Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Some end of grow shots to wrap things up… who knows what is next?

Lavender Jack - looks done. Chopping soon, short dry and freeze… then to hash rosin.

Triangle Kush - about there, 62 days … take her to 77?

Clusterfunk - still trucking, day 74? Chop soon, probably tomorrow.

Purp tent

Purp Urkle - poor little thing. Needed some more… something… maybe light and space? Smells cool though. Mossy dankness with sweet pipe tobacco there.

Chemdog/Chem 91SkVa - this plant is awesome for as old as it’s supposed to be. Smells like some kinda of adhesive, but with just a tad of sweetness in there. Nice large buds that are gnarly looking. I think I heard she smokes well too?? Hah!

Chem D - smells way sweeter than I thought it would. Still can smell the dumpster funk in the back end.

Tropicana Cherries - just in time for thanksgiving! Can’t deny she looks pretty cool with the pink/purplish tones and the white frosting on top.

Spell Caster - probably take her at 80 days or so. Interesting change on the floral note at the end of the BH7 smells. Now it smells more skunk, or dank… guess that’s the Headbanger in there.

Some plant sex - do you feel dirty now? Chem D gettin’ the D…

Blue Dream outdoor, probably not gonna finish, but giving her a fight chance.

Cangshan 2

Super Silver Haze F3 - doesn’t look like much, but nice uplifting high that pairs well with coffee. Smells like a pissier terpineoline. Taste great in J’s.

Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 ’ Church’ - really enjoy this one more and more as I smoke it. Tastes really good and leaves that incense smell in the air. It took me a while to ‘get it’, but it’s become one of my regulars.

Bandaid Haze 7 - love this weed! If I’m having a shit day, a joint of this is bound to turn me around. Wish the flowering time was shorter, but she can’t have it all. I love the floral note when you grind her up, seems to get more intense as she’s aged. Really expanded my horizons growing this one too, kinda opened me up to the possibly of growing longer flowering shit… I really dig it.

Hope everyone is smoking well… take care!


Awesome pictures as always, as well as very healthy plants! Really love the look of that TK. That lav jack has really nice looking & frosty leaves as well. I see a late-stage nanner on that ChemD but it still looks very impressive also. Any current early favorites when it comes to smell / looks?

My Devil’s HP had that and actually smelled like a catholic church haha. That one sounds very appealing to me after reading that.


Appreciate it! The Spell Caster could have been kept a little bit healthier, and the TK could have used some more pruning of sucker branches, to really bulk out the buds, but other than that, it’s been a pretty good round…

Yeah! I really like how they turn dark purple day 48-50ish or so. Your tall Lav Jack looks very different, but I can see some similarities between your Purple Lav Jack and this cut of Lav Jack. This cut smells so powerful, it’s as strong as nail polish, but smells like candied lavender and Jack Herer. I’m hoping the smell can be captured with a quick dry and freeze.

Guess it wouldn’t be Chem D without some nanners… I’ve heard they’re sterile, but first time running her, so I guess I’ll find out. I think her smoke is pretty good, but nothing that really strikes a chord with me.

In terms of smells and looks, I think the Dragon Hammer is impressive. She has a really nice mixture of the Sour/Kush thing going on, and put out some decent weight. The Pinesoul was equally impressive, in terms of smell, I recently went back and looked at the description of the Pinesoul, and it said super lemony… I don’t really get that, but we’ll see what happens in cure. smells more like straight up pine trees to me… The TK is also a standout, in terms of smell, she just has layers… she peels away to different stuff that’s hard to encapsulate.

That’s cool, I’m not even really familiar with the Catholic Church incense smell… I’ve been to two catholic weddings now, and they had incense there, but I was so ready to get to the reception, and that mass shit kept dragging on and I had no idea what they were saying… really couldn’t tell you what the incense smelled like! The Church definitely lingers in the air, though, very aromatic and distinct smelling. I did make a few beans with the Church cut, will be fun to explore those… one day.


Haven’t smoked it yet, but growth wise it’s pretty lackluster. I don’t know if it’s lost vigor, but I suspect a lot of the issue is that people hype things because they’re rare like @HolyAngel said, and I personally think they do it just to sell them.

I’ve gotten these cuts through purchasing or trading or sharing. And, while some are good and enjoyable, so far I have yet to be very impressed by any of the old/rare ones. But I haven’t smoked nearly all of them yet, and I haven’t grown some of them the best so they’re going to get a second chance.

