Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Everything is going full swing and looks healthy to boot! Loving the poly culture of genetics you got, its like reading a mini high times post :smile: Do you take the time to burp jars, etc? Surely going to be a festival for the senses when the time comes if so! And what do we have here, its looking like I might run your gifted genetics for a third round, got some clones potted up because the friends are liking your creations! Most are asking for Agent Orange x T1000…speaking of it appears that the harvest is upon us, I might do a staggered harvest and see what I like better day 56, day 63, day 70? Im not sure, will be dependent on humidity/temperature and leaf senescence, these last few weeks I get a little antsy on whens the ‘best’ time to harvest :exploding_head: Heres what we all came here for @ Day 56 for your viewing pleasure.

Gorilla Glue #4 x T1000 #1 Turning into quite the Calcium hog this past week, first time seeing this deficiency at this stage (text book example, hangs head in shame) temps have been in the high 80s - low 90s for the past 30+ days.

Heres that variegation (HLV???) again…

Gorilla Glue #4 x T1000 #2

Agent Orange x T1000

This clone has been growing under a different spectrum and has yet to turn purple, while the others have turned purple 4 weeks ago, also of note, the lowers on these plants with only 50-200 PPFD have phenomenal trichome coverage, more so than some colas up top it seems, perhaps this will benefit from lower light to an extent…

Peace! :v:


Thanks man, I’ve been having a lot of fun searching through these older and newer clones. Who knows what will make the Final Cut.

I do burp for the first 5-7 days, but after that they’re pretty much good to sit and cure. Sometimes, it’s later that I open the jars and get the olfactory overload, but it just depends on the cultivar. Always fun trying to burp 10-15 jars at once though.

That’s really cool to hear man! Glad you’ve been able to keep some clones going of what people liked. Do you think it’s the smell or the high that draws people in?

I like doing stuff like this if you have the space to hang and label them appropriately, sometimes the earlier pulled stuff may surprise you.

This one looks like more of a GG4 leaner to me, so I’m not surprised on the calcium, though she really doesn’t look bad to me. Probably just reaching the end of the life cycle. I think you did a great job with that one.

It’s always possible that it’s HLV, but probably just some weird genetic trait, maybe from the Chem side of things in the GG4? I’ve seen a few plants variegate over the years, but never seemed to affect performance. The Bandaid Haze 7 has a weird thing where the leaf will hook one way or the other (like your picture) and one side of the leaf will variegate.

Gorgeous flower! Can’t get over how purple she went. The Purple Urkle from the T-1000 shining through? Great shots of that one.

Another purple beauty! This one looks like she really shines, and interesting note on the lowers and trich coverage. I think you’ve got a good blend of the two going on with this plant, but tough to say without smelling it.

Looks like you’ve got things really moving over there! Thanks again for taking the time to grow them out, keep them alive, and post up pictures/ reports of them. Now if I could only smoke all those beautiful flowers :slight_smile:


While we’re on the subject of T-1000 crosses here… it was really cool to me to see this monster of a KLP x T1000 plant my friend grew in SoCal, come from the tiny little seeds I made in a tent. She’s a talented grower, and no doubt that she did all the work here.



Yeah I bet, that’s a lot of pics to take and notes to make. Honestly, it’s very appreciated…and not just because you’re one of the best growers on OG. What a great garden! Everything looks on point.

Love to hear this one’s coming out in a big way. 10-11wks…can you wait to harvest her? :laughing:

The bad breath / rotten tooth / dumpster smells should kick in real soon. :nauseated_face: And yeah, nanners, but they seemed sterile to me…although there were just a couple seeds found in other plants in my first run of her…so watch out for those in the GM.

They should get pretty solid by the end. I’m impressed by how she’s tolerating your high light levels so far. Did you ever do that final topdress?

I don’t think she ever gets excessively loud, at least not LJ levels, but you’ve got her dialed in. Sittin pretty, on cruise control right now…

I see the distinct similarities with the SR-71. Extremely small buds, tiny plant that doesn’t stretch, low odor. I’ll reserve judgement for the final smoke test, but right now I’m wondering how these qualified as “elites” at any point. Somebody musta set the bar very low.

lol that sounds awesome, I know exactly the smell you’re talking about. I trimmed a lot of this a few years ago at that dispo grow in ABQ and it’s full on traditional Thanksgiving dinner terps. Crazy smell, hope the effects are at least decent for you!


