same time and the g1000 is probably 1/2 again bigger than all the rest. Very vigorous. I picked up another pack on strainly for a really good deal because this one looked so good even being chopped so early.


Are there any leaves under that frost?! Those buds look sooo nice


Can’t believe it was a freebie even! Makes it all worth it grabbing gear from csi!


Wow. One of these days I’m going to have to put in an order for some CSI myself :thinking:


The Mothers Milk x AOG F3 that I kept going longer started to show pollinated calyxs shortly after harvesting the T1000 crosses…Will be interested to see if any of them matured, always up for unknown and unexpected outcomes :see_no_evil:

I just planted some crosses with ‘?’ for all the pollen donors, its like the squiggly line with a dot beckons me.


Thanks for all your hospitality when we got smoked out of our campsite for a day. :pray: It was great to meet you folks too! Wish we had more time to hang out, but you know how it goes…:smiley: I’m really glad the wildfire smoke cleared and you three were able to join us for the hotsprings. Camping there the next couple days was really pleasant - we had the whole hotsprings to ourselves both days. :astonished: Also, shout out to @CrunchBerries for the tip about the hot springs! Camping at the private campground next to the hot springs was totally the way to go.

Likewise, and thank you for the Lav Jack and SCBD nugs. Both have been functional and social weed, perfect for hiking and hanging out on the beach, though the Lav Jack makes me want to sit down and relax. Excited to sample the other ones later, especially the BH7, MM31 and Church!

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


That’s awesome! Really happy y’all enjoyed yourselves! I have fond memories of that spot! I don’t think that springs gets a lot of traffic compared to like Bagby, Cougar, or Umpqua. Definitely a gem!


Alrighty, time for a little update over here. The garden is doing pretty well, a few things are starting to stand out.

Pinesoul (Bodhi / Archive’s Clone) | Spell Caster (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone)
Dragon Hammer (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone) | Irene OG (Rudeboi / FarmerJoe’s Clone)
Clusterfunk (Bodhi / OG Member Clone) - DAY 37 Flowering

Irene - A nice little round bush. I really like the way she grows. Not much stretch, she seems to stack up pretty nice. I saw Caleb from CSI is growing this one in his outside personal garden this year, I can see her appeal. Smells starting to come in, but I’m gonna wait until they’re more developed before I attempt to describe them.

Spell Caster - Hungry hungry hippos… she like to eat! I can’t keep up with her. Still looks like she’s gonna put out though… If she acts anything like her momma :stuck_out_tongue: Has the earthy, bottom of the purse, old leathery smell going on so far.

Pinesoul - She’s a little un-happy, I think I over her fed her at one point, or messed up the PH or something. Nothing too major. She has a very piney finish on the resin rub so far. Nugs are getting nice and frosty, definitely reminding me of one of the Gojis I grew, in terms of bud structure. No where near the smells I had in my Goji F1s, though. Hopefully the nugs bulk up a little bit.

Dragon Hammer - This one is shaping up to be something interesting. Has this OG smell going on with it, but kind of smells sour too. It reminds me of the Rudeboi OG 7, but with a more sour note on the end. Looks like she could get floppy, so I prob need to stake her soon. I really like the way the buds are shaped, and also looks like she’ll yield OK for being crammed in between two other plants.

Clusterfunk - Def has some gHash action goin’ on with her. Frosty sugar leaves and all. She’s gonna put out too, for being a small plant. Smells kind of piney like the Pinesoul, but has a sweeter finish I think. Smelling great though. She might be the first one to finish?

Triangle Kush | Chem 91 / Chemdawg
Bubba Kush (Berger) | Chem D - Day 25 Flowering

Everything is popping off in this tent… might be a bumper crop… fingers crossed!

Chem D - looking little hungry. No halitosis dumpster funk yet, but I’m sure she’ll get there.

Chem 91 - Looking happy… I know she won’t at the end though, probably one of the uglier looking plants when she senesces.

Triangle Kush - can’t wait to have some buds of this lady ready. Potent haze in the daytime, TK in the afternoon, Bubba at night… sounds about right. I smoke two joints… before I smoke two joints… and then I smoke two more!

Bubba Kush - I’ve been watching CSI’s Bubba S1 project and seeing looks of similar looking plants in his room. The big jurassic leaves, stocky structure, golf ball nugs… I love Bubba, so I also can’t wait to have some of her around.

Seriously! That nug is uberfrost!

For sure, that was an awesome spot! Definitely going to be heading back up there.

Nice to hear! I found the SCBD to be pretty functional myself, though I seem to kinda lose track of time in the dreamy kinda of feeling I get from her. For sure interested to hear your thoughts on the others once you’ve had a chance to sit with them for awhile. Hope y’all made it back safely!

No doubt! I could talk shop with you OG members all day… there’s just not enough time to fit it all in.

