Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

No crosses on the plants above, just the clone only plants.
(though there may be one or two seeds here and there from the reversed Pinesoul that was in another tent. The Pinesoul didn’t appear to drop a lot of pollen, the lowers of everything in the breeding tent are covered in seeds, so no doubt that some got airborne and could have floated to the production tent)


@iamyou_youareme just finished reading through your thread. I was doing some research on some of the strains you have been running recently and a couple things stood out:

  1. You are a hell of a grower and everything is so well documented.
  2. There is a wealth of information in here from yourself and all of the growers who chimed in. I feel fortunate to learn from y’all and have access to such a wealth of resources and experiences.
  3. Don’t ever open links from @nube titled: Lemon Party. :lemon::partying_face::champagne:

Aww… thanks dude! But… really, I’m just following those who came before me, there’s so many other awesome growers who I’ve learned a lot from. I’m not doing anything special over here, just good dirt, little water, small amount of time and energy, lots of love. Same thing you’re doing over there :slight_smile:

tbh, I’ve been slacking on the documenting and reporting lately, I’ve been busy with other life stuff. I, too, am thankful to everyone who has chimed in on this log with their experiences growing, wether it be the same seeds and plants, or useful tips and tricks, or those who make me laugh or are just shooting the shit… it’s cool to look back and see how much I’ve grown as a grower… when I popped those Black Triangle seeds in my log three years ago, I would have never imagined I’d get to grow the TK then… it seemed like some legendary thing that only those in the know had access to, but here we are. Granted, I feel like clones in general are much easier to get than they were three or four years ago. But, it’s still cool to me!

lmao! I’m glad to know that link is trolling people to this day! It’s even funnier to me that some unsuspecting soul is going to be searching for info on Lemon Party S1’s from CSI:Humboldt and are definitely going to be shocked by what they find! :lemon: :partying_face:



That’s great stuff. :beers:



I got a notification yesterday that said you’d “liked” one of my posts on this thread, so I looked to see what it was and was like,”Oh gawddamn NO. Not the lemon party thing.” I still can’t get that fucking image outta my head haha…


Nice Pinesoul line.:fire::fire::fire:


Thanks for reminding me to follow up.

Pinesoul crosses and S1s are ripening up now… Day 69 of flowering. The Chem 91 may need just a while longer, that one seems to have the most underdeveloped seeds. I’ve pulled a few lowers from everything to make sure the seeds have hardened, and have formed their distinctive tiger stripes. Sometimes the seeds just fall out on their own… or at least make themselves pretty accessible for birds or whatever to grab!

Irene x Pinesoul

Chem D x Pinesoul

Bubba Kush x Pinesoul

I’ll be looking for a few testers for these soon if anyone is interested. I’m planning on sending out five packs of one or two of the crosses, with the requirement (request) that they’re popped within the next 3 months. Perhaps I’ll start a separate thread.

I just mentioned in another thread… I haven’t had much time to dig into the Pinesoul yet, but hope to bust into the jar soon and write up something… I’ve only been smoking like once a day, and I’ve been reaching for Jack at the moment… though I did smoke the Chemdog 91, and TK… whooowee… those are some damn good herbs.


Just so happens I have some room opening up within this month for another seed run…Seems like a bunch of you love this Pinesoul, all the crosses sound great :slight_smile:

I have yet another round of your genetics about to come down and stinking the house up, a good problem to have I suppose. Just dusted some lowers of your GG#4 x T1000 and Agent Orange x T1000 with various Bodhi genetics pollen that was left over in the fridge and some fresh @syzygy SSDD Bubbashine F2 pollen as well. Will be sure to tag you in the future with the progeny :dash: :dash: :dash:


Let me know if you need any outdoor testing in the PNW, I could get some going in the Spring.

I drove up to Archive in the summer to pick up the Pinesoul cut but they were out.

(I grabbed an Obama Kush instead that I pollinated with a Blue Magoo bx3 male from Dynasty)

Nice looking plants, great work!