Killin it as always! Looking forward to seeing what u think of that Berger cut. Never fail to impress @iamyou_youareme much much respect


I take it the purple kush cut wasnt too impressive? It does seem like some of the older cuts arent holding up, wonder if some have lost some vigor etc.


Some of the “elites” like mendo purps and purple urkle aren’t “elite” because they’re awesome and super potent, it’s because they’re rare. Those two plants are basically family heirloom’s that have been held in Humboldt/Mendocino for decades.

Unsure on the sr71 though :thinking:


I guess when I started this thing, I did it with the intention of documenting grows/strains for other growers and myself… honestly, I wish I took better notes and had better vocabulary for descriptions, kinda feel like I’ve been slacking in that department lately. I tend to focus a lot on the photos, and the process of going through all the photos, choosing the good ones, then resizing and doing some minor editing can get exhausting… I really wish the forum software could handle images larger that 10mb and just resize them like it’s already doing. Also, with the Macro shots I always get the “This image is larger than 13megapixels…” error randomly and that slows things down. Anyways, glad to know someone out there appreciates…

Pssshhh…! Hardly! I’ve learned a lot from you, and other OGers over the years… I’m just doing what a lot of us are doing, trying to grow great weed for myself and those around me :slight_smile: Thank you though…

Thanks man! I love Bubba, so far this cut is looking and smelling on point, can’t wait to smoke it!

Yeah! That’s the thing, I was not thinking she was gonna take that long! haha! That one has super chunky buds, the lower branches are starting to sag with how heavy they’re getting. Windy wasn’t kidding me when he said that she’ll put out. I’ve been trying to compare the Chem 91 smells to the Clusterfunk (even though it’s using Chem JB) and there’s some similar smells, but mainly I’m getting this Barbasol Shaving Cream smell mixed with raunchy funk.

It’s coming in now… I can smell it outside when the ventilation kicks on. So weird that a plant can smell like a dumpster… haha! I guess it’s not so strange though, I went to college at UNCC, and they had one of those Corpse Flowers in the campus greenhouse. That thing smelled truly horrible in flower… :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: Amorphophallus titanum - Wikipedia

No seeds in the GM so far, the GM4 is too good. I think it’s got this creamy orange smell to it that is delicious. I gave some to my bud and he said it was incredible for him - with the perfect name ‘Good Medicine’ and he felt ‘officially medicated’. It burns super well too, I took a big bong hit yesterday and burned through the whole bowl in one snap… down to nothing but white ash.

Yeah, I jacked the lights to the roof this time and left them there through stretch. They’re just starting to get some spots on the leaves this week from the intensity though. Chem 91 is not a pretty bud by any means, quite ugly… compared to the TK. I did do one final light top dress of worm castings and compost… watered in with a healthy dose of BAS Build a Flower and Rootwise a couple days ago.

Lav Jack is next level loud, just moving that plant around will make everything around you smell. The TK is different, she smell is great and complex… piney, kushy, earthy, etc, but doesn’t sprawl everywhere from just moving the leaves around. Hopefully they can cruise until day 75, is that when you pulled your TK?

Yeah this may be the case here with the Purple Urkle and SR-71. Those plants may have been held tight for reasons other than potency? It’s cool to grow the Purple Urkle, and the TK at the same time, to see where the T-1000 fits into all of that. I see a lot of similarities to the Purple Urkle resin smell on the T-1000, while she has the TK level of frostiness. Buds on the T-1000 seem to be shaped something between the two, tight clusters from the PU, but improved size from the TK.

Yeah, we’ll find out. I’m nursing the SR-71 back to health now, it may be able to make the next round of flower.

Probably lost vigor from being so old, though some still seem quite vigorous. I think some of their value is using them as a breeding tool as well.


