Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

I feel ya! I have 4 pages of a seed list and want to pop them all!


Good to read your thoughts on the cuts as always.

I’ve got similar thoughts and group these two together as well. On my end I’m thinking of dropping blue dream after doing a bit of chucking as I find that I like the high a bit more on Lav Jack. Blue dream is a bit too foggy / mellow with a sleepy crash for a daytime go-to for me, whereas I’ve found Lav Jack to have more mental clarity and not as much of a crash to it. I think Lav Jack is more impressive in flavor & aroma, and a bit easier of a trim. Blue dream is a better yielder and stretches a lot more.

Agree with you about bodhi, doc d etc improving the gene pool. I’m looking forward to getting back to looking through some seeds as well - the clones are great for the experience - getting to know specific flavors, smells & highs everyone else uses to describe plants. I’m still trying to find bud that resembles the late 2000s dank I was getting around shakedowns, college and such… I thought it was in the chem/sour lines… headband or something, but thinking that may have not been it now haha. I definitely don’t remember any bad coffee breath terps :stuck_out_tongue: . Closest I’ve found has been in a blue sunshine seed… some sort of savory garlic BO hops or something alongside berry maybe. Blue dream wasn’t it, despite being tasty and just like I remembered it being… blueberry smartees ha.


Interested to hear/see what you find in the 5150’s!
Is that the 5150 x TK pack you’re talkin about?
If so, that’s S1 x S1 = 5150, x TK = Fem TK BX1 :drooling_face:
I’d think there’d be a good chance of finding something as good as the TK is with that :thinking:
If it’s just an S1 of the 5150, might be hard pressed, but still good to have momma around for comparison :relaxed:

I find it interesting how all of us feel on these different cuts! TK is my GOAT at the moment… Spend a weak with her every day and she’ll no longer give ya any white knuckle issues @Vagabond_Windy :wink: Just a glorious daytime high that’s sociable and has focus.

I have less than a month to go to try the chem4 and chem91 for possibly the first time in decades, if ever. Chem D just got flipped, so ~two months to go on that one, but I have to say I’m not impressed with her at all so far.

I do love the bubba but I’m still gonna be keeping an eye out for better :wink:

Pretty sure you guys know how I feel on the other cuts :joy:


I’m kinda quietly shiting myself…lol if this trade works out. I’ll have a pk of 5150×tk…my thoughts are indeed the same. .there’s gotta be a tk rival or better in there… and I mean one pk should have it. .lol me being insightful :joy:


I’m out of likes again :unamused::cry:

But yeah dude! That’d be a great place to look for her in!

Mimir is currently hunting through the TriForce to find a TK Male to make our own BX1 but we’re still a ways out. Also while you’re here, those Mendo Sunshine you sent me awhile back are about to get wet :sunglasses:


Did I send you that pk. Or was it a half pk. It was half right?


I’m still chasing the odor of the first Sensi Star cutting I was given in 02. All SS I’ve tried since then have been fruity or tropical smelling. The nostalgia chase when going through seeds keeps it fun for sure.

Also wanted to thank everyone for posting detailed thoughts on all these cuts!


Yeah that’s definitely part of the fun! At least you know a name haha, I’m totally clueless though did get one hint from an old friend about blue magoo… who knows.
I grew two sensi star v1 x puck from crickets and cicada and there wasn’t any fruit - all earthy funky pine. He’s got two sensi star cuts, don’t recall either having fruit / tropical.


yeah was a half pk or so, think 4 beans.


you looking for the piney metallic taste? I have some F4’s made from a SensiStar leaning C5SensiStar F3 girl. I had a boy just like her too but ended up using the haze leaning male on her instead. Might be worth looking through :man_shrugging: I also have a pack of SensiStar F4’s from GrowHard but no idea what’s in there.


that was a classic black market cut here in oregon.
it was usually good bud if your weed guy was any good haha


I’m on the opposite coast but I do think I pieced it together haha. I’m planning on looking through dynasty’s blue magoo bx3 to see if it sparks any memories! I think it would be a good line to use a male or two from on some cuts too since it should be pretty stable as a bx3.


Out of likes again :cry:

@WhiteBoyRick has grown at least one pack of those blue magoo bx3’s. I had tried the cut when I was visiting Oregon a couple years back and thought it was pretty decent. Bit too florally for my preference but definite pain relief and a good high. I too figured it would be a good line to use a male from :wink: specifically in my case I was thinking with the SSDD but I might go a different direction there. See if/when I get to the Blue Magoo packs…


Thats cool you liked the original cut! I know you’re pretty picky ha. I remember berry floral incense kind of thing… but its been a looooong time. Maybe I can make that SSDD cross happen, the blue magoo is one of a couple in line for next seeds to try here. I also got a cool freebie with it (blueberry x starfighter) x blue magoo bx2 that could be interesting.


yeah that’s exactly it!