Don’t let the long weekend slip away… y’all have a good one!


My outdoor pine souls are also making those 3 blade leaves, and those 5 blade leaves with 3 long blades and 2 tiny ones.

Mine are also a little temperamental and get that pale around the edges look. I remember tahoe being a lot paler than the other og cuts though.

My buds are coming in more slowly because it’s outdoor, but the buds look like they are forming a little differently. Lots of little round bud berries starting to come in evenly spaced on the tops and branches.

The second pine soul I added grew taller and larger, but now the buds are coming in more sparse than the one that got revegy at one point. Think it’s shaded by my cangshan.


Yep, mader home. Happy Labor Day weekend!
Very cool seeing your garden progress these last two weeks in person. You got it firing on all cylinders, man! It’s a clean, thoughtful setup, and you’re not stinking up the whole block either. :+1:

We ended up being gone for two full weeks - 14 days. Here’s what this garden looked like the morning we left (before lights on):

Here’s what they looked like when my neighbor watered them a week after we left:

And the Legend OG closeup cuz he liked it so much.

And here’s how they looked when we got back last night, 14 days since the first pic:

SIPs are the truth.

Yours really looks incredible, best plant in that tent imho. Grandma Irene’s a little slow to get going in veg, but has enough stretch for good node spacing. Reminds me of a rare stretch afghani.

The smell so far on mine is a gorgeous bottom of grammy’s purse + onions. It’s weird and wonderful! Over here, she got cleaned up down low pretty good and she’s just tops. With huge calyxes and awesome red veins!

You think yours may want a topdress sooner next time? I love how yours has the purple tinged bracts. A lot of stuff in that tent does!

Yeah it reminded me of the smell of dust that accumulates in an unused corner of a musty, unfinished basement. She’s noticeably bigger than everything else in your tent - a big girl who likes to eat!
:woman_mage: :sparkles:
If she smokes good, give her a CP to herself next round? Oh, and what’s her expected flower time? Sorry if I missed it earlier.

Agreed - she seemed fine to me, and the smell is like fresh blue spruce sap. Somewhat :speaker:

Trichs are dry, almost sandy imho. But yeah, small buds so far.

lol that’s a major understatement. You’re really downplaying it! This one smells incredible. Like you said, kinda an OG sweet cologne or something, and I also get a fair bit of lemony citrus, maybe sour like you said. Currently louder than the Pinesoul by a large margin. If the smoke matches the smell…wowee!
:loud_sound: :loud_sound:
Also stacking nicely!

:100: Looks and smells like a straight HP leaner right now. Perfectly symmetrical leaves, no stretch, small dense round buds with a sweet hashy slightly piney smell. No funk yet. I’ve always been interested in bodhi’s 91 JB crosses but never ran one. Curious to see how this turns out for you at around day 63-70F. Sometimes those HPs benefit from a little extra time to develop the extra raunchy skank stank.
How long do you normally take it @Vagabond_Windy ?

You’re running them seriously hard, but you’ve got the SIPs dialed, and they’re poised to throw down. :raised_hands: Note: any browning pistils seen in this tent are from leaves rubbing buds in the wind. Ready for defol? :wink:

Doesn’t like the bright lights, but puts out nonetheless. She’ll start smelling bad soon.
:coffin: :put_litter_in_its_place:

So happy! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I think she’ll get very nuggy for you, and maybe won’t fade too ugly?

You should be set with all the prerolls I left! Enjoy! :call_me_hand: Your TK looking the best in this tent, knocking it out of the park in your first at bat! I was impressed by how happy she was, the picture of health. You tamed the stretch, and maybe even the flop!

She’s growing on me. Came home to a tub of untrimmed bubba sitting at 60/60 and smelling like fresh roasted coffee and dark chocolate. She gave you just enough stretch to keep up with the D, which was a pleasant surprise! Needs major defoliation; she gets fat and shaggy pretty quick.

Looking forward to it once fall hits…it’s still in the 90s here, but our garden is raging…glad it got watered while we were out of town but still not ripening.

:rainbow: :peace_symbol:


I’d say 70-77 but she looks done at 56 lol


Yup, that’s a pretty distinct identifier. The three bladed leaves are differently shaped than something like TK or other OGs though.

Yeah, the two other clones I have of her are temperamental too. I just started spraying one with STS this past Wednesday, but she hasn’t looked the happiest since the get-go. The other clone I have of her is looking a little better in organic mix, hopefully she’ll produce enough flowers to make a good bit of S1s.

I’m nursing a clone of Tahoe OG back to good shape now, hopefully she cooperates better than the Pinesoul!

Interesting! My outdoor stuff is weird, it’s just starting to flower, but we’ll see how far along they’ll make it, they seem to just keep stretching out and not stacking bud yet.