I’ve been comparing notes with some people on smoke and there are some things I’ve noticed. One is that two people can experience the same thing but have crazy different perspectives on it. They say sour, I say sweet; they say gas, I say rubber. I guess this is why eyewitness testimony is so unreliable when trying to prove something - even trained observers will see/smell/hear/taste wildly different things when recounting their shared experiences, and I’m no trained observer.

But then some people have eerily similar descriptions of things, like getting tobacco flavor and texture from a particular cut.

For instance, this guy :roll_eyes: and his descriptions that are pretty spot on to mine:

:green_heart: :laughing:

What I do know for sure is that all of these clones should be free and shared so other people have a baseline knowledge of what they like and dislike from the foundational strains, have an idea of how they grow so they can discover what works best in their grow/terroir, and share the wealth with other people. This will inform the next generation on what’s all BS and hype from old “hippie” hoarders, and what’s actually good and should be shared.

Also @iamyou_youareme how long did you let the DH, Pinesoul, and Irene go in that tent? I sampled Irene (65F) at 10 days hanging and the flavor is pretty spectacular already - very laid back effects too. Had to leave it out in our 17% humidity for about an hour before grinding, but it worked. Super stinky and very sticky, almost greasy.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


I have a very similar photo of purple urkle in my outdoor grow in san francisco like 13 years ago.

you can see this is earlier in flowering, but the leaves and apical growth look almost exactly the same.

That’s cool you are getting the pipe tobacco smell too.

Urkle doesn’t make a big top cola, but it grows dense and the top of every branch was usually identical in size to the one at the apical growth. It does best with a bushy structure, people used to use it for sea of green type growing with bushed out plants.


I love the way that outdoor Blue Dream looks (and everything else, too haha). I haven’t read any BD grow logs in years, but I don’t remember the plants I read about having as narrow leaves as yours does. I could just be forgetting, but it looks good!

I finally started getting into that one this weekend. I dig it, gonna post the report on my log today or tomorrow. There were definitely differences between that one and my three favorites of the ones that I grew.

Where are you seeing that? Is it in the first pic, kind of in the middle right-hand side of the flower? I only ask because I reeeallllyyyy wanna get good at spotting that shit. It was easy to see the nanners on that one Chocolate Blitz plant, just because they were fucking everywhere, but sometimes I feel like I might not see them all the time.


On mobile so can’t screenshot but about midway on the left and one on far right as well. First image.


That right one could be a leaf but the left one is 100% a nanner if i’ve ever seen one. So tempted to toss the Chem D cut, I haven’t even flowered it yet. Unsure if i’ve had it or not pure but, if she’s throwing nanners for you guys she’s 100% gonna be covered for me :confused:


That sticky icky? :green_heart:


That would be a major mistake. I’m not into full on herms, but a few nanners doesn’t bother me - it’s pretty much par for the course. Especially since many of them produce sterile nanners.

All the chems, all the OGs, many of the best kushes, and a ton of the sativas can throw nanners on a whim, even in the best of circumstances. IMO most of the foundational strains of the last twenty years are known to be at least somewhat unstable as cuts or in crosses, so if your criteria is perfectly stable, you’re going to miss out on a lot of good smoke.



Why tho? Do you find the Chem D better than the 91? Better than the chem #4? Better than TK? Better than bubba kush?

I don’t keep plants that throw nanners and balls. Idgaf what it is. I had the 91hpk and tossed it. Tossed the Tahoe too. There’s better cuts that don’t do that. So I don’t see why I’d make an exception for that one. It doesn’t even catch my eye nor look like anything special. The chem#4 really catches my eye tho. And the 91 looks like it could be TK’s sister. Gonna flip those two this weekend.


Yup! It was cool hearing how differently people experienced the exact same plant/nugs. It makes me think that we all just pull from our own experiences when trying to compare how one thing smells like another. Maybe your mom always used Snuggle dryer sheets when you were a kid, so that smell is stuck in your head, and when you smell something similar, it’s hard to let go of that association.

Amen to that. There’s absolutely no reason to hoard these plants any longer, not that there ever really was! It’s cool to go back in time with some of these clones and see where stuff comes from, and they’re good building block for breeding. But I think there’s absolutely better plants out there in someone’s fridge right now (hopefully mine). Getting everyone on the same page is nice, too. So even if you think Irene smells a certain way, at least you know what Irene smells like, and you could pick it up in other plants, if you were trying to breed.

Dragon Hammer went to 68, Pinesoul to 71, and Irene was 65. I prolly let Pinesoul go just a tad too long.


