Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

the most important thing is to get a blue dream hybrid, not seeds that are being sold as pure blue dream. It really is a clone only, there is no legitimate pure blue dream seedline in circulation. I haven’t seen anything that I would trust to be a pure s1 either.

so like minitiger was saying, just try to find a blue dream hybrid from a reputable breeder like bodhi.

because there have been so many poor imitations and stuff mislabeled as blue dream, the real cut seems to be labeled as “santa cruz blue dream” these days to differentiate it.


Dude, I always freak out and think that I’ve over dried stuff, things start feeling really crispy on the outside sometimes. But, I’ll put them in the jar, and a day later the humidity will be at 65%! Like, really?! They felt like they were crispy, now I gotta air them out again?

Thanks for the insights! Always nice to know the reasoning behind keeping some of these “vintage” clones. That pipe tobacco smell is interesting, gonna have to keep a nostril out for that.

I’ve always wanted to try this technique myself. Like yourself, I’ve noticed many differences from the way the plants grow under the full sun. The Santa Cruz Blue Dream clone I put outside is crazy big and tall, way more ‘sativa’ looking outside, than inside. I’d love to have a mini-greenhouse to put some mom’s in to keep them super healthy under natural sunlight… I really do notice the plants look the happiest under natural sun.

Good deal man, I’m always trying to keep the baddies out and the goodies in! Glad to know you’ve got things humming along over there with her. I think with her resin content she would make good extracts too. Probably good hybrids as well.

If you’re in the US, it’s not too hard to track down, and if you’re comfortable taking un-rooted snips, it’s even easier.

Like others suggested, I’d check Dream Lotus, or maybe some of Bodhi’s other SCBD crosses, though I wouldn’t recommend the gHash cross. The gHash dominated that one when I grew the pack.

I grew Blimburns Blue Dream S1s and they were no beuno.

I’d go with Zephyr’s recommendation and try and find a cross. Also if you wanna try some Blueberry x Silver Lotus, I have a few of those lying around, you may find something similar to BD.

I’m guessing the anonymous member appreciates sharing good weed with good friends, like it should be.

lol, I’d dig that, as long as it wasn’t like overpowering weed tasting.

Lav Jack or Blue Dream, which is louder?


For sure. I’m not too worried about it, although a few hours ago I was like,”Alright, fuck this. Time to sit down and just start triiiiiimiiiiiing….” Enough fucking around. It’s easier to trim when my Gators are up 26-7 on the Vols, too haha.

Oh, yeah, right! I didn’t even think of those. I only got one female from the seeds I’ve planted so far, but I’d say that the high on that one compared to the Blue Dream is very, very different. Both were excellent, though.

Yeah, he seems alright. I guess… haha.

It was the Blue Dream stinking up the joint, no doubt about it. I’m still waiting on my friend to come over to get into that Lavender Jack, but it doesn’t even matter. I didn’t need to even open a container to smell that Blue Dream. I’d know that smell anywhere.


Thank you all for your recommendations. I really appreciate it.

I was recently gifted some snips and now I have aphids. So I’m a little snip shy right now. And more importantly my safe addy already made it clear no snips or clones.

I would have a hard time turning down an offer for any of Bodhis strains or crosses.

I have three Sour Butter x g13hp seedlings going right now. It will be my first pack of his ghash dad I have grown. Not sure if I will like it or not.

I have grown Goji, SSDD, Silver Mountain and Granola Funk. So far I like the Goji best, maybe because of the Snow Lotus.

Still have most of the packs of Silver Mountain and Granola Funk. I got a pack of Wolf Pack aka Giesel x Appalachia as well.


Sheeeit, I can’t believe another grow almost done again… I mean, I’m not complaining about harvesting, but where does the time go? Up in smoke?

Pinesoul (Bodhi / Archive’s Clone) | Spell Caster (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone)
Dragon Hammer (Doc D / Nobody’sNursery Clone) | Irene OG (Rudeboi / FarmerJoe’s Clone)
Clusterfunk (Bodhi / OG Member Clone) - DAY 62 Flowering

Irene - Pretty impressive plant at the end. She really got chunky, and she’s been pretty sturdy, just now starting to get some lean on her. Great floral perfume smell, with a nice vadalia onion funky backend. Nugs look solid and compact, and even the lowers bushed out some. Looks about ready… probably chop at 65 days?