Thank you for this description haha. I was just trimming the second Yesca x Jaro and was like,”Man… Really? ‘Perfume-y/cologne-ish’ smells AGAIN?” But actually, Barbasol is much more accurate. I guess “Barbasol” is kinda the same as “perfume/cologne,” but still… haha.

Kind of interesting that your Clusterfunk is smelling like that. Mine was all onion- and garlic-smelling (flavor was all pine and hash, though, thankfully haha), musta just been the plant I got from those seeds.

I think it was just kind of what Holy referred to, that kind of “rarity” thing, where if something is less available it becomes more desirable, even if maybe it isn’t so great. Or “elite” or whatever. I mean, I have no idea, but that’s just human nature. Everybody wants what they can’t have and all that.

It’d be nice, though, if the people who are like,”I FINALLY GOT IT: THE ELUSIVE SR71!” would then admit,”Well, I grew it out and it kinda sucks…” haha instead of trying to pretend that the ten-year hunt for that cut wasn’t all for naught. I will say, though, that I’ve grown plenty of weed that I really loved, but it probably wouldn’t set the world on fire; it just worked for me personally. Maybe it was the same thing with the people who were hoarding those Purple cuts.

I dunno…


You’re right, and I’d probably admit if something really sucks, even though I try to see some sort of value in most things. Like the Skunktek Sour D… to me, it wasn’t great weed, I guess it didn’t suck, but it didn’t live up to my standards for keeping.

I think this comes into play too. My standards are mine, and everyone is free to choose what they think is a “keeper”. I think there are some true elites out there, weed that does something for everyone, but they are really far and few between. I think most keepers boil down to personal preference… kinda like what music you’re in to. Some weed is punk rock, while other herbs are funky electronic bass music. If you’re like me, I guess you like a little bit of everything… variety is the spice of life!


Yeah, I haven’t gotten to that one yet (I will, though haha) but I do agree in trying to find the positives in weed and whatever else, too. The only thing I don’t like is shit that makes me lazy/sleepy or overly anxious/uncomfortable; everything else is good, even if it isn’t the “strongest” or whatever.

I will say that that Blue Dream was probably the strongest version of it that I’ve ever come across, definitely a climber. In a good way, though. I keep meaning to post a smoke report of that one on my thread, but I’ve been being reeeeallllyyyy lazy lately. It’s taking me like two days to trim each plant from my last harvest haha, everything’s probably overly dry at this point.

But that’s what Bovedas are for, I guess haha.

For sure.


I’ve really come around to that one. At first, I didn’t think it was doing much for me, but it was one of those things where I think I didn’t give it enough time in the jars. Now… I love smoking that shit! I think the calm, anti-anxiety effects from the Blueberry really come through, but the Haze side of things puts you into this dreamy state. It’s very nicely balanced hybrid effect, you don’t get any raciness from the haze because the blueberry is there to ease those feelings. Plus the taste is nice, and the bud structure is nice because it’s not so freakin’ dense. I think that one may qualify for keeper status…

It usually takes me that long too. You can try putting plants/branches/buds in plastic totes, like the bigs ones from Home Depot or whatever, to keep some of the moisture in them if you think they’re close to being all the way dry, and then just pull them out of the totes when you’re ready to trim. I do that sometimes if the air is really dry in my space. You can use the big Bovedas in the totes, but I never use those things anymore.


Yeah, it’s definitely a sorta “anytime” smoke. Daytime, I’m good; bedtime, I’m good. Doesn’t make me sleepy if I’m not tired, doesn’t keep me awake if I am.

I think sometimes people are like,”This weed sucks! Because it doesn’t get me all jacked one way or the other! I either need to be totally couchlocked and passed out or racing around like a freak!” What’s wrong with just being pleasantly stoned? Haha.

I agree.

I’ve just been going the brown paper bags-route, like I always do. I’m aware of the plastic totes thing, but I’m not gonna buy any totes just for the weed haha. I do think, though, that some of it got a little too dry. I felt the nugs of one of the plants, think it was the first Yesca x Jaro, before the “final seal” or whatever and was like,”Yeeeshhh…” haha. I’m sure they’ll still be okay once I start cracking jars in a few weeks, though. They might just be a little crispy on the outside haha.