:laughing: I can’t wait!

Yeah that looks like her!

You nailed it! The top cola is actually a tad smaller than some o the lowers, but the structure is exactly as you described. She’s a unique plant, no doubt. I’d really like to see what she could do outside in better lighting and a bigger pot.

Thanks dude, I think it looked a bit different outdoors than it did indoors. It looks more “sativa-ish” to me outside.She’s a sturdy plant, withstood the winds and more rain today, a plant worth hanging on to! I’ve digging the high on her too, great chill summer time weed.

Nice, looking forward to hearing your thoughts on that one. I’ve been smoking both that and the Church pretty much every afternoon, and I haven’t built up much tolerance to them, which is nice.

Good eye @HolyAngel ! Exactly right, both of those were nanners.

Here’s a better look at those suckers.

I think it comes back to what nube and I were discussing in another thread about ‘keepers’. Just boils down to what you really like and what suits you. For some people, Chem D smoke is the GOAT… I can’t say wether or not it will really be for you, but maybe?? I can’t say that she’ll make a great breeding plant, but you just never know what can happen? Look at GMO… even though I know you hate cookies, that plant was everywhere for a minute. Also, I don’t think your focus is running flower for production, so if you’re only in it for the breeding, then there’s prolly better plants out there.


The miltary has Night-vision capabilities. HolyAngel has Nanner-vision.
I easily spot nanners on plants in person, but in photos, my eyes can’t see them. I probably need glasses.


Nah man. You do you. :+1: What I’m saying is, besides a few like bubba, all those foundational strains are known to throw nanners, some more than others. All the chems, OGs, trainwrecks, and :shudder: cookies and their crosses do it. Chem D always throws nanners, but they’re sterile, and she’s half the old school weed world’s :goat: like @iamyou_youareme said. Don’t trash her before you’ve given her a good ol’ college try at least.

Haha no doubt. :grin: It’s all drawn upon past experience. For me it was going to the laundromat much of my life. I was thinking about this the other day and maybe when weed has a dryer sheets flavor, it’s my reaction to a dry, crisp white wine, or a bitter flavor mixed with floral notes. Hits different than thick and sweet smoke. :man_shrugging:

No doubt, she’s made to be outside. Great structure for an endless summer. I can’t get over that smell. Sharp blueberries and pine, a real crowd pleaser.

Same with the SR-71. Interesting! They do seem related…

It’s so weird how it smells way different and better while growing, at least to me, than the dried flower and the smoke. Beautiful weed, but more in the Blue Dream family of effects than the Haze family. Short but quick coming up, then very, very relaxing for me.

That’s been my thoughts on all the “hazes” and old school “sativa hybrids” I’ve sampled lately. I’ve been surprised by how much body effect is in all these “sativas” we’ve been auditioning from friends. And how short the buzz lasts. To me, most seem like 50/50 hybrids, with at least a couple more on the indica side. Not at all what I was expecting based on the discord chatter…

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


I’m asking personally. Comparatively. Does anyone find the Chem D to be a better cut and smoke than any of those other cuts I listed? And why?

What is she the goat at, exactly? Functional daytime weed? Nighttime weed? Pain relief?

She’s been in so many damn crosses, she’s all over the Appalachia crosses, the d95… I feel like even if Ive never had her pure, and I very well might have (Ive had dog bud the chem came from), I’ve still smoked so much of her offspring that I have a pretty damn good idea of what she brings to the table.

And what about the variegation on her? Does that variegation from the D spread to other plants if they’re in the same pot as her?

Is she, with 100000% certainty, completely sterile with those nanners? No one has ever found beans?


A lot of people do, yes. If you’re looking for experienced growers/smokers of all those cuts to weigh in, OG prolly isn’t the best place. But from talking to a lot of other folks who’ve grown all of them, most old school growers consider the D to be the goat for best indica effects and strongest potency out of that list, with TK a close second or flipped for the top spot. That’s not my opinion, but yes - many, many people think that.

The overall point I’m making is don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. It’s worth growing and smoking plants outside of my comfort zone, especially a lot of these old elites, to calibrate my perspective and opinions against others.

Why? Cuz larpy theorycrafting doesn’t work in real life.

Unless I’ve experienced the real thing, grown well in my own garden, I won’t say I know what a particular cut’s all about. I’m not saying I’ve grown anything expertly, just saying I grew up in the Show Me State, and talk is cheap. I can only judge my own experience with any certainty, and never with complete certainty because we’re all fallible creatures.

To that end, for me personally I think it’s always good to challenge & question my own thoughts and opinions - keeps the mind fresh and the mental furrows shallow, lest I fall into the echo chamber of my own creation. I have to broaden my horizons by sharing experiences with others, asking questions and comparing notes, even when it gets weird or uncomfortable. Going outside my comfort zone opens up a lot of rich, new experiences and relationships I’d regret not having if I stuck to rigid doctrine, morality or principals on stuff where it doesn’t.fucking.matter at the end of the day. Breaking with convention, questioning my own biases, making a leap of faith and taking the path less traveled, not sweating the small stuff, etc.

Case in point - me getting over nanner prejudice when growing weed for the pure enjoyment of it. I used to die on that hill, but then I decided to expand my horizons and realized it wasn’t worth excluding the 2/3 of the cannabis genepool that throws nanners fairly often and easily. But I can only speak for myself. You do you.


The variegation does not spread to other clones - it’s genetic, not a virus; a feature, not a bug. And I can’t say with 100% certainty the nanners are sterile, but dozens of other people say they are sterile and my experience with them showing up early in flower was no seeds in her buds. Beyond that, I trust bodhi, csi, stray, and many others who’ve used this cut in breeding enough crosses for enough years that they don’t believe her nanners are viable.

Back on topic here, my latest harvest’s been hanging 14 days and now they’re pretty much dry, stabilizing on the hangers at around 66F/60% during the day and 60/60 at night. Going out of town tomorrow, so I’m gonna tub them until we get back and start to trim next week.

This morning I pulled out a nice 2g sample of Lavender Jack, took off the fan leaves (which were frosty) and ground it up. Smelled just like it should. Ground up pretty good, maybe the tiniest bit tacky in the middle of the buds still, but mostly dry. Hits smooth in the vape - great taste, even the stems taste like it smells. Compared to most of the other cuts, this one’s a notch above for smell and flavor. Effects are enjoyable but still more relaxed than I hoped from a Jack cross, potency is average and medium in length. Excited to see how she does in jars the next couple months.

:rainbow: :sun_with_face:


That’s one of the reasons I find you all growing these elites so fascinating. An honest perspective without unnecessary hype plus the benefit of seeing how they stack up against the phenos you’ve found in seeds. Agree that if you have the opportunity to try them out then it seems like a good idea, if for no other reason than as a reference point.


Chem D does seem to have the reputation of being one of the heaviest hitting indicas with older heads. I think she still holds her own today, but I could see her being very impressive 20 years ago.

All great points. I don’t think I could have said anything better myself…

FOMO, hype, and cliques are all too common pitfalls that end up limiting us, as growers. It’s tough to break those molds, and I’m not saying I’m not guilty of falling in those traps, but I am trying to be more cognizant of them.

Seems to be the case with me so far, I’ve never heard the variegation spreading to other plants through touching, or sharing root zones, but, I also don’t have enough experience with her personally. I till be interesting to see if the trait pops up in any of the Pinesoul crosses. She’s a frosty plant, and the stink really comes on at the end there. That tent reeks up the house if I leave it open.

Chem D - 68 days

Chem 91 - 68 days

Spell Caster - 79 days

Pinesoul reversal success …

Bubba Kush x Pinesoul

Irene x Pinesoul

Chem D x Pinesoul

Chem 91 x Pinesoul

Triangle Kush x Pinesoul

Pinesoul x Pinesoul

It’s great to be able to use these clones as a reference point, and I’m beginning to see them more as different colors of paint, or different musical instruments in a band. They’re good building blocks and tools to help create and learn, but ultimately, you have to figure out what type of music you like, or which paintings move you.


Alright! Another successful run over here… chopped down the last two plants here today at day 77.

Chem 91

Chem D

Also wanted to note that the Chem D smelled super Diesel-y when she came down, along with the 91. When you actually squeeze the Chem D or Chem 91 flower it smells quite different, but the general odor in the air when they came down smelled like driving behind an old shitty school bus or something like that. Just thought it was interesting, as the Chem 91 flower up close smells more like adhesive or glue or chemicals or something like that.

Some Lav Jack I’ve been smoking on -

Also really been digging this Giesel lately … it has a great mouth coating flavor to it. It hits pretty solid too, nice body stone and relaxation effect to it. Doesn’t last hours or anything, usually save it for after dinner or something like that when I’m ready to chill and crash.

Hope all is well with everyone :sunny:


what are the chem d and chem 91 crossed to there?