Clusterfunk - very chunked buds! branches started sagging with all the weight. was worried about mold, but checked the inners of some buds and looks good so far. Smells like pine and chlorine now!

Pinesoul - branches look like spears. I could just dry them and throw them javelin style into the bong :slight_smile: Wish I could have gotten a little more bulk out of her… I’m wondering how others will do with her? The smells have kind of reversed for me, I smell super OG now, with a very sweet pine finish. The terps are quite good, she does have that going on. Hopefully the high delivers…


Here’s the reversed Pinesoul - hopefully they drop the good stuff!

Bubba, TK, Irene, Chem D, Chem 91, and Pinsoul are all awaiting the splooge…

Dragon Hammer - awesome smelling frosty plant - sour berries OG Kush funkiness. Lowers are very floppy. I had to tie up everything down there. the top 1/3 of the plant didn’t flop. Would probably make a good scrogger. I can’t wait to smoke this one. Probably done as well at about 65-70 days

Spell Caster - looks like I’m gonna be waiting on this one for a while. I think the high intensity lights are keeping her going at the tops (even though I have both tents turned down now). Also no surprise she’s taking her time with the BH7 in there. I’m getting primarily BH7 smells, but not quite on the level of that plant. I had to tie up the tops, they got too heavy. Looks like she’s fading quickly too. She might yield a few grams :yum:

Triangle Kush | Chem 91 / Chemdawg
Bubba Kush (Berger) | Chem D - Day 50 Flowering

Bubba Kush - looking about done now - probably chop @ 65 days. Classic bubba chocolate/coffee/kush smells. I can’t wait!

TK - TK don’t play! I love the complex smell on this one, you smell it at first, and there’s one smell, then a second later, another smell, and it just goes deeper and deeper… an olfactory rabbit hole I like to tumble down. I could have thinned her branches and bud sites more, and chunked up the buds more, but looks like I’ll have plenty of medium sized ones. She’s fading rather quick, hope I can make it to day 77/80ish

Chem 91/Chemdog - plant is a beast. gonna yield pretty damn solid. Eats up the light and anything I throw at it. I can’t describe the smell much yet, beyond the chem cleaner smell. Buds are chonking out and getting frosted.

Chem D - gettin heavier by the day. Doin her Chem D thang… stanky!

LED 2x4

Trop Cherries is a pretty plant, strong coloring that comes in early. Can’t get the thanksgiving terps out of my nose/brain.

Purp Urkle - lol, that’s the main cola… it did turn purple…

Everyone smoking good out there??!


Looking killer man! Pinesoul reversal looking like its working out - that should be some cool crosses, its made some excellent crosses - soul mate, dragonsoul, etc etc. Nice pairing with bubba and irene - give them some stretch!


Garden is looking so good! You have a nice variety :drooling_face:

Smoking good here…Electric Hashplant and a cup of coffee for the wake and bake. What about you @iamyou_youareme ?


The goji og pinesoul’s thin spear shaped structure and distinct narrow buds are living up to the ocean grown name. it drains well in these heavy rains. this structure will probably save the plant from bud rot due to moisture or humidity.

This is what I expect to see from an og cut in terms of growth- easy to trim, smallish distinctly separated berry to golfball sized buds, resinous, good resin production on the guard leaves and sugar leaves, quick flowering, and versatile for indoor and outdoor growing.

I think this is checking those boxes so far.

for a hybrid, this pinesoul seems like a decent og. In terms of growth, appearance and smell, it pretty much has the growth characteristics that I liked about the og cuts I used to get in the bay area. It’s a good approximation of those traits. I haven’t sampled it yet, but I think I like this plant.

To me, this plant seems much closer to the classic OGs than the rudeboi for example.

I took one sample bud on saturday. I think I’ll be harvesting a pinesoul today. It is very dank, I’m catching whiffs of that sample bud from like 10 feet away.


Keeping my fingers crossed that she will make pollen! Looks like one sac is about to open today. I may pluck one or two of the more fuller looking ones, to see if there’s anything good in there. Agree with the pairings on the Irene and Bubba, they need something to give them some stretch. I wouldn’t complain about a piney smelling bubba either …

Thanks dude! I woke up out of a dead sleep this morning and had to run to the toilet to puke… not a fun way to start my day… I haven’t been sick like that in a while. Must’ve have been something I ate, I was on a mission yesterday to clean out the fridge… :face_vomiting: But, since I was feeling shitty I smoked some Blue Dream this morning, and it settled my stomach and made me somewhat able to function.