All the plants I’ve seen from the BX3’s have been pretty damn uniform. If you do pop them soon and doing a male hunt, I would love some pollen to use on my SSDD girl and I’ll split the beans with you 50/50. Or I can send her over to you to run, either way :pray: :slight_smile:

:fire: I love the Professor’s freebies! I bet those will definitely be interesting!


I don’t know how to describe it but I’d say it wasn’t piney at all either. It had a kind of spice component to it for sure.

I got the cutting from a friend who got it from his friend that supposedly was bringing a lot of seeds back from Amsterdam & the Cannabis Cup at the time. I’ve heard somewhere that coffee shops sometimes would rename seeds to what is popular so who knows if it was actually SS. It was a very unique, semi offensive odor that I haven’t really encountered since. I had a similar smell in one Black Triangle pheno that lost the aroma by harvest time and that’s the closest I’ve gotten so far.


Hmm I’m not too sure then :thinking:

You’re welcome to either f4 pack if you want them tho.


For sure we’ll figure somethin out!


Well… Fuck them haha! Fuck those Serious Smokers!

I’m just kidding (kind of), although I do wonder what exactly you mean by that.

All of the ones you’re considering keeping around sound good to me. I don’t see any reason NOT to, except for what you said about space/time. I dunno if I’d lump the Blue Dream and the Lavender Jack together, though. Obviously, I’m basing that on the samples I tried and not on the plants I’ve yet to grow, but I feel like they’re pretty different from one another. Honestly, of all the ones you listed in your possible keepers, those are the two I’d put at the top, if only because you just don’t see weed like those two around very much. It’s like, everything is,”RAW POWER!” but I think there’s definitely a (very big) spot for stuff like the BD and the LJ.


haha! yeah deciding what to plant is a problem all on it’s own.

She should have received an honorable mention in my post above. The Irene is pretty good too, stronger than the Bubba for me, but nothing crazy spectacular in the high department, just a good kush stone. Her perfume-y sticky icky nugs are her highlights imho.

Yeah, same here. Makes me feel dumb, haha. I don’t need feel feel any dumber than I already am.

Yeah these two are going through flower next, so the jury is still out on them.

that feeling never goes away, haha

Agree with your assessments…

the unicorn is out there somewhere… mine is some kind bud with no name that I got from my sketchy ass neighbor in college. I think he handed it to me wrapped up in paper, terrible plug… I’ll never forget taking a couple bong rips out of my shitty purple acrylic bong and have my brain blasted to cartoon world though. Whatever that herb was, was one of the only buds I’ve had visual “hallucinations” from… I’ve been chasing that high ever since.

Yeah it’s the 5150 TK x TK from CSI, so more of a TK backcross. Def gonna keep the momma around for the seed run and do a side by side grow off.

The Triangle is up there for sure. I’m excited about this second run with her, she’s looking a little better than the first.

Will be interested on how the Chem4 compares to the 91… yeah the D has room for improvement… dare I say that GMO is an improvement upon her :joy:

let’s hope it’s my pack, haha! j/k I hope someone out there finds something better and shares it!

That’s part of the fun for me too, thinking about all the good weed I’ve had over the years… those memories are strongly associated with good times with friends and happy moments in my life. Good to (try to) relive them sometimes.

yeah I’ve been on the lookout for the cut around here… no luck. I do see the bud in dispensaries sometimes though.

Haha! Really though, fuck them… in seriousness though - I think someone who smokes OGs/Kushes/Chems all day might be disappointed in the strength of Lav Jack… for me, she’s perfect. I don’t think she’s weak, just scratches a different itch.

I guess I grouped them up on terms of their potency for me. The highs are pretty different from one another, the Blue Dream makes me feel all floaty, like I’m outside my body a little, watching myself on some sort of auto-pilot. Lav Jack just makes things a little brighter and a little happier for me.

haha! Yeah! I feel there’s been this pressure for breeders to make things as strong, and as full of THC as possible… potency! Potency! If it doesn’t test at over 25% THC its garbage…

Fuck all that nonsense… every time I drink a beer, I don’t wanna get blackout drunk… it’s the same with weed. I’d rather it be more enjoyable in flavor and effect, instead of just reducing me to a useless puddle on the couch. Although… there are those times when I want to drink half a bottle of whiskey and get a little rowdy… they’re few and far between these days!