Bubba x Pinesoul sounds amazing haha


Sweet! Hopefully all the seeds will be dry here soon. I’m drying everything out now and will keep ya posted.

Not a bad problem at all! Cool to see you rocking those plants with some bodhi pollen, hope the crosses work out for you, have fun! I’ll def be on the lookout for the progeny.

Thanks man!

I’ll def be looking for some outdoor testers in the spring, we will have to work something out.

Sorry you drove all the way up, only to be met with disappointment. I’m sure she can make her way to you somehow :wink: you still have that Obama Kush cut??

Blue Magoo is one I keep meaning to try, I’ve heard it’s kind of a PNW staple… hope your cross works out!

We can hope, only one way to find out though! Pop dem seeds!

I’m gonna hop off the clone train here soon and do just that. I’m outta town some during the holidays, but after I get back… new year… new seeds… new tent… new light… LFG!


Cool to see the pine soul going around and getting worked w

Color me interested, I’ve been itching to pop some more goji lately:)

I found a pine soul like pheno during my goji preservation run. I have f2 goji from that particular pheno separated if you have any interest…maybe we trade some wares?


Clusterfunk (Chem 91jb x 88g13hp) @Vagabond_Windy’s Selection

Growth: Like most of the HP crosses I’ve grown, this one was easy to grow, no fuss or special needs. This one was in 2 gal coco. Not much stretch in flower, if any. I could have vegged a bit longer, I think. The buds will definitely need support. I let mine get all floppy, but would have done better with some netting/staking. Finished about 70-73ish days for me.

Smell/Taste: this one is all chemical to me. More astringent smelling than the Chem 91 SkVa, but about on the same ‘loudness’ level. I don’t really smell much of the HP dad in there, which is probably a good thing as the straight HP terps are not my favorite. The taste is excellent though, no matter which method consumed. Strong mouth coating flavor that sticks around for a minute. The Chem smells translate to a different taste, maybe like clean herbal spicy kind of taste - not cleaner like bleach or chlorine, though I can smell those smells in there, but not really taste them. I dunno, haha, they taste good to me.

Effects: pretty strong and fast hitting. I haven’t smoked the Chem 91jb, only the Chem91SkVa. I’d put it just under the SkVa in terms on strength. I feel it in both the body and mind, a pretty nice blend… no anxious thoughts, just relaxing and care-free. Little heaviness in the body, but more just like a “heady indica”, where the body effect isn’t too strong and sedating.

Nice find by Vagabond! Thanks for sharing her with me. There’s gold out there in those Bodhi packs… I hope more people start sharing their finds, especially as legalization happens in more places.


Still truckin’ over here… finally finished shucking the Pinesoul S1 and crosses… took forever. I’m not making seed again for a while…

Lav Jack (NN Cut) about 23-24 days in flower.

Triangle Kush

TK left, Lav Jack Right

T-1000 - Running Jacks321

GG#4 - last run of her for a while…

Bandaid Haze Church and 7 in the back.

Hope everyone is growing well out there!


That’s one nice pile of seed right there tents looking great getting ready for the stacking :grin: stoked to run pinesoul next round bet there’s some neat stuff in the s1s not to mention all the crosses with her you did. Is the gg4 not standing up to the other cuts you got available Is why your not growing her again? or just got enough flower from her? @iamyou_youareme

Going to hit a pinesoul clone to pagoda while I got the pollen flying from the pagoda males think that might be neat and figured why not If I got pollen flying

Growing a g-1000 from csi right now looks rather close to structure the t-1000 side then the gg4 cool too see both side of the genetics grown

Great report on the clusterfunk @supershitfuck talked highly about that cross looks like a great find there @Vagabond_Windy


I like the GG#4 and have kept her around for a few years now, I’m only letting her go because Archive keeps that one regularly stocked, and I can go up and grab a clean copy anytime. I’m trying to narrow the collection of mother plants I really want to keep, and hope to have it down to 3 or 4 plants by the next 6 to 8 months. Keeping a mother room/tent is a good bit of extra work, if I continued trying to keep all 15-16 mother plants I have now, I feel like I’d just lose focus on any long term project with them, beyond just keeping them alive.