Great point, the bud structure does look like it would be good at repelling the elements.

Yup, this one reminds me of the classic OG smell more than any thing else I currently have growing. I think it would do well if you packed 9-12 plants in a 4x4 and let her rip. Gonna be a breeze to trim.

Did you get much flopping on your outdoor stuff?


Nice! That’s exciting. Hope the chop goes well… I know the weather hasn’t been forgiving lately. I’ll probably take mine to 70 days and give her the axe!


Sure, yeah, something you “ate.” Or maybe it was something you drank??? Haha, just kidding.

That Irene is the most “OG”- looking of any Irene’s I’ve seen online. Looks good to me.


haha! I did have a few Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ that were left in the fridge from this weekend, but I don’t think those did it. I wasn’t hungover feeling at all this morning, I know that feeling pretty well, haha, and this wasn’t it. But who knows? I’m thinking it was a questionable salad leftover from who knows when… at least the fridge is clean… so are my bowels… haha… TMI

She got way more filled out than I was expecting. I think she looks like a Bubba/OG cross - I guess no one really knows. She’s about to fall over today, the tops have finished, the leaves and getting pretty gnarly … chopping this weekend.


Interestingly, about the Irene/Bubba thing, I saw this post on CSI’s instagram.


That is interesting, although I am curious why CSI “especially likes” the sole hermaphrodite flower growing at the petiole. Were they joking? They had to have been joking, right? I don’t know anything about CSI, just because I’m not interested in feminized seeds or S1’s, so I don’t know their sense of humor, but I can’t imagine any breeder seriously trying to use herms as some sort of selling point.


I don’t think he’d “use” it necessarily. But what makes it interesting is that Irene is unique in that it grows buds on the petioles. And the consensus was that Irene was a bagseed of Larry.

I’d say Nspecta is just thinking out loud


Oh, so exactly what I was saying in that Irene thread! Is Irene an S1 of Bubba…
But I believe the original story from @Growhard was it’s an OG Kush bagseed :thinking:


a bit, but it’s manageable. some lean on a top cola. mainly just a few of the long lower branches, which are narrow, but stacked with bud.

I have everything in the garden supported with either tomato cages, or stakes on either side tied to the mid point of the stem and the largest branches.

Everything is holding up well in fairly strong winds.


But isn’t that one of CSI’s Bubba S1’s?


Yes, it’s one of his S1 plants. I think he popped 200 or so. He’s pretty transparent about his process, I think. He said he may keep any one that herms for flower production, but not to breed with. Agree with Windy that he’s probably just speculating on the origins of Irene.

Damn, I wish I could run 200 plants in a room like that.

Could be! The Bubba (Berger, I think the same one you’re running) stretched more than the Irene, which surprised me. The Irene and Bubba share some similarities, but I couldn’t say for sure if Irene is an S1 of this particular cut of Bubba. The stem rub on the Irene is more ‘woody’ smelling, the Bubba (Berger) just has that good weed smell, with a little bit of that sweet chocolate smell there. Bubba throws huge fans leaves too, when in veg, which the Irene didn’t really do for me, but that could have just been differences in environment.

Good to hear! I may be able to salvage some outdoor stuff, we’ll see, hopefully we get some more sun, but it’s not looking like it!


Interesting on the more woody smelling stem rub :thinking: that’s something I get a lot of in the TK and other related lines. So she expresses more OG than bubba does. But this Berger cut leans to OG too IMO. Not exactly seeing a lot of NL influence or whatever bubba itself is supposed to be. I suspected Irene being an s1 of the Berger cut just from looking at the leaf and especially the flower morphology. The side by side on the two flowers, like your recent pics here, is damn similar :face_with_monocle:


how are your cangshans holding up after that week of heavy rain? mine just started flowering last week.

if they behave like they have in my garden, they should be able to flower during the fall rains without bud rot for a harvest in early november.


Yep, mine is just starting to flower. Unfortunately the Cangshan 2 blew over in the wind while I was out of town and didn’t make it. I should have staked it a little better. I also lost several other smaller outdoor plants I had going in the recent rains. The other Cangshan is a trooper though, standing tall and sturdy. Hopefully we’ll get the nice weather that forecasted and I’ll get some things to finish outdoors.