Yeah maybe searching for more light if the Cangshan is soaking it up. Either way, I’m sure you’ll be able to make some hybrids and get a good bit of bud to make into oil :+1:t4:

Thanks man! The SIPs really have been a game changer…

and this is why! Two full weeks away, with minimal help from the outside! It’s super easy to show someone how to dump water in a tube, everything else is pretty much automated.

Nice that they can cruise a whole week and only need re-filling once.

Lookin really happy, and impressive!

Damn! Explosive growth! Everything happy as a clam too! I see even the BH7 recovered nicely in the back there, she just needed a good fresh mix. Makes you want to leave for another two weeks, right? Just come back when they’re ready to harvest!

Yup! 100% - I’m keeping an eye out for them to go on sale at the Home DePot so I can scoop up four more.

haha that’s super funky! good way of putting it. Love those red veins and huge teardrop calyx.

Probably, I think I did a minimal one and should have gone heavy right off the bat. Yeah the Dragon Hammer has some purple tinges to it as well… ?

For sure, she’s got a unique pungent nose to her. I’m guessing that’s Bodhi’s Dragonsoul cut is doing the work with the smells back there, but maybe it’s just a unique twist from the Af/Pak dad.

Yeah I’ve only run the Chem 91jb x Snow Lotus, while interesting, they weren’t my favorite plants. This one is looking way better. She’s starting to get some raunchiness, I was doing some good sniffing earlier. I guess I’m gonna let her go longer based on Windy’s recommendation.

Yes, they are in need, I’ve been slacking in that department. I some of the more annoying Bubba leaves out of the way today.

haha seriously man, can’t thank you enough for those. I’m set for a good while!

Let’s hope! TK doesn’t have thick stems, she’s got those little noodle stems… I see some yoyos in my future.

Nice! That’s the smell I mainly associate with Bubba. Just needed a long dry to bring them out.

Whoa! Your garden’s are totally rocking, both inside and out. You’re going to have a really nice harvest coming up. It’s cool to see the SIPs did so well outside as well. Maybe next year I’ll just run plants on my deck in SIPs… you can’t beat 'em!


time is flyin’! I can’t keep up.

quick update though

Pinesoul (Bodhi / Archive’s Clone) | Spell Caster (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone)
Dragon Hammer (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone) | Irene OG (Rudeboi / FarmerJoe’s Clone)
Clusterfunk (Bodhi / OG Member Clone) - DAY 47 Flowering

Irene - funky onions mixed with granny perfume. looking like she won’t need much support, which is nice.

Spell Caster - starting to get wobbly, gonna need some staking. Stacking up large buds, so I’m not surprised on the need for support. Smelling mostly like BH7 right now.

Pinesoul - definitely an OG. tiny buds, stacking up conically. fiercely frosty and smelly, fresh spruce needles and OG funk.

Dragon Hammer - :drooling_face: :drooling_face: yummmm - smells complex, all the good things from OG, Kush, and Sour mixed together. Hoping to get smashed in the brain by the Dragon Hammer :dragon: :hammer: :dizzy_face:

ClusterFUNK - she’s smelling something FUNKY, getting stronger everyday, some raunchy smells with chemical cleaner and pine in there, pretty complex as well. Chunky buds, that are gonna be dense… keeping an eye on airflow for that one.

Triangle Kush | Chem 91 / Chemdawg
Bubba Kush (Berger) | Chem D - Day 35 Flowering

Chem D - smelling oddly sweet, but the smell the dumpster funk back there too. She don’t like the bright light, but buds are still stacking nicely. Already poppin’ some nanners too :eyes:

Chem 91 - lots of buds… hope they all fill out. need to top-dress once more, was gonna do it yesterday, but got busy on something else… I’ll get in there later… I hope - the dab of Church rosin may or may not help!

Triangle Kush - another one starting to get complex smells. not on the dragon hammer level yet, but will give her some time. Lots of buds here too, hope I can keep up with 'em.

Bubba Kush - kinda getting nailed by the fan, but she’s hangin’. Classic bubba look for sure, smells are leaning that way too, dark chocolate, minty kush so far.

Lav Jack - you’d think she’d be ultra potent with all the frost, but she’s just a nice mood lift and life enhancer and great tasting smoke. I enjoy smoking her during the day, no crash and I don’t get hungry either.

Purple Urkle - tiny cute buds - not much smell yet

Tropicana Cherries - @Greasy - damn you! You’ve nailed the thanksgiving dinner terps - I really can not smell anything else besides a turkey with stuffing on Thanksgiving day with cranberry casserole on the side! Turkey Day Terps for days!

whew… takes forever to do these post these days…

Pinesoul reversal is goin’ alright I hope, spraying for week and half, no sacs so far, but looks like they could be forming. other that that, I need to find some time to write some smoke reports, there are some things from last round worth writing about…

Everyone have a killer week!