Yeah I’m gonna delve into some of my T-1000 and Pinesoul crosses in the new year. I made my own G-1000 cross that came out pretty decent, I think, I hope you find something cool there!

I’m gonna setup a 4x4 dedicated to popping seeds and going through them as fast as I can. It’s been too long since I put a seed in the dirt…


Are you leaning any direction as to what you may be keeping? Great pictures as always! That Lav Jack looks at least as frosty as my Space Monkey keeper was at this stage.


I appreciate you checking her out and making her look so damn good. The least I could do, with all the kindness you’ve thrown my way, is share.
Now if only I could get her to look so nice :melting_face:


It’s a hard question to answer, and of course anything is subject to change, and I’m kinda buzzed up on a Monday night…so there’s that. So far, I’m thinking of keeping:

Bandaid Haze 7 - something about this one is intriguing to me. The high is solid, the terps are weird, the growth is crazy, and it’s long flowering… but I’d like to pop a few packs of BH IX 3.0 and OP all the males back to the BH7, just for exploration in the future and preservation.

Chem91SkVa - I know a ton of work has already been done with this one, but I think it’s a solid building block. I’d like to cross different males to this one and see how they all come out. I think it’s useful as a canvas to throw different things at and see what sticks. The high is consistent for me, if I want to get pretty solidly stoned, I reach for the Chem jar.

TK - another super solid plant, also one that has a lot of work done with it. I only want to keep it around to do comparisons to CSI’s TK5150 S1’s. Depending on how the S1’s smoke, I may let her go. She’s a great plant and a solid representation of great OG/Kush style plants.

Santa Cruz Blue Dream / Lav Jack - I group these together only because they’re about on the same potency level for me. Then they have smells that are unique enough to explore more of. My girl really likes the SCBD, so I may just keep it around for her, and grow it out every now and then, or do some chucks with it. The Lav Jack is an eye catcher, flavorful, smells great, all around good smoke, but too not potent, it may not be “strong” enough for some serious smokers.

Bubba Kush (Berger) - I like Bubba, that’s it! High, flavor, smells, the way it grows… it’s good. Could be interesting to S1.

I was chatting with a good friend about the lot of clones I’ve run recently, and realized that a lot of the work has already been done by good selectors, like Bodhi, Doc D, Mean Gene, and so on… they’ve already improved the gene pool, and I should probably take heed of the work they’ve done. I only make crosses for my own exploration, to see how one thing interacts with another, I’m not at the level that those dudes are. Something to aspire to, maybe… but I’m content with running the seeds those guys have already made… they’ve already put in the time and work, what more can I offer in my limited space and time?

Anyways… maybe none of those will make the final cut, but those have my interest right now. I think a lot of the fun for me is in the hunt. Will I ever be satisfied? Probably not… but I can die trying.

I’m pretty sure your’s looks just as good… the lens and camera make the difference in the photos… and really all that matters is that she smokes well. Speaking of, it’s time for a Clusterfunk nightcap!


My problem too (but is it really a problem?). I look at my seed list almost daily and can never make up my mind as to what is next.

Of the kushes, I might keep TK. Definitely keeping Irene. Bubba is a maybe but leaning towards tossing it because I have seeds I think have better potential.

Of the haze hybrids. Keeping BH7 and Lav Jack. 16 week kind haze and a 10 ish week wonderfully flavorful Jack hybrid.

Don’t really care for the chem D, the high smashes me to a useless pulp lol. Jury is still out on Chem91 although the samples of her I recently received have a great flavor and more focused high that i enjoy more than the TK samples.
Still have yet to try Legend OG and Tahoe had a bad transition on my part so I’ve yet to try her.