If it’s anything like the urkle I was growing 10 years ago in san francisco, it will produce low yields of small dense sticky buds, and have an amazing comfortable happy high. I think the happy relaxing indica effect, sweet flavor, and the hard candy and pipe tobacco smell are the reasons to grow the urkle.

High potency, but very gentle and very happy. Not the kind of indica that steamrolls you.

The negative impacts of acclimatization as the plant experiences stress and adapts to different conditions as it passes through different grows with different cultivation techniques.

You can sometimes rejuvenate a cutting by putting it outside for a good healthy season of veg growth, then taking fresh clones before flower in the fall. Acclimatization to the natural outdoor conditions and full sunlight can bring the plant closer to it’s natural genetic expression. This is a very old school technique.

I’ve observed this recently with the cangshan- the plants that have been indoors overwinter grow much differently than the ones that I refresh by taking new cuts from the plants after they have been outside for a month or two.

The indoor overwintered bonsais grow slowly with all the new growth coming out of a long bare stem, denser growth with less branching, and they don’t grow extremely tall, topping out at about 10-12 feet.

The outdoor refreshed clones go back to their natural growth habit- rapid growth, vigorous lanky trees, lots of branching with few inner bud sites and large loose colas at all the tips, and grow up to 20 feet tall in one season.

But the plasticity of this plant is very extreme. I’ve had a cut of the #2 cangshan indoor all year and it seems to be expressing slightly differently than what I have seen indoors before. the growth is slower, but more similar to its natural branchy growth habit. after I finish my current breeding projects I am going to flower it sinsemilla indoor to learn if it’s stable under artificial light.

blue dream is looking great by the way, I’m about to take some cuts. Thanks for a clean healthy plant. I think your incoming cut quarantine and pest control regimen is working fantastically.


haha, i love this


Please do a report. Where did you get your Blue Dream from?

It’s one of the strains I would really like to grow.


I didn’t grow it, just got a sample from some kind soul on this site who will remain anonymous, unless they somehow happen upon this thread haha! and wanna reveal themselves.

Apparently it’s a cut that’s been making the rounds amongst a few of the members here. I don’t remember the original source, even though I’ve been told probably a dozen times where it came from. I dunno why I keep forgetting. It’s very good weed, though. If I wasn’t so loaded up on seeds, I would absolutely and happily take a cut of it, despite my anti-bringing-outside-stuff-into-my-garden stance.


Totally understand @minitiger

I had some Blue Dream while vacationing in Las Vegas. It was pretty good considering it was dispensary weed.

If anyone knows of a good source for BD in seed form, please let me know.


I agree with you on that BD from our anon friend. Not only was it the best grown herb I’ve smoked, they really allowed that BD to express itself properly imo. It was only the second time I’ve tried it and it’s great herb for sure.

I’m glad you stamp it. I’m jealous of the clone culture you live in, even if you refuse to participate :rofl:


Yeah, it’s good weed. I dunno how or why that whole,”Blue Dream sucks!” thing got started, but I’ve always been a fan.

In seed form? I dunno. I’ve got a pack of Bodhi’s Dream Lotus, but good luck finding those now. You could look and see if you might be able to find those somewhere, though. I wanna grow those seeds at some point, definitely not getting rid of them, otherwise I’d offer to send them to you.

Blue Dream’s been crossed to a lot of stuff, you might be able to find some sorta decent hybrid of it somewhere. I’d read every single grow report you can find before you order a pack of whatever might sound good to you, though.

For sure. I put all the samples (and so we’re clear, the only things I wanted to try were the BAH’s haha, definitely wasn’t expecting so much other stuff) in a freezer bag and into my little wine fridge (it came with the house), just because the weed was in those pill bottle things. I figured 55 degrees would be good if they weren’t in masons or whatever. Anyway, when I opened the fridge to start getting into it, the smell of Blue Dream came WAFTING out of it. Very, very loud. It was all I could smell.

Also, my girl put a chocolate bar in the wine fridge yesterday and ate a little bit of it last night and was like,”This chocolate tastes like weed…” So there’s that haha.

What’re you talking about? You can get clones, too. You’re on OG